B. If such enterprises are for-profit firms, prisoners should be paid at least minimum wage for their work. Correctional officials should develop and promote other forms of communication between prisoners and their families, including video visitation, provided that such options are not a replacement for opportunities for in-person contact. (e) A lockdown should last no longer than necessary. When any property is confiscated, the prisoner should be given written documentation of this information. Whenever practicable, a qualified health care professional should participate in efforts to avoid using four- or five-point restraints. ], Standard 23-1.1 General principles governing imprisonment, Standard 23-2.3 Classification procedures, Standard 23-2.4 Special classification issues, Standard 23-2.6 Rationales for segregated housing, Standard 23-2.7 Rationales for long-term segregated housing, Standard 23-2.8 Segregated housing and mental health, Standard 23-2.9 Procedures for placement and retention in long-term segregated housing, Standard 23-3.1 Physical plant and environmental conditions, Standard 23-3.2 Conditions for special types of prisoners, Standard 23-3.6 Recreation and out-of-cell time, Standard 23-3.7 Restrictions relating to programming and privileges, Standard 23-3.9 Conditions during lockdown, Standard 23-4.1 Rules of conduct and informational handbook, Standard 23-4.2 Disciplinary hearing procedures, Standard 23-5.1 Personal security and protection from harm, Standard 23-5.2 Prevention and investigation of violence, Standard 23-5.4 Self-harm and suicide prevention, Standard 23-5.5 Protection of vulnerable prisoners, Standard 23-5.8 Use of chemical agents, electronic weaponry, and canines, Standard 23-5.9 Use of restraint mechanisms and techniques, Standard 23-6.1 General principles governing health care, Standard 23-6.2 Response to prisoner health care needs, Standard 23-6.3 Control and distribution of prescription drugs, Standard 23-6.4 Qualified health care staff, Standard 23-6.6 Adequate facilities, equipment, and resources, Standard 23-6.8 Health care records and confidentiality, Standard 23-6.9 Pregnant prisoners and new mothers, Standard 23-6.11 Services for prisoners with mental disabilities, Standard 23-6.12 Prisoners with chronic or communicable diseases, Standard 23-6.13 Prisoners with gender identity disorder, Standard 23-6.14 Voluntary and informed consent to treatment, Standard 23-6.15 Involuntary mental health treatment and transfer, Standard 23-7.2 Prisoners with disabilities and other special needs, Standard 23-7.5 Communication and expression, Standard 23-7.7 Records and confidentiality, Standard 23-7.9 Searches of prisoners bodies, Standard 23-7.10 Cross-gender supervision, Standard 23-7.11 Prisoners as subjects of behavioral or biomedical research, Standard 23-8.8 Fees and financial obligations, Standard 23-8.9 Transition to the community, Standard 23-9.2 Access to the judicial process, Standard 23-9.3 Judicial review of prisoner complaints, Standard 23-9.4 Access to legal and consular services, Standard 23-9.5 Access to legal materials and information, Standard 23-10.2 Personnel policy and practice, Standard 23-10.5 Privately operated correctional facilities, Standard 23-11.2 External regulation and investigation, Standard 23-11.3 External monitoring and inspection, Standard 23-11.4 Legislative oversight and accountability, Standard 23-11.5 Media access to correctional facilities and prisoners, ABA Criminal Justice Standards on Treatment of Prisoners (Approved by ABA House of Delegates, Feb. 2010), Correctional agencies, facilities, staff, and prisoners. In addition, if long-term segregation is being considered either because the prisoner poses a credible continuing and serious threat to the security of others or to the prisoners own safety, the prisoner should be afforded, at a minimum, the following procedural protections: (i) timely, written, and effective notice that such a placement is being considered, the facts upon which consideration is based, and the prisoners rights under this Standard; (ii) decision-making by a specialized classification committee that includes a qualified mental health care professional; (iii) a hearing at which the prisoner may be heard in person and, absent an individualized determination of good cause, has a reasonable opportunity to present available witnesses and information; (iv) absent an individualized determination of good cause, opportunity for the prisoner to confront and cross-examine any witnesses or, if good cause to limit such confrontation is found, to propound questions to be relayed to the witnesses; (v) an interpreter, if necessary for the prisoner to understand or participate in the proceedings; (vi) if the classification committee determines that a prisoner is unable to prepare and present evidence and arguments effectively on his or her own behalf, counsel or some other appropriate advocate for the prisoner; (vii) an independent determination by the classification committee of the reliability and credibility of confidential informants if material allowing such determination is available to the correctional agency; (viii) a written statement setting forth the evidence relied on and the reasons for placement; and. (b) Governmental authorities in all branches in a jurisdiction should take necessary steps to avoid crowding that exceeds a correctional facilitys rated capacity or adversely affects the facilitys delivery of core services at an adequate level, maintenance of its physical plant, or protection of prisoners from harm, including the spread of disease. Correctional authorities should not stigmatize prisoners who need protection. over the past several decades, inmates have pursued rights guaranteed in the US constitution by filing section _____ petitions in US federal courts. (iv) Monthly, and more