There is no exception for contracts listed in Annex II of Regulation (EU) No. The BIS's mission is to serve central banks in their pursuit of monetary and financial stability, to foster international cooperation in those areas and to act as a bank for central banks. The Basel Committee's final standard on The standardised approach for measuring counterparty credit risk exposures includes a comprehensive, non-modelled approach for measuring counterparty credit risk associated with OTC derivatives, exchange-traded derivatives, and long settlement transactions. The Current exposure method (CEM) is a measurement of the replacement cost within a derivative contract in the case of a counterparty default. The Basel Committee's final standard on The standardised approach for measuring counterparty credit risk exposures includes a comprehensive, non-modelled approach for measuring counterparty credit risk associated with OTC derivatives, exchange-traded derivatives, and long settlement transactions. The BIS offers a wide range of financial services to central banks and other official monetary authorities. adjustments to the calibration of the approach with respect to foreign exchange, credit and some commodity derivatives. The current exposure method (CEM) is a measure of replacement cost within a derivatives contract should the counterparty default. The new standardised approach (SA-CCR) replaces both the Current Exposure Method (CEM) and the Standardised Method (SM) in the capital adequacy framework. The BIS hosts nine international organisations engaged in standard setting and the pursuit of financial stability through the Basel Process. European Forum for Innovation Facilitators, EBA regulation and institutional framework, Current procurement procedures with a value of €139,000 or more, Current procurement procedures between €15,000 and €139,000, Archived Information on ex-post publicity, Implementing FSB Key Attributes on resolution matters, Guidelines on Accounting for Expected Credit, Guidelines on communication between competent authorities and auditors, RTS on methods of prudential consolidation, Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism, Call for input on ‘de-risking’ and its impact on access to financial services, Guidelines on risk factors and simplified and enhanced customer due diligence, Guidelines to prevent transfers of funds can be abused for ML and TF, JC Guidelines on cooperation and information exchange for AML/CFT supervision purposes, RTS on CCP to strengthen fight against financial crime, RTS on the implementation of group wide AML/CFT policies in third countries, Guidelines for cooperation between consolidating supervisors and host supervisors, Guidelines for the joint assessment and joint decision regarding the capital adequacy of cross-border groups, Guidelines for the operational functioning of colleges, Implementing Technical Standards on joint decisions on institution-specific prudential requirements, Implementing technical standards on joint decisions on prudential requirements, Recommendation amending EBA/Rec/2015/01 on the equivalence of confidentiality regimes, Regulatory and implementing technical standards on the functioning of colleges of supervisors, Consumer protection and financial innovation, Decision on specifying the benchmark rate under the Mortgage Credit Directive, Discussion Paper on automation in financial advice, Discussion Paper on innovative uses of consumer data by financial institutions, Discussion paper on draft requirements on passport notifications for credit intermediaries, Extension of the application of the Joint Committee Guidelines on complaints-handling to the new institutions under PSD2 and MCD, Guidelines for complaints-handling for the securities (ESMA) and banking (EBA) sectors, Guidelines on creditworthiness assessment, Guidelines on product oversight and governance arrangements for retail banking products, Guidelines on remuneration policies for sales staff, Guidelines on standardised fee terminology for payment accounts in the EU, Guidelines on the security of internet payments, Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) for mortgage credit intermediaries, Regulatory Technical Standards on the content and presentation of the KIDs for PRIIPs, Technical Advice on possible delegated acts on criteria and factors for intervention powers concerning structured deposits, Technical Standards on standardised terminology and disclosure documents under the PAD, Discussion Paper and Call for Evidence on SMEs and the SME Supporting Factor, Discussion Paper on the future of the IRB Approach, Draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on the method for the identification of the geographical location of the relevant credit exposures under Article 140(7) of the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD), Draft Regulatory Technical Standards on the calculation of credit risk adjustments, Guidelines on legislative and non-legislative moratoria on loan repayments applied in the light of the COVID-19 crisis, Guidelines on loan origination and monitoring, Guidelines on management of non-performing and forborne exposures, Guidelines on specification of types of exposures to be associated with high risk, Guidelines on the application of the definition of default, Guidelines on the implementation, validation and assessment of Advanced Measurement (AMA) and Internal Ratings Based (IRB) Approaches, Mechanistic references to credit ratings in the ESAs’ guidelines and recommendations, RTS on conditions