One thing Breath of The Wild did better than almost any other title in The Legend of Zelda's history is it gave fans a huge open world ripe for exploration. The GameCube controller replaces the C Buttons with the C Stick. OK, this might not be a popular opinion, but the temple design in Breath of The Wild is some of the worst in franchise history. In the case of The Wind Waker, the button gains extra functions. Sometimes, tradition doesn't need to be broken. I shall hand down to you the ... DO not press the POWER or RESET switches trom the time that you have saved the game up to when the select display appears. If you do this, In the Virtual Console ports of both Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, both of these act as the item button C Down from the originals. However, it still acts the same as the Control Stick within menus. The Nintendo 64 controller was the first Nintendo controller with a Control Stick. The B Button has to date served four major roles in the franchise. Pressing up on the Control Pad brings up a larger map of the surrounding area and, within dungeons, the dungeon map. With Ocarina of Time, the Control Pad's original functionality was replaced with the Control Stick. In the 3D games, whereas the B Button serves as the attack role, the R Button serves as the defense role. In the two 3D GameCube games, it replaces the Z Button as the targeting command. To start, the Sheikah Slate controlling bombs felt weird, and while these digital controlled explosions were really different, it was strange to see a game preaching item management remove the one item that always had to be managed. It made for some great pacing, and exploration never felt boring because of this. We love a good test of skill here at TheGamer, so we hope this is one thing that stays. This evidently will not work if the Shield is either lost (see Like Like) or unequipped. In Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, The Wind Waker and the GameCube version of Twilight Princess, this button is used to swing Link's Sword (except for the Great Fairy's Sword). The title implemented dodges and perries, rewarding players for their reflexes and timing. The L Button, on the other hand, only enables and disables the map in the Nintendo 64 games. Several Masks from Majora's Mask render Link unable to use his Sword, and instead allow him to use a different attack (such as detonating the Blast Mask, or shooting bubbles as Deku Link). In the original Gamecube version of The Wind Waker, the Z Button, along with the X and Y-buttons, are assigned to items; in the GameCube version of Twilight Princess, it makes Link talk with Midna; and in the Wii version of the same game, it serves as both a defense and a targeting command (simultaneously). Below is a list of the most important buttons (most of them featured on all Nintendo console controllers and handheld systems) for the games and their uses. There are 4 C Buttons on the Nintendo 64 controller: Up, Down, Left, Right. In the 2D games, the Wii version of Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword, the button is an item command; Link will use the item equipped from the Inventory every time the button is pressed. There was something so eerie in feeling so at peace, knowing that can change at any moment. With The Wind Waker HD, the Control Pad is used for functions specific to sailing. With Ocarina of Time, the Control Pad's original functionality was replaced with the Control Stick. Weapon durability was an interesting idea (even for a game that really has it written in canon that one magical blade is the only thing that can stop evil) and we want that to stay in the game, but they need to last longer than a battle and a half. When the menu screens are displayed, it shifts the menu to the next screen on the left in the Nintendo 64 games. Hyrule was massive and full of little treasures to discover if fans desired. These shoulder buttons act as the L and R Buttons of the GameCube version's controller in both The Wind Waker HD and Twilight Princess HD; ZL engages the targeting system and ZR uses the shield (hold it up in The Wind Waker, use it to attack in Twilight Princess). In The Wind Waker, the camera position must be reset with the L Button before one is able to switch to first-person. It took the concept from Wind Waker that fans adored most and pumped it full of steroids. No one was really expecting a second main entry Zelda title, much less a sequel to the 2017 game of the year. So, with that in mind, we've listed 5 Things Legend Of Zelda BotW 2 Should Keep From The Original (& 5 Things They Need To Fix). Like every single video game released to date, each game in The Legend of Zelda series is played directly thanks to the controller of the console that supports it. NEXT: Legend of Zelda: 25 Things Everyone Missed In Breath Of The Wild. In some rare cases, the button does not perform the same attack command. However, in Skyward Sword, which takes advantage of MotionPlus technology, this only occurs if the button is pressed lightly. Unlike the other buttons, neither Z or L have had consistent roles through the series. In the GameCube and Virtual Console re-releases of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, the X and Y buttons are mapped to C Right and C Left, respectively. However, it still acts the same as the Control Stick within menus. In the Nintendo 64 and GameCube games, Link uses his Shield for as long as the player holds the R Button. It is used in Majora's Mask 3D to freely move the camera around.

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