frequently if clinically indicated, a qualified mental health professional should see and treat each prisoner who is receiving mental health treatment. Correctional authorities should be permitted to assign prisoners to community service; to jobs in prison industry programs; or to jobs useful for the operation of the facility, including cleaning, food service, maintenance, and agricultural programs. Prisoners should be permitted to form or join organizations whose purposes are lawful and consistent with legitimate penological objectives. (e) For a convicted prisoner, loss of liberty and separation from society should be the sole punishments imposed by imprisonment. (c) Correctional authorities should not withhold food or water from any prisoner. (e) Consistent with such confidentiality as is required to prevent a significant risk of harm to other persons, a prisoner being evaluated for placement in long-term segregated housing for any reason should be permitted reasonable access to materials considered at both the initial and the periodic reviews, and should be allowed to meet with and submit written statements to persons reviewing the prisoners classification. (c) To effectuate rehabilitative goals, correctional staff members should have rehabilitative responsibilities in addition to custodial functions. No prisoner should be subjected to cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or conditions. When medically necessary, correctional authorities should be permitted to place a prisoner with a readily transmissible contagious disease in appropriate medical isolation or to restrict such a prisoner in other ways to prevent contagion of others. (v) be available to the prisoner who is the subject of the records, absent an individualized finding of good cause. Segregation for health care needs should be in a location separate from disciplinary and long-term segregated housing. (a) A correctional agency should ensure each prisoners continuity of care, including with respect to medication, upon entry into the correctional system, during confinement and transportation, during and after transfer between facilities, and upon release. (b) Only the most severe disciplinary offenses, in which safety or security are seriously threatened, ordinarily warrant a sanction that exceeds [30 days] placement in disciplinary housing, and no placement in disciplinary housing should exceed one year. [Use the navigation bar on the left side to go to a specific Part of Standard. The relationship between a prisoner and a person providing legal assistance under this subdivision should be governed by applicable ethical rules protecting the attorney-client relationship. (v) No prisoner should be allowed to participate in behavioral or biomedical research unless that prisoner has given voluntary and informed consent in writing in accordance with an approved protocol which requires that the prisoner be informed and express understanding of: A. the likely risks, including possible side effects, of any procedure or medication; B. the likelihood and degree of improvement, remission, control, or cure resulting from any procedure or medication; C. the uncertainty of the benefits and hazards of any procedure or medication and the reasonable alternatives; D. the fact that a decision to participate or to decline participation will not affect the conditions of the prisoners confinement; E. the ability to withdraw from the study at any time without adverse consequences unrelated to any physical or psychological results of such withdrawal; and. (b) Correctional authorities should implement policies and practices to prevent any such discrimination, harassment, or bullying of prisoners by other prisoners. This agency, which should be permitted to be the same entity responsible for investigations conducted pursuant to Standard 23-11.2(b), should anticipate and detect systemic problems affecting prisoners, monitor issues of continuing concern, identify best practices within facilities, and make recommendations for improvement. (c) Any accommodation made to address the special needs or risks of a prisoner with a communicable disease should not unnecessarily reveal that prisoners health condition. Each prisoner, including those in segregated housing, should be offered the opportunity for at least one hour per day of exercise, in the open air if the weather permits. (f) Consistent with such confidentiality as is required to prevent a significant risk of harm to other persons, a prisoner being evaluated for involuntary placement in protective custody should be permitted reasonable access to materials considered at both the initial and the periodic reviews, and should be allowed to meet with and submit written statements to persons reviewing the prisoners classification. No correctional staff member should impede or unreasonably delay a prisoners access to health care staff or treatment. To go to a particular black letter Standard (without commentary), click on the relevant Standard in the Table of Contents, below. Correctional authorities should provide the plan or a summary of it to the prisoner, and explain it, so that the prisoner can understand such expectations. Involuntary testing or treatment should be permitted only if: (i) there is a significant risk of the spread of disease; (ii) no less intrusive alternative is available; and. the same exercise price and expiration as the call option. Policies relating to restraints should take account of the special needs of prisoners who have physical or mental disabilities, and of prisoners who are under the age of eighteen or are geriatric, as well as the limitations specified in Standard 23-6.9 for pregnant prisoners or those who have recently given birth. Correctional authorities should facilitate prisoners reintegration into free society by implementing appropriate conditions of