By Ramakrishnan Narasimhan. Certification of these organic products will be available to the aquaculture industry, if requested, during the 24 month transition. 91. 26. 46. If your business is not involved in the food commodities listed below, you do not need to consider Part 6. food business activities that would require a licence under the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations, Manufacture, process, treat, preserve, grade, package, or label food for export or to be sent across provincial or territorial borders, Export food (where an export certificate is requested), Slaughter food animals from which meat products are derived for export or to be sent across provincial or territorial borders, Store and handle a meat product in its imported condition for inspection by CFIA. In the SFCR, growing and harvesting of fresh fruits or vegetables, is also a prescribed activity under the definition of "prepare." 24. If a foreign country does not have a requirement for non-food safety elements such as compositional standards, grades or container sizes, the food that is exported can meet the specifications of a foreign buyer instead of the specific requirement in the SFCR. Part 11 combines the food labelling requirements from the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act and its Regulations, Canada Agricultural Products Act and its Regulations, Meat Inspection Act and its Regulations and the Fish Inspection Act and its Regulations. The Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR) are now in force. 71. 34. (a) the label that is applied or attached to the container bears the expression “Gift Pack” or “emballage-cadeau” or the expression “Combo Pack” or “emballage mixte”; (c) the net weight of the fresh fruits or vegetables and other food in the container does not exceed 10 kg. Under the SFCR, businesses need a licence based on the activities they conduct. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency enforces the food safety and nutritional quality standards established by Health Canada.. For example, a packing shed for fresh fruits or vegetables or a shack where maple syrup is prepared. Documents that are incorporated by reference have the flexibility to be changed and updated to reflect advances in science, innovation, and global trade agreements. The 19-year old industry coalition supports the update and favors strengthening Canada’s food regulations. On January 15, 2019, a new era of food safety in Canada began when the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR) came into force. 69. 59. The handbook is intended for food businesses, including exporters and importers, who need to comply with the SFCR. The return of meat products needs to be authorized by a CFIA inspector before it is returned. Food supply chains are expanding and becoming more complex. (a) the label that is applied or attached to the container bears the expression “Fresh Pack” or “emballage frais” or, in the case of consumer prepackaged fresh vegetables, the expression “Stew-pack” or “légumes mixtes” or the expression “Vegetables for Stew” or “légumes pour ragoût”; (b) no one type of fresh fruit or vegetable in the container exceeds 1 kg net weight; and. The SFCA received royal assent (became law in Canada) in November 2012. However, a person is permitted to export a food that meets a foreign country's requirement that is different from the SFCR requirement, only if the food was prepared by a licence holder under sanitary conditions. 41. Fill out the form below and you will hear from us shortly. Manufacture, process, treat, preserve, grade, package, or label food for export or to be sent across provincial or territorial borders 3. Help; Search within this Act: Table of Contents. in respect of a food, the food meets specific requirements, for example, must be edible and not contaminated, and; for an application for the purpose of alleviating a shortage, proof is given that the exemption is necessary to alleviate that shortage, or, for an application for the purpose of test market, the exemption would not confuse or mislead the public, or disrupt normal trading or food pricing patterns, it will be processed within the same establishment where the food animal was slaughtered and is identified to allow it to be linked with any edible meat products derived from it. On Friday January 5th, 2018, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) published the “What We Heard Report”; the Government’s first official response to the Safe Foods for Canadians … PDF Full Document: Safe Food for Canadians Regulations [1622 KB] Regulations are current to 2020-09-09 and last amended on 2019-06-17. Some of the traceability requirements apply to persons who sell food to consumers at retail, excluding restaurants or other similar enterprises. AMPs are part of a range of compliance and enforcement tools that the CFIA will use to encourage compliance with federal legislation and regulations it enforces. 8. 78. 74. Import food or food products 2. These changes position the Agency as a nimble, responsive regulator. My congratulations to the entire team! While there are many provisions in the SFCR which will be covered later in this handbook, there are three fundamental new elements that are of particular interest to most food businesses. "Consumer prepackaged" foods are in their final packaging, and ready for sale to an individual to be used for non-commercial purposes. 47. exports, including requirements relating to export of non-compliant food, and how to obtain an export certificate, non-application of some requirements for foods that are a mixture of a food and ready to eat meat, have an address (fixed place of business) in a foreign country that has a food safety system assessed and recognized as providing the same level of protection; and, import the food to Canada directly from the foreign country in which you carry out your business, the application requirements for the issuing, renewing and amending of a licence and rules relating to work shifts for slaughtering food animals and conducting regulated activities relating to meat products, and, requirements related to suspension and cancellation.

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