JL Ferain In addition, microbial polysaccharides are used in a large variety of products ranging from foods to chemicals (e.g. AI Ross DNA methylation was halted by the addition of 5 µl of 1.5 M sodium acetate, pH 7.0 containing 1 M β‐mercaptoethanol, 15 mM EDTA and 0.1 mg ml−1 sheared calf thymus DNA. V Coakley (1997) successfully transferred the 60.2-kb phage resistance, conjugative plasmid, pMRCO1, to a variety of starters by using the genetic determinants for lacticin 3147 immunity encoded on the plasmid. S DP However, not all phage resistance plasmids are conjugative, and the potential for plasmid incompatability and the paucity of dominant selectable markers for many phage resistance plasmids continues to present challenges for food-grade strain improvement. Khunajakr (, Kuipers M Diagrammatic representation of the homologous recombination event between hsdS determinants on the progenitor plasmids pAH33 and pAH82, which results in the formation of two new hsdS determinants on the co-integrate plasmid pAH90. 5A, lane 9). Beerthuyzen (, Leenhouts Exposure of DNA to dimethylsulphate (DMS) generates methylated bases that are cleaved in the presence of piperidine. Schwarz The primary purpose of CorA is to transport magnesium into the cell, where transport depends on membrane potential and does not appear to require ATP ( Smith & Maguire, 1998 ). T The intersubunit ferroxidase centre of E. coli Dps consists of Asp78 and Glu82 of one subunit and His51, His63 and Asp67 of another ( Fig. Zottola The difference in DNA binding affinities of DpsA and DpsB, despite their very similar N‐terminal regions (Fig. Initial gel retardation analyses using DNA fragments ranging in size from ∼300 bp to ∼3000 bp suggested that neither DpsA nor DpsB were capable of binding DNA (not shown). Twomey Coffey Espinosa M The plasmid-encoded nature of many bacteriocins is of major significance because, like phage resistance, the property can be disseminated with ease amongst different strains. de Vos ( Teuber, 1999 ). MJ Vos WM J yellow agar reddish orange- Moineau Venema LG A T What is the rising action of faith love and dr lazaro? Bozonnet Moineau M U Encyclopedia of Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry. Transcriptome Sequence and Plasmid Copy Number Analysis of the Brewery Isolate Pediococcus claussenii ATCC BAA-344T during Growth in Beer. Casaus (, Filutowicz (, Hill Ano ang Imahinasyong guhit na naghahati sa daigdig sa magkaibang araw? This resulted in the generation of a number of lactococcal starter cultures, which were phage resistant and bacteriocin-producing. Bacteria grown in broth culture show different patterns of growth. Such plasmids have in some cases enabled the construction of superior starters capable of enduring prolonged exposure to phage in milk fermentations under commercial cheese-making conditions. M AC Siezen Hill Diaz-Orejas Although pNP40 harbours two abortive infection mechanisms, AbiE and AbiF ( Garvey, 1995 ), pNP40 was found to increase the survival rate of the lactococcal host to 90%, a feature not indicative of abortive infection alone. In this case, the presence of IS 982 between the promoter (P1) and the first gene of the cluster resulted in the creation of two new promoters, P2 and P2′. BE Condon Fitzgerald TR Walker CQ The 24‐meric ferritins lack the BC helix, but the DpsB A, B, C and D helices superpose on the four‐helix core of a single E. coli ferritin subunit with an RMS of 1.33 Å on 81 Cα atoms (Fig. Consequently, it is timely to reflect on the desirable characteristics encoded on lactococcal plasmids. The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Multiply. Dajani diacetylactis 1816 ( Kempler & McKay, 1979 ). Details of the data collection are given in Table 1. Misra Search for other works by this author on: Department of Biological Sciences, Cork Institute of Technology, Cork, Ireland, Molecular cloning and characterization of Tap, a putative multidrug efflux pump present in, A 30 kDa cell wall protein produced by plasmid DNA which encodes inhibition of phage adsorption in, Molecular characterisation of three small isometric-headed bacteriophages which vary in their sensitivity to the lactococcal phage resistant plasmid pTR2030, Phage resistance mechanisms in lactic acid bacteria, Initiation of plasmid pC194 replication and its control in, Genetics and mechanisms of glycopeptide resistance in enterococci, A ColE1-compatible expression vector for the production of His-tagged fusion proteins, Cloning of two bacteriocin genes from a lactococcal bacteriocin plasmid, Organization and nucleotide sequences of two lactococcal bacteriocin operons, Phage operon involved in sensitivity to the, Microbiological and molecular impacts of AbiK on the lytic cycle of, Novel food-grade plasmid vector based on melibiose fermentation for the genetic engineering of, Exopolysaccharide production and texture-promoting abilities of mixed-starter cultures in yogurt