confinement and by sustained planning for such reintegration. (b) Correctional authorities should allow prisoners to receive or access magazines, soft- or hard-cover books, newspapers, and other written materials, including documents printed from the Internet, subject to the restrictions in subdivisions (c) and (d) of this Standard. (c) Correctional authorities should assign to single occupancy cells prisoners not safely or appropriately housed in multiple occupancy cells, and correctional and governmental authorities should maintain sufficient numbers of such single cells for the needs of a facilitys particular prisoner population. (b) Correctional administrators and officials should foster an institutional culture that helps maintain a safe and secure facility, is conducive to humane and respectful treatment of prisoners, supports adherence to professional standards, and encourages ethical conduct. (b) Correctional authorities should provide prisoners with hearing or speech impairments ready access to telecommunications devices for the deaf or comparable equipment and to telephones with volume control, and should facilitate prisoners telephonic communication with persons in the community who have such disabilities. Sanctions should be reasonable in light of the offense and the prisoners circumstances, including disciplinary history and any mental illness or other cognitive impairment. (d) If a correctional staff member discovers a breach of security; a threat to prisoner, staff, or public safety; or some other actual or threatened harm to a prisoner, staff, or the public, the correctional staff member should report that discovery promptly to a supervisor. Correctional authorities should be permitted to examine legal materials received or retained by a prisoner for physical contraband. (a) Governmental officials should assure prisoners full access to the judicial process. (iii) internal and external oversight of correctional operations. (f) When staff observe a prisoner who appears to have attempted or committed suicide, they should administer appropriate first-aid measures immediately until medical personnel arrive and assess the situation. Each prisoner should receive a comprehensive medical and mental health assessment by qualified medical and mental health professionals no later than [14 days] after admission to a correctional facility, and a comprehensive medical assessment periodically thereafter, which should include mental health screening. which of the following is NOT one of the 3 steps most corrections systems use when handling the inmate grievance process? (vi) All consent forms should be reviewed and approved by the insti tutional review board before they are presented to the prisoner. (h) Whether restraints are used for health care or for custodial purposes, during the period that a prisoner is restrained in a four- or five-point position, staff should follow established guidelines for use of the restraint mechanism that take into account the prisoners physical condition, including health problems and body weight, should provide adequate nutrition, hydration, and toileting, and should take the following precautions to ensure the prisoners safety: (i) for the entire period of restraint, the prisoner should be video- and audio-recorded; (ii) immediately, a qualified health care professional should conduct an in-person assessment of the prisoners medical and mental health condition, and should advise whether the prisoner should be transferred to a medical or mental health unit or facility for emergency treatment; (iii) until the initial assessment by a qualified health care professional required by subdivision (ii), staff should continuously observe the prisoner, in person; (iv) after the initial medical assessment, at least every fifteen minutes medically trained staff should conduct visual observations and medical checks of the prisoner, log all checks, and evaluate the continued need for restraint; (v) at least every two hours, qualified health care staff should check the prisoners range of motion and review the medical checks performed under subdivision (iv); and. (s) The term serious mental illness means a substantial disorder of thought or mood that significantly impairs judgment, behavior, capacity to recognize reality or cope with the ordinary demands of life within the prison environment and is manifested by substantial pain or disability. (ii) Several times each week , a qualified mental health professional should observe each segregated housing unit, speaking to unit staff, reviewing the prisoner log, and observing and talking with prisoners who are receiving mental health treatment. A staff member should report any information relating to corrupt or criminal conduct by other staff directly to the chief executive officer of the facility or to an independent government official with responsibility to investigate correctional misconduct, and should provide any investigator with full and candid information about observed misconduct. (c) A prisoner has the right to refuse proffered accommodations related to a disability or other special needs, provided that the refusal does not pose a security or safety risk. (c) When appropriate, health care complaints should be evaluated and treated by specialists. (a) Independent governmental bodies responsible for such matters as fire safety, sanitation, environmental quality, food safety, education, and health should regulate, inspect, and enforce regulations in a correctional facility. Training programs should equip staff to: (i) maintain order while treating prisoners with respect, and communicate effectively with prisoners; (ii) follow security requirements, conduct searches, and use technology appropriately; (iii) use non-force techniques for avoiding and resolving conflicts, and comply with the agencys policy on use of