for capital requirements for mortgage exposures, Regulatory Technical Standards in relation to credit valuation adjustment risk, Regulatory Technical Standards on assessment methodology for IRB approach, Regulatory Technical Standards on materiality threshold of credit obligation past due, Regulatory Technical Standards on the treatment of equity exposures under the IRB Approach, Regulatory technical standards on disclosure of information related to the countercyclical capital buffer, Regulatory technical standards on specialised lending exposures, Regulatory technical standards on the permanent and temporary use of IRB approach, External Credit Assessment Institutions (ECAI), Decision on the Use of Unsolicited Credit Assessments, Draft Implementing Technical Standards on the mapping of ECAIs credit assessments under the SA, Guidelines on the recognition of External Credit Assessment Institutions (repealed), ITS on the mapping of ECAIs Credit Assessments for securitisation positions, Revised Guidelines on the recognition of External Credit Assessment Institutions (repealed), Consultation on the Joint Committee response to the Call for Advice on the Fundamental Review of the Financial Conglomerates Directive (FICOD) received from the European Commission in April 2011, Draft Regulatory Technical Standards on the uniform conditions of application of the calculation methods for determining the amount of capital required at the level of the financial conglomerate, Guidelines on the convergence of supervisory practices relating to the consistency of supervisory coordination arrangements for financial conglomerates, Regulatory Technical Standards on risk concentration and intra-group transactions within financial conglomerates, Guidelines on ICT and security risk management, Guidelines on Internal Governance (repealed), Guidelines on internal governance (revised), Guidelines on internal governance (second revision), Guidelines on the assessment of the suitability of members of the management body and key function holders (repealed), Joint ESMA and EBA Guidelines on the assessment of the suitability of members of the management body (revised), Joint ESMA and EBA Guidelines on the assessment of the suitability of members of the management body, Recommendations on outsourcing to cloud service providers (repealed), New prudential regime for investment firms, Regulatory Technical Standards on prudential requirements for investment firms, Draft Regulatory Technical Standards on the determination of the overall exposure to a client or a group of connected clients in respect of transactions with underlying assets, Guidelines on common reporting of large exposures, Guidelines on conditions for the application of the alternative treatment of institutions’ exposures related to tri-party repurchase agreements, Guidelines on limits on exposures to shadow banking, Guidelines on the revised large exposures regime, Implementation Guidelines on large exposures exemptions for money transmission, correspondent banking, clearing and settlement and custody services, Regulatory Technical standards on the determination of indirect exposures to underlying clients of derivative and credit derivative contracts, Draft Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on disclosure for leverage ratio, Defining Liquid Assets in the Liquidity Coverage ratio, Guidelines on Retail Deposits subject to higher outflows for the purposes of liquidity reporting, Guidelines on harmonised definitions and templates for funding plans of credit institutions, Guidelines on liquidity cost benefit allocation, Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) amending ITS on additional liquidity monitoring metrics, Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on additional liquidity monitoring metrics, Implementing Technical Standards on currencies with an extremely narrow definition of central bank eligibility, Regulatory Technical Standards on additional liquidity outflows, Regulatory Technical Standards on criteria for a preferential treatment in cross-border intragroup financial support under LCR, Technical Standards (TS) on currencies with constraints on the availability of liquid assets, Draft regulatory technical standards on the margin periods for risk used for the treatment of clearing members' exposures to clients, Draft Implementing Technical Standards On the Hypothetical Capital of a Central Counterparty (CCPs), Draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on risk mitigation techniques for OTC derivatives not cleared by a central counterparty (CCP), Draft Regulatory Technical Standards on capital requirements for Central Counterparties (CCPs), Regulatory Technical Standards on prudential requirements for central securities depositories (CSDs), Amending Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on CVA proxy spread, Discussion Paper on EU implementation of MKR and CCR revised standards, Discussion paper on the treatment of structural FX under Article 352(2) of the CRR, Draft technical standards on the IMA under the FRTB, Guidelines on Stressed Value-At-Risk (Stressed VaR), Guidelines on corrections to modified duration for debt instruments, Guidelines on criteria for the use of data inputs in the expected shortfall risk measure under the IMA, Guidelines on the Incremental Default and Migration Risk Charge (IRC), Guidelines on the treatment of CVA risk under SREP, Guidelines on the treatment of structural FX under 352(2) of the CRR, Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on