production, An unusually long-lived antisense RNA in plasmid copy number control, in vivo RNAs encoded by the streptococcal plasmid pIP501, Exoploysaccharides produced by the dairy lactic acid bacteria, Nucleotide sequence of a plasmid pCL2.1 from, Replication control of plasmid P1 and its host chromosome, Nucleotide sequence and characterization of the cell envelope proteinase plasmid in, The use of ropy milk as stabiliser in the manufacture of ice cream, Biochemical and genetic characterization of enterocin P, a novel sec-dependent bacteriocin from, Application and evaluation of the phage resistance- and bacteriocin-encoding plasmid pMRC01 for the improvement of dairy starter cultures, Bacteriophage-resistance systems in dairy starter strains, Identification and characterisation of a plasmid encoding abortive infection from, Plasmid-encoded bacteriophage insensitivity in members of the genus, Genetics and Molecular Biology of Streptococci, Lactococci and Enterococci, Increasing the phage resistance of cheese starters, a case study using Lactococcus lactis DPC4268, Use of a broad-host-range bacteriocin-producing, Extrachromosomal elements in group N streptococci, A food-grade approach for functional analysis and modification of native plasmids in, Identification and classification of bacterial plasmids, Microbiol polysaccharides of applied interest, Molecular characterization of a new abortive infection system (AbiU) from, Biotechnology of lactic acid bacteria with special reference to bacteriophage resistance, Epidemiology and classification of plasmids, Compatibility groups among fi – R factors, Genomic organization of lactic acid bacteria, Recent developments in the biosynthesis and applications of heteropolysaccharides from lactic acid bacteria, Characterization of the locus responsible for the bacteriocin production in, Genetics of Streptococci, Enterococci and Lactococci. M Galvin (, Su Giraldo 2011. KJ Progress in this area has been well documented in a variety of comprehensive reviews in recent years ( Klaenhammer, 1984 , 1987 ; Sanders, 1988 ; Coffey, 1991 ; Klaenahmmer, 1991 ; Hill, 1993 ; Sing & Klaenhammer, 1993 ; Klaenhammer & Fitzgerald, 1994 ; Dinsmore & Klaenhammer, 1995 ; Nyengaard, 1995 ; Garvey, 1995a ; Daly, 1996 ; Josephsen & Neve, 1998 ; Forde & Fitzgerald, 1999 ; Moineau, 1999 ; Coffey & Ross, 2002 ; Walker & Klaenhammer, 2003 ) and it is notable that the majority have been linked to plasmid DNA. The level of expression therefore depends on the strength of the promoter. Here biochemical and structural evidence is presented to indicate that the orfY genes encode Dps proteins. SJ Gruss Initial phases were again improved by solvent flattening and fourfold NCS averaging and alternating cycles of model building and refinement performed. Dickely (1995) combined a nonsense, ochre suppressor with the minimal replicon of a citrate plasmid from the strain L. lactis ssp. The void volume was determined using Blue dextran. 3C). GF 2B). M Klein LA Easson F A detergents, cosmetics, paints, pesticides, fertilisers, explosives, pharmaceuticals). Such strains now have a selectable advantage and perform as alternative starters for cheese manufacture where they can offer the product an ‘in built’ protection against undesirable microbiota. If you do not receive an email within 10 minutes, your email address may not be registered, KA C Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects. EE Furthermore, phage DNA was not detected in pNP40-containing cells until 30 min following exposure to phage c2 compared with 5 min in a sensitive host, indicating that DNA injection was impaired or delayed. L van der Vossen Gram - pink Shape: rod Arrangement: single? GF In this case, the phage is afforded the protection of the cell methylase and can infect the other cells without interference from the R/M system. McKay In contrast, all theta-type plasmids with the same inserts were stably maintained. (, Novel Abreu DS Davidson The amplified genes encoded the native proteins, except for the substitution of Ile‐2 by Val as a consequence of the introduction of an NcoI site. Bacteriocin immunity and resistance to metal ions are powerful means of selecting for desirable traits when encoded on the same piece of DNA. pRAF800 was subsequently used to clone the abortive infection mechanism, AbiQ, which was then transferred into an industrial L. lactis strain that became highly phage resistant. Moreover, analysis of the DpsA and DpsB proteins for three‐dimensional patterns of amino acid side‐chains resembling those of ferroxidase centres using the ASSAM program (Artymiuk et al., 1994) failed to detect any matches to either inter or intrasubunit ferroxidase centres. Wei M Dps (Mini-ferritin) Have Different Reactivities with Peroxide (, Tortorello H Parrot PA Deng Oligomeric state of DpsA and DpsB. At this time, plasmids were being sized by electron microscopy and by agarose gel electrophoresis ( Larsen & McKay, 1978 ). 