force; (iv) identify and respond to medical and mental health emergencies, recognize and report the signs and symptoms of mental disability and suicide risk, and secure appropriate medical and mental health services; A. detect and respond to signs of threatened and actual physical and sexual assault and sexual pressure against prisoners; (vi) avoid inappropriate relationships, including sexual contact, with prisoners; (vii) understand the legal rights of prisoners relevant to their professional duties; (viii) facilitate prisoner use of the grievance process, and understand that processs benefits for correctional staff and facilities; (ix) maintain appropriate records, including clear and accurate reports; and. (b) Correctional authorities should provide all prisoners daily opportunities for significant out-of-cell time and for recreation at appropriate hours that allows them to maintain physical health and, for prisoners not in segregated housing, to socialize with other prisoners. (b) A prisoner with a criminal charge or removal action pending should be housed in a correctional facility sufficiently near the courthouse where the case will be heard that the preparation of the prisoners defense is not unreasonably impaired. (b) Prisoners should not be charged fees for necessary health care. (b) In the months prior to anticipated release of a sentenced prisoner confined for more than [6 months], correctional authorities should develop an individualized re-entry plan for the prisoner, which should take into account the individualized programming plan developed pursuant to Standard 23-8.2(b). Ordinarily, only health care staff should administer prescription drugs, except that health care staff should be permitted to authorize prisoners to hold and administer their own asthma inhalers, and to implement other reasonable keep on person drug policies. Correctional authorities should actively encourage prisoner participation in appropriate educational programs. Governmental authorities should ordinarily allow a prisoner who gives birth while in a correctional facility or who already has an infant at the time she is admitted to a correctional facility to keep the infant with her for a reasonable time, preferably on extended furlough or in an appropriate community facility or, if that is not practicable or reasonable, in a nursery at a correctional facility that is staffed by qualified persons. (b) Prisoners should have the right to refuse requests for interviews and should be notified of that right and given an opportunity to consult with counsel, if they have counsel, prior to an interview. The evaluation process should include mechanisms by which prisoners can provide both positive and negative comments about their care. (a) A correctional facility should provide prisoners reasonable access to updated legal research resources relevant to prisoners common legal needs, including an appropriate collection of primary legal materials, secondary resources such as treatises and self-help manuals, applicable court rules, and legal forms. Your membership has expired - last chance for uninterrupted access to free CLE and other benefits. Modifications are not required if they would pose an undue burden to the facility, cause a fundamental alteration to a program, or pose a direct threat of substantial harm to the health and safety of the prisoner or others. (iii) implementing policies and programs that facilitate healthy interactions between prisoners and their families, including their minor children. (c) At intervals not to exceed [30 days], correctional authorities should conduct and document an evaluation of each prisoners progress under the individualized plan required by subdivision (b) of this Standard. Any claim that a prisoner is refusing treatment for a serious medical or mental health condition should be investigated by a qualified health care professional to ensure that the refusal is informed and voluntary, and not the result of miscommunication or misunderstanding. (j) A jurisdiction or correctional agency should establish criteria, based on the extent of prisoner injury and the type of force, for forwarding use of force reports to a person or office outside the relevant facilitys chain of command for a more in-depth investigation. e) The term correctional facility means any place of adult criminal detention, including a prison, jail, or other facility operated by or on behalf of a correctional or law enforcement agency, without regard to whether such a facility is publicly or privately owned or operated. (b) The term correctional administrator means an individual with responsibility for system-wide operations and management. Correctional officials should not unreasonably delay the delivery of these legal documents. (e) If correctional officials conduct a disciplinary proceeding during the pendency of a criminal investigation or prosecution, correctional authorities should advise the prisoner of the right to remain silent during the proceeding, and should not use that silence against the prisoner. (a) Governmental authorities should enact legislation to implement and fund compliance with these Standards. (b) No prisoner under the age of eighteen should be housed in an adult correctional facility. (b) Upon a prisoners entry to a correctional facility, correctional authorities should provide the prisoner a personal copy of the rules for prisoner conduct and an informational handbook written in plain language. (c) Subject to the restrictions in Standard 23-8.6, correctional authorities should allow prisoners to produce works of artistic expression and to submit for publication books, articles, creative writing, art, or other contributions to media outside the facility under their own names. 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Catskill Police Blotter, Gerald Arthur Friend Polly, Articles A