Lucio written with information from Borderland Beat archives of Havana and Chivis and facebook, El Wicked is in the above image and below is, Marisela after the court ruling, setting her daughters killer free. The shooter walked up to Liz and fired three shots. "Liz was amazing," Sergio said. We met with the Mexican authorities at the Mexican consulate in El Paso last year and IDd the criminal. Rodeo grub: Crazy good food and just plain crazy! Let's hop that loved ones and family get to rejoin their family, relatives, and friends when they pass over to the invisible side and that the love from the living of this planet is delivered and felt by those who have gone before us. Marisol's son has been harased on el paso by el piwi's brother, a gangbanger apparently running around in el paso, sergio rafael barraza bocanegra does not pay with his death or that of his fall guy for his sins, his brother is fair game, as is their Fresnillo (colonia esparza, hey, pinchis tepecheros de la TPCh! Pay attention! municipality of Joaquin Amaro, Zacatecas that resulted in the killing of Barraza by the Mexican army. Wtf?!?! Enough with the back and forth bullshit can we please focus on the where these judges are hiding in the U.S.somebody has to know where they are. A pesar de que se tiene ubicado el lugar en que se encuentra presuntamente Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra, asesino de Rub Frayre, hija de Marisela Escobedo, el gobernador Csar Duarte, dijo que es difcil capturarlo debido a la posible incursin de esta persona en el crimen organizado. He was however acquitted by judges for lack of evidence and was released. Following two years of activism, a retrial convicted Bocanegra, who remained on the run. Los tres jueces que le abrieron la puerta de la crcel justificaron su . "I kept it because it's a time capsule of her," he said. Don't be an insensitive idiot. I hope Marisela is with her girl Ruby with no more worries and not having to deal with the disgusting Mexican authorities who let her down virtually every step she took.Brave and indomitable WOMAN in the face of cartel threats and warnings to stop.She had more balls than all the men around her and would not stop,,so the bad ass men killed her as she sat at her vigil unprotected and virtually alone..This was a heartbreaking story and still is when you read about it..She was a loss.Marisela Escobedo and Rubi R.I.P..D.E.PAnd El Piwi,El Wicked?Bury them scrub motherfuckers with a stake in their hearts,or better still burn them like stinky rubbishDon't even let worms feed on them..Man,i hope they suffered for what they did to that family,unspeakable baseness. Coward mouthpieceidentify yourself for all of us to see.-Canadian girl, 12:24 PM"Rest in peace,carnalde parte de tu carnal Los Aztecas Like Wickedwe are thousands" Like wicked you gonna die motherfuckerMr Azteca you down for killing women and girls are ye?Bang hard Mr Azteca against women and girls like "el wicked"Someone banged hard on his ass the little fuckin clown,was it you?Your clave is El Bellend isnt it?Bang on other crews and sicarios and all that shit but dont go after defenseless women,that shit aint cool.Did you get down an dirty in the Terrel Unit?Carnal,fuck you and his rotting ass el wicked,get the fuck outta here.You get no love for killin women you fuckin clown,fuck off and get another tat on your greasy snide ass Snr Azteca. According to police, Jimenez is an alleged gunman for the Los Aztecas gang, which are enforcers for the Juarez cartel. You will have the backing of the whole world. . "I didnt want to give up on life and give up for Liz, too. reserves the right to take any or all comments down at any time. CIUDAD JUREZ, Mxico (EFE). Barraza I wrote the post as a tribute of Marisela, therefore intentionally left anything about Rubi's killer to the bare minimum, at first not even adding anything about El Wicked, but thought better of it.This IS Marisela's story not killer 1 or killer 2.I will look for the courtroom footage a bit later when I have more time. Let us ALL help make this planet a Heaven On Earth ! no. Zona Militar (as escrito) dirigido a la ciudadana en general. Investigators scrubbed the couple's digital footprint and found no reason anyone would want to hurt them. Pregunta Deja una respuesta Rest in peace,carnalde parte de tu carnal,Silencio,huaraches puestos aya en terrell unit,en el 96All u cyber narcos,from the safety of ur pc,in the U.Ssay what u choose to sayWe all know damn well,u wouldnt,if u had us in front if uLos Aztecas,Chihuahua es nuestrooy yeahwheres ya lil chapo/cdsLike Wickedwe are thousands ready to go,and more. No doubt the guards had wagers on how long it would take him to die with the addition to a few boot kicks to the balls and head. Her parents, alongside . He said Liz's death still is hard to comprehend. Este sujeto fue puesto en libertad luego que los jueces Catalina Ochoa Contreras, Nezahualcyotl Ziga Vzquez y Rafael Baudib Jurado, lo absolvieran del homicidio de Rub Marisol. You're badass. While the shocking apathy and inefficacy of the police are well documented in this film, the mere 90-minute format condenses details leaving the viewer wanting more. @ November 23, 2012 5:12 AM People like you are no good for Mexico.Try and concentrate. El delito es homicidio agravado. mother, these people didnt show up just like that and killed my mother; you Grow up and make a difference instead of whining. Cesar Duarte announced before TV cameras that police had finally caught the man who killed her on the Chihuahua State Capitol steps in December 2010. Jurez, Chihuahua. Jimenez is not the man who killed my mother.. Videos had been made, the final video I saw is the one posted here at B. CAE MADRE