appropriately diversified indices, Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on closely correlated currencies, Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on Internal Model Approach for Assessment Methodology, Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on default probabilities and losses given default for default risk model under the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book, Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on exclusion from CVA of non-EU non-financial counterparties, Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on non-delta risk of options in the standardised market risk approach, Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on prudent valuation, Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on the capitalisation of non-modellable risk factors under the FRTB, Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on the conditions for assessing the materiality of extensions and changes of internal approaches for credit, market and operational risk, Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on the definition of market, Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on the definition of materiality thresholds for specific risk in the trading book, Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on the standardised approach for counterparty credit risk, Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on the treatment of non-trading book positions subject to foreign-exchange risk or commodity risk, Guidelines on Credit Risk Mitigation for institutions applying the IRB approach with own estimates of LGDs, Guidelines on PD estimation, LGD estimation and treatment of defaulted assets, RTS and GL on estimation and identification of an economic downturn in IRB modelling, Regulatory Technical Standards on the conditions according to which competent authorities may grant permission for data waiver, Guidelines on operational risk mitigation techniques, Guidelines on the management of operational risk in market-related activities, Regulatory Technical Standards on assessment methodologies for the use of AMAs for operational risk, Amended Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on own funds and eligible liabilities, Discussion Paper on the impact on the volatility of own funds of the revised IAS 19 and the deduction of defined pension assets from own funds, Guidelines for Hybrid Capital Instruments, Guidelines for the identification of global systemically important institutions (G-SIIs), Guidelines on criteria to to assess other systemically important institutions (O-SIIs), Guidelines on instruments referred to in Article 57(a) of the CRD, Guidelines on prudential filters for regulatory capital, Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on Disclosure for Own Funds, Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on Own Funds, Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on own funds requirements for investment firms, Regulatory Technical Standards on the prudential treatment of software assets, Technical Advice to the Commission on possible treatments of unrealised gains measured at fair value, Technical standards for the identification of global systemically important institutions (G-SIIs), Amended RTS and ITS on passport notification, Guidelines for Passport Notifications for credit institutions, Guidelines on passport notifications for credit intermediaries, Guidelines on supervision of significant branches, Regulatory Technical Standards on passporting under PSD2, Technical Standards on Passport Notifications for credit institutions, Technical Standards on information exchange between home and host competent authorities, Guidelines on authorisation and registration under PSD2, Guidelines on major incidents reporting under PSD2, Guidelines on procedures for complaints of alleged infringements of the PSD2, Guidelines on security measures for operational and security risks under the PSD2, Guidelines on the conditions to be met to benefit from an exemption from contingency measures under Article 33(6) of Regulation (EU) 2018/389 (RTS on SCA & CSC), Guidelines on the criteria on how to stipulate the minimum monetary amount of the professional indemnity insurance under PSD2, Regulatory Technical Standards on payment card schemes and processing entities under the IFR, Regulatory Technical Standards on strong customer authentication and secure communication under PSD2, Technical Standards on the EBA Register under PSD2, Discussion paper on the application of EIMs under the BRRD, Guidelines on Business Reorganisation Plans, Guidelines on cooperation agreements between deposit guarantee schemes, Guidelines on early intervention triggers, Guidelines on how information should be provided under the BRRD, Guidelines on measures to reduce or remove impediments to resolvability, Guidelines on methods for calculating contributions to Deposit Guarantee Schemes (DGSs), Guidelines on stress tests of deposit guarantee schemes, Guidelines on the range of scenarios to be used in recovery plans, Guidelines on the rate of conversion of debt to equity in bail-in, Guidelines on the treatment of shareholders in bail-in, Guidelines on the types of tests, reviews or exercises that may lead to support measures, Guidelines on treatment of liabilities in bail-in, Guidelines specifying the various conditions for the provision of group financial support, ITS on MREL reporting by Resolution Authorities, Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on the disclosure of group financial