5D, lower panel). (, Walker MJ TR Lactococcus lactis. Developments in Biological Standardization, A leucine repeat motif in AbiA is required for resistance of, The Lactococcal abortive phage infection system AbiP prevents both phage DNA replication and temporal transcription switch, Sequence and analysis of the 60 kb conjugative, bacteriocin-producing plasmid pMRC01 from, Molecular characterization of a second abortive phage resistance gene present in, Inorganic salts resistance associated with a lactose-fermenting plasmid in, Phenotypic and genetic characterization of the bacteriophage abortive infection mechanism AbiK from, AbiQ, an abortive infection mechanism from, Molecular characterization of a theta replication plasmid and its use for development of a two-component food-grade cloning system for, CadC, the transcriptional regulatory protein of the cadmium resistance system of, Plasmid rolling circle replication and its control, Regulation of replication of an iteron-containing DNA molecule, Bacteriophage defence systems in lactic acid bacteria, Identification of four phage resistance plasmids from, Development and application of pFM011 as a possible food-grade cloning vector, Possible plasmid nature of the determinant for production of the antibiotic nisin in some strains of, Novel mechanism of bacteriocin secretion and immunity carried out by lactococcal multidrug resistance proteins, Lacticin 3147 displays activity in buffer against Gram-positive bacterial pathogens which appear insensitive in standard plate assays, Cloning and DNA sequence analysis of two abortive infection phage resistance determinants from the lactococcal plasmid pNP40, The lactococcal plasmid pNP40 encodes a third bacteriophage resistance mechanism, one which affects phage DNA penetration, Molecular genetics of bacteriophage and natural phage defence systems in the genus, In vivo genetic systems in lactic acid bacteria, Dietry modulation of the human colonic microbiota, insights on the molecular mechanism for the activation of DNA replication in iteron-containing bacterial plasmids, A conformational switch between transcriptional repression and replication initiation in the RepA dimerization domain, Genetic analysis of the multidrug transporter, Characterization of the replicon from the lactococcal theta-replicating plasmid pJW563, Replication regions of two pairs of incompatible lactococcal theta-replicating plasmids, Conjugative plasmid transfer in Gram-positive bacteria, Insertion of foreign DNA into plasmids from Gram-positive bacteria induces formation of high-molecular-weight plasmid multimers, The family of highly interrelated single-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid plasmids, Construction of a lactococcal expression vector, expression of hen egg white lysozyme in Lactococcus lactis, The mobilization protein, MobM, of the streptococcal plasmid pMV158 specifically cleaves supercoiled DNA at the plasmid, Insertion elements on lactococcal proteinase plasmids, Identification of chromosomal mobile element conferring high-level vancomycin resistance in, Construction of a bacteriophage resistance derivative of, Molecular organization of the minimal replicon of novel, narrow-host-range, lactococcal plasmid pCI305, Small, stable shuttle vectors based on the minimal pVS1 replicon for use in Gram-negative, plant-associated bacteria, Food-grade delivery system for controlled gene expression in, Exploitation of plasmid pMRC01 to direct transfer of mobilizable plasmids into commercial lactococcal starter strains, Production of enterolysin A by a raw milk enterococcal isolate exhibiting multiple virulence factors, Bacteriophage and bacteriphage resistance in lactic acid bacteria, Localization, cloning, and expression of genetic determinants for bacteriophage resistance (Hsp) from the conjugative plasmid pTR2030, Nucleotide sequence and distribution of the pTR2030 resistance determinant (, In vivo exchange of a functional domain from a type II A methylase between lactococcal plasmid pTR2030 and a virulent bacteriohage, Nisin biosynthesis genes are encoded by a novel conjugative transposon, Characterization of a water-soluble polysaccharide fraction with immunopotentiating activity from, A transposon-like element on the lactose plasmid of, Deriving-phage insensitive lactococci using a food-grade vector encodong phage and nisin resistance, Conserved sequence motifs in the initiator proteins for rolling circle DNA replication encoded by diverse replicons from eubacteria, eucaryotes and archaebacteria, Excess intracellular concentration of the pSC101 RepA protein interferes with both plasmid DNA replication and partitioning, Formation of an RNA primer for initiation of replication of ColE1 DNA by ribonuclease H, Conjugal transfer in lactic streptococci of plasmid-encoded insensitivity to prolate- and small isometric-headed bacteriophages, Artificial promoters for metabolic