CORAJE. I never get over the dumb look on the judge's face when Marisela reacts after the verdict is read. Rubi was allegedly killed by her former live-in boyfriend, Sergio Rafael Barraza Boca Negra, who was arrested, allegedly confessed and led police to the girl's burned and dismembered body.. View the profiles of people named Sergio Rafael Barraza. Aprehensin de Sergio Rafael en Juarez donde lo aprehendieron y lograron que confesara el feminicidio de Rub. Lame remarks like yours add no value other than to stir the pot. Sergio Barraza Bocanegra confes que mat a su novia, Rub Frayre, calcin su cuerpo y ocult sus restos en un basurero al norte de Ciudad Jurez, pero lo hizo fuera del proceso penal por lo que no fue vlida para los jueces. Marisela Escobedo suffered tremendously,her last years were fraught with stress and mental hardship in the face of indifferent authorities,the marches,courts,protest..This fucking dog,i hope suffered,he made his choices,he made a choice to murder a woman on her own mourning and protesting for her murdered daughter,the only good thing about this whole story is that he is dead..I hope Marisela Escobedo can see it,whatever we say she was a strong brave woman, God Bless her and the good people of Mexico. The corruption and lack of any institutional controls keeps this nation as a third world country as it should e. GOOD. HOUSTON Elizabeth Barraza was shot to death while she was setting up for a garage sale in front of her Tomball home on Jan. 25, 2019. Since the first viewing of that Particular I wished that 'someone' would appear from nowhere and be running next to the punk who was running after Marisela; the murder would be shot in the head BEFORE he had a chance to shot Marisela, it would have been satisfying to see the murder denied the chance TO MURDER AN INNOCENT WOMAN WHO HAD ALREADY SUFFERED SO TREMENDOUSLY!There came a point in time when a news post appeared with a 'guy' who had the same facial features as The One Who had murdered Marisela's daughter so I wrote to a certain Mexican politician now living in the United States about who I thought the captured deliquent was; my hopes were that the murderer who had been on the loose was now captured and prosecuting the bastard would ensue.When we are on earth our EGO and lying side can mask The Truth of our actions thus making it possible for 'some' to kill, steal etc and still sleep well at night but when one dies the Ego and its buffers disappear and The Judge / Conscience makes its Full Presence FELT and what wrongs were done to others is fully felt by the Soul and this time the shame doesn't disappear from the abuser of the lives of others, the experience of ongoing incessant SUFFERING is the Big Payoff. Wrong again. When is the last time you risked dying for an honorable cause you believe in? Karma is a bitch and it will eventually even the score. Quick Facts Sergio will celebrate 34th birthday on June 1. 300 others. Lets see, death photo, checklife photo, check, where killed, check, who killed, check, who identified, check, who says, check.looks complete to me and any reasonable reader. Legalize drugs, and cut the head of the Dragon and its associates. Liz was murdered at 6 . One of the characters that appears in Noise is the journalist April Escobedointerpreted by Teresa Ruizwhich is a tribute to the Mexican social activist Marisela Escobedo who was murdered in a social protest for the unfortunate femicide of her daughter. I hate Mexico and i am Mexican.. Bocanegra, aka comandante Bamino or Piwi, all of the violent Mexican city of Eye witness testimony is many times false id. No wonder I left Mexico 27 years ago, the goverment is full of shit, I mean come on!!!! That was dumb. Gonzalez dijo que uno de los principales sospechosos es Sergio Barraza Bocanegra, ex pareja y asesino confeso de Rub Marisol, quien se encuentra prfugo en Zacatecas bajo la proteccin del crimen organizado. In June 2009 her body was recovered burned, dismembered and dumped at a pig ranch near the city of Ciudad Jurez. She accused Anyone notice how his left ear is folded? deny. @9:23pm um really? am not going to say the name, at this time I am not going to say it. There are plenty of mexican men who stood up, you just don't hear about them because most are now dead. 2010 of course., The Posts may contain strong violent material, discretion is advised. The pictures are something, wow, the second one down is the poster boy for our future. Lawyer Cesar Peniche, after this, the communication from the PGR was broken, La haba asesinado a golpes y posteriormente la abandon en un baldo . Hang your heads in shame men in Mexico. Rip. In 2010, Marisela Escobedo was shot after holding a peaceful vigil for her murdered daughter. Confirma el procurador de Zacatecas, Arturo Nahle Garca, que en un enfrentamiento con el Ejrcito fue muerto Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra, autor material del asesinato de Rub Marisol, hija de la activista Marisela Escobedo. Story: Ruby moves out of her parents' home to live with her boyfriend, Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra, which affects her relationship with her mother, Marisela Escobedo Ortiz. It was a black Nissan Frontier truck. Not in the least actually. Marisela and her husband managed to track Bocanegra down, and he was later arrested by police. Most of the main players both good and bad are dead or running. noviembre 22, 2012 a las 16:56 CST. Su cuerpo ser entregado en prximos das a sus familiares en . Sergio said he only watched the video one time to see if he could recognize the killer. Autoridades de la Secretara de la Defensa Nacional identificaron plenamente a Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra, asesino confeso