support agreements, Implementing Technical Standards on procedures, forms and templates for resolution planning, Implementing Technical Standards on reporting of MREL decisions, Implementing Technical Standards on simplified obligations, Notifications on resolution cases and use of DGS funds, Cooperative Bank of Peloponnese Coop Ltd resolution case, RTS defining methodologies for the valuation of derivative liabilities, Recommendation on the development of recovery plans, Recommendations on the coverage of entities in a group recovery plan, Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on conditions for the provision of group financial support, Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on indirect subscription of MREL instruments within groups, Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on methodology to estimate P2 and CBR for setting MREL requirements, Regulatory Technical Standards on Business Reorganisation Plans, Regulatory Technical Standards on Simplified Obligations, Regulatory Technical Standards on contractual recognition of bail-in, Regulatory Technical Standards on detailed records of financial contracts, Regulatory Technical Standards on independent valuers, Regulatory Technical Standards on minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL), Regulatory Technical Standards on notifications and notice of suspension, Regulatory Technical Standards on resolution colleges, Regulatory Technical Standards on resolution planning, Regulatory Technical Standards on the assessment of recovery plans, Regulatory Technical Standards on the content of recovery plans, Regulatory Technical Standards on the contractual recognition of stay powers under BRRD, Regulatory Technical Standards on valuation, Report on the appropriate target level basis for resolution financing arrangements under BRRD, Report on the implementation of the Guidelines on methods for calculating contributions to DGSs, Technical Standards on impracticability of contractual recognition of bail-in, ITS package for 2017 benchmarking exercise, ITS package for 2018 benchmarking exercise, ITS package for 2019 benchmarking exercise, ITS package for 2020 benchmarking exercise, RTS and ITS 2016 on benchmarking portfolio assessment standards and assessment sharing procedures, Guidelines on Remuneration Policies and Practices, Guidelines on sound remuneration policies, Guidelines on the applicable notional discount rate for variable remuneration, Guidelines on the data collection exercise regarding high earners, Guidelines on the remuneration benchmarking exercise, Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on classes of instruments that are appropriate to be used for the purposes of variable remuneration, Regulatory Technical Standards for the definition of material risk takers for remuneration purposes, Regulatory Technical Standards on pay out in instruments for variable remuneration under the Investment Firms Directive (IFD), Regulatory Technical Standards on the criteria to identify material risk takers under the Investment Firms Directive (IFD), Revised Regulatory Technical Standards on identified staff for remuneration purposes, CEBS Guidelines on the application of article 122a of the CRD, Discussion Paper On the Significant Risk Transfer in Securitisation, Discussion Paper on simple standard and transparent securitisations, Guidelines on implicit support for securitisation transactions, Guidelines on significant risk transfer (SRT) for securitisation transactions, Guidelines on the STS criteria for ABCP and non-ABCP securitisation, RTS on the calculation of Kirb in accordance with the purchased receivables approach, RTS on the homogeneity of the underlying exposures in securitisation, Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on close correspondence between the value of an institution’s covered bonds and the value of the institution’s assets relating to the institution’s own credit risk, Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on securitisation retention rules and Draft Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) to clarify the measures to be taken in the case of non-compliance with such obligations, Cost of compliance with supervisory reporting, Data Point Model and Taxonomies for Implementing Technical Standard (ITS) on Supervisory Reporting, Draft ITS on specific reporting requirements for market risk, Guidelines for the implementation of the framework for consolidated financial reporting (FINREP) (2005), Guidelines for the implementation of the framework for consolidated financial reporting (FINREP) – Recast (2006), Guidelines for the implementation of the framework for consolidated financial reporting (FINREP) – Revision 1 (2007), Guidelines for the implementation of the framework for consolidated financial reporting (FINREP) – Revision 2 (2009), Guidelines on Common Reporting – Recast (2006), Guidelines on Common Reporting – Revision 1 (2010), Guidelines on Common Reporting – Revision 2 (2011), Guidelines on Covid -19 measures reporting and disclosure, Guidelines on supervisory reporting and disclosure requirements in compliance with CRR “quick fix” in response to the COVID‐19 pandemic, ITS on Supervisory Reporting amendments with regards to COREP LCR, ITS on Supervisory Reporting amendments with regards to COREP securitisation, ITS on Supervisory Reporting amendments with regards to FINREP, Implementing Technical Standard (ITS) on Supervisory Reporting (Asset Encumbrance), Implementing Technical Standard (ITS) on Supervisory Reporting (Forbearance and non-performing exposures), Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on supervisory reporting changes related to CRR2 and Backstop Regulation, Implementing Technical Standards Amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014 on Supervisory Reporting of institutions - March 2015, Implementing Technical Standards Amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014 on Supervisory Reporting of institutions - March 2016, Implementing Technical Standards Amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014 on Supervisory Reporting of institutions, Implementing Technical Standards Amending Regulation (EU) No 680/2014 on Supervisory Reporting of institutions with regard to prudent valuation, Implementing Technical Standards amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014 (ITS on supervisory reporting) with regard to the Leverage Ratio (LR), Implementing Technical Standards amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014 with regard to the Liquidity Coverage Ratio, Implementing Technical Standards amending Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014 with regard to operational risk and sovereign exposures, Implementing Technical Standards on Supervisory Reporting, Implementing Technical Standards on amendments to FINREP due to IFRS 9, Recommendation on the use of Legal Entity Identifier (LEI), Revised final draft ITS on reporting for v3.0, Technical Standards on reporting and disclosures requirements for investment firms, Updated Guidelines on harmonised definitions and templates for funding plans of credit institutions, Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP) and Pillar 2, Guidelines for common procedures and methodologies for the supervisory review and evaluation process (SREP) and supervisory stress testing, Guidelines on ICAAP and ILAAP information, Guidelines on ICT Risk Assessment under the SREP, Guidelines on Technical aspects of the management of interest rate risk arising from non-trading activities under the supervisory review process, Guidelines on capital measures for foreign currency lending, Guidelines on the Application of the Supervisory Review Process under Pillar 2, Guidelines on the management of concentration risk under the supervisory review process, Guidelines on the pragmatic 2020 supervisory review and evaluation process in light of the COVID-19 crisis, Third country equivalence and international cooperation, First update to recommendation on equivalence of non-EU authorities for participation in supervisory colleges, Fourth update to recommendation on equivalence of non-EU authorities for participation in supervisory colleges, Guidelines on equivalence of non-EU authorities for participation in supervisory colleges, Recommendation on the equivalence of confidentiality regimes, Second update to recommendation on equivalence of non-EU authorities for participation in supervisory colleges, Third update to recommendation on equivalence of non-EU authorities for participation in supervisory colleges, Guidelines on disclosure of encumbered and unencumbered assets, Guidelines on disclosure of non-performing and forborne exposures, Guidelines on disclosure requirements on IFRS 9 transitional arrangements, Guidelines on disclosure requirements under Part Eight of Regulation (EU), Guidelines on materiality, proprietary and confidentiality and on disclosure frequency, Guidelines to amend disclosure guidelines EBA/GL/2018/01, Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on institutions’ public disclosures of the information referred to in Titles II and III of Part Eight of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013, Joint RTS on ESG disclosure standards for financial market participants, RTS on the disclosure of encumbered and unencumbered assets, Approach to financial technology (Fintech), Guidelines on Impact Assessment for EU Lamfalussy Level 3 Committees, Guidelines on the appropriate subsets of exposures in the application of the systemic risk buffer, Guidelines regarding revised Article 3 of Directive 2006/48/EC, ITS on the procedures and forms in respect of acquisitions and increases of qualifying holdings, Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on the format, structure, contents list and annual publication date of the supervisory information to be disclosed by competent authorities, Joint Guidelines for the assessment of mergers and acquisitions, Joint Guidelines for the prudential assessment of acquisitions of qualifying holdings, Principles for Benchmarks-Setting Processes in the EU, RTS and ITS on the authorisation of credit institutions, Recommendation to the Bulgarian National Bank and the Bulgarian Deposit Insurance Fund, Recommendations on supervisory oversight of activities related to banks’ participation in the Euribor panel, Revised Guidelines on Supervisory Disclosure, Discussion Paper on the future changes to the EU-wide stress test, Global Systemically Important Institutions (G-SIIs), Other Systemically Important Institutions (O-SIIs), Review on the consistency of Risk Weighted Assets, Quantitative impact study/Basel III monitoring, Finalised Basel III standards (Dec 2017) – Call for Advice, Register of payment and electronic money institutions under PSD2, National registers of admitted credit intermediaries under the MCD, National competent authorities for consumer protection, 2013_611 Calculation of exposure value for counterparty credit risk under Mark-to-market Method.

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