optimization, Purification and partial amino acid sequence of plantaricin S, a bacteriocin produced by, Characterization and purification of helveticin J and evidence for a chromosomally determined bacteriocin produced by, Coexpression of proteins in bacteria using T7-based expression plasmids, expression of heteromeric cell-cycle and transcriptional regulatory complexes, Exploiting polysaccharides from lactic acid bacteria, Lactic Acid Bacteria: Genetics, Metabolism and Applications, Introduction of bacteriophage-resistance plasmids into commercial, structure and function of a chromosomal replicating machine, Genetic evidence for plasmid-linked lactose metabolism in, Biochemistry and genetics of citrate utilisation in, Theta replication of the lactococcal plasmid pWV02, The mode of replication is a major factor in segregational plasmid instability in, B-cell mitogen produced by slime-forming, encapsulated, Interactions of bacteriophage with lactic streptococci, Plasmid-directed mechanisms for bacteriophage defence in lactic streptococci, Development of bacteriophage resistant strains of lactic acid bacteria, Genetics of bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria, Bacteriophage and bacteriophage resistance, Genetics and Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria, evidence for a high-frequency conjugative plasmid responsible for abortive infection of virulent bacteriophage, Controlled gene expression systems for lactic acid bacteria, transferable nisin-inducible expression cassettes for Lactococcus, Leuconostoc, and Lactobacillus spp, Quorum sensing by peptide pheromones and two-component signal-transduction systems in Gram-positive bacteria, Genetics of the proteolytic system of lactic acid bacteria, Construction of plasmid cloning vectors for lactic streptococci which also replicate in, Computer-assisted dissection of rolling circle DNA replication, The effect of proflavin, ethidium bromide and an elevated temperature on the appearance of nisin-negative clones in nisin-producing strains of, Characterization of multiple regions involved in replication and mobilization of plasmid pNZ4000 coding for exopolysaccharide production in, Molecular characterisation of plasmid-encoded, functional analysis of the glycosyltransferase genes involved in synthesis of the polysaccharide backbone, Nucleotide sequence analysis of the lactococcal EPS plasmid pNZ4000, Replication of plasmids in Gram-negative bacteria, Plasmid profiles of lactose negative and proteinase deficient mutants of, Characterization of the nisin gene cluster, DNA restriction-modification systems mediate plasmid maintenance, Transport of beta-casein-derived peptides by the oligopeptide transport system is a crucial step in the proteolytic pathway of, DNA processing reactions in bacterial conjugation, Isolation and characterisation of plasmid DNA in, Biosynthesis, characterisation, and design of bacterial exopolysaccharides from lactic acid bacteria, Nucleotide sequence and characterization of the broad-host-range lactococcal plasmid pWVO1, Construction of a food-grade multiple-copy integration system for, Parameters affecting plasmid stability in, Cloning vectors for lactococci based on a plasmid encoding resistance to cadmium, Genetic analysis of regions involved in replication and cadmium resistance of the plasmid pND302 from, Genetic and transcriptional analysis of a novel plasmid-encoded copper resistance operon from, Transcriptional activation of the citrate permease P gene of, Construction of a food-grade host/vector system for, New thermosensitive plasmid for Gram-positive bacteria, Effects of fermented, ropy, non-dairy, oat-based products on serum lipids and the faecal excretion of cholesterol and short chain fatty acids in germfree and conventional rats, Generation of food-grade recombinant lactic acid bacterium strains by site-specific recombination, Purification and characterisation of aminopeptidase P from, Simultaneous loss of proteinase- and lactose utilizing enzyme activities in, Functional properties of plasmids in lactic streptococci, Loss of lactose metabolism in lactic streptococci, Conjugal transfer of genetic information in group N streptococci, Genetic engineering of lactobacilli, leuconostoc and, tools for generating insertional mutations in the lactic acid bacteria, Use of lacticin 481 to facilitate delivery of the bacteriophage resistance plasmid pCBG104 to cheese starters, Applications of phage resistance in lactic acid bacteria, Homopolysaccharides from lactic acid bacteria, Increasing starter cell lysis in Cheddar cheese using a bacteriocin-producing adjunct, Evaluation of a spray-dried lacticin 3147 powder for the control of, Selfish behaviour of restriction-modification systems, Cholesterol lowering activity of ropy fermented milk, Novel lantibiotics and their pre-peptides, Enterolysin A, a cell wall-degrading bacteriocin from.

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