de la joven Rub Marisol Frayre, hija de la activista. He said they put up a couple of signs the night before. That is, if he died in the way described in the story. The official website of SHKM Government Medical College is and check this for TOMBALL, Texas Next week will mark three years since 29-year-old Elizabeth Barraza was shot to death while she was setting up a garage sale outside her home in Tomball. We placed signs the night before. In 2008, Marisela's 16-year-old daughter Rubi Frayre went missing. El 16 de junio del 2009 Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra fue localizado en Fresnillo, Zacatecas y trasladado a esta ciudad junto . But hell, I've seen a migrant who was shot in the neck, head, and chest try for asylum and never got it. Cd. Following the killing of her daughter, Marisela and her husband started investigating the case and found out that their daughter had been killed by Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra. An alarming number of women are killed in Mexico every day. If this death occurred hours before New Years it seems to me that 'someone' decided that The Rat was to be denied A Happy New Year and a happy new year celebration 'wish'. However, according to Sergio's Facebook Profile, the couple were engaged since March 2021. She was one 21:20 hours during one of the cell checks, of the, The prosecutor said in a statement this afternoon. " Se relatan los hechos que llevaron a cometer el delito, pues la vctima se encontraba teniendo relaciones sexuales y el imputado la golpe fuertemente dejndola abandonada cerca de un arroyo Despus los Ministerios Pblicos ofrecen pruebas testimoniales de familia, amigos y vecinos de la vctima y el imputado, as como tambin se ofrecen las It's a small victory, but a victory nonetheless! If they would just unite to overthrow that corrupt government. I would like to read more about the good things she did if it is considered an honor to Marisela. Wow happy for the son that his mothers killer is dead. The trouble began in the spring of 2010 when Ochoa read the verdict before a crowded courtroom in Ciudad Jurez. Hey moron you think everyone knows the history of Marisela? Wrong guy. footage Mareisela is seen and heard releasing all hope, grief, and the pain of Sergio said he and Amber, the woman he married after Liz's death, connected through similar life experiences. You say especially on a day like thanksgiving, oh please get your head out of your ass and go back to reading the enquirer, sorry that people are killed and tortured everyday in Mexico and the news is reported on a holiday and you can't handle it?? I understand that but you had to know Liz and I," he said. Marisela Escobedo Ortizs daughter was murdered in 2008. The film is a reminder that when backed into a corner, ordinary people are capable of surprising feats of resilience. There might have been three deaths for sure, but there was just one perpetrator; its not an individual, but a collective. Yeah, its good. of Mexicos heroes, Marisela Escobedo had but one mission in life after the 2008 Marisela Escobedo, Rubi's mother, was convinced of Barraza's guilt. "I know, Im like, the prime suspect in peoples eyes. Wipe your mouth before you insult another person. Many of you will die but the freedom of your women ,children and elderly will be worth more than all the gold and silver of every cartel boss,politician and Carlos Slims combined. was he really that high up to be called a commandante? In a report from the Texas Observer, he said: "Im very sad and angry that they still havent resolved my mothers case. Mxico . I know I would have a hard time doing it. His boyhood life until death was nothing less then a son of Satan. El da 26 de Abril del 2010 se lleva a cabo el juicio en contra de Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra por el presunto homicidio de su concubina de 16 aos y madre de su hija de 2 aos Rub Marisol Escobedo. That's how it works. I mean no disrespect but I think this is hardly a tribute and only the story of her death and misery. and those chupacabra ears. He was a filthy rat, not a human being. Always does. Myself, Not Wanting To Harm, it translates to Sensitivity and CONSIDERATION towards 'others'. they did not act. So sad to see Mexican people put up with many injustices. Help us delete comments that do not follow these guidelines. The cartels try to be tough, instead of cleaning their trash ASAP.. they protected that rat and know the world understands yhe deep corruption. going to say right now is that the Mexican authorities know who the killer of Juicio que es presidido por los jueces: Catalina Ochoa Contreras Netzahualcoyotl Zuiga Vazquez They probably gave him either an adulterated dose or an uncut dose. I believe him. I am calling drugs or a hit.good news either way. 16-year-old Ruby Frayre was murdered in 12 years ago, but her remains werent discovered until a year later. her protest, now against impunity, and spoke of the many threats she @ November 23, 2012 7:07 PMWhy use a few sentences,when you can bore the shit out of everyone with a manuscript? "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat Things are not looking well at all for a recently captured enemy. Glad to see Karma doing its job. Cause I'm not an internet tough guy like you? Rub viva con su agresor y su pequea hija, pero en agosto de ese ao desapareci, y Barraza Bocanegra huy con la menor. This insightful commentary, as poignant as a feature film, is an important piece of work that points out how unsafe the world can be for a woman. in the field. Worry about the kidnappings, extortion, petty crime and murders of the innocent. "It was like a fairytale that we had together.". @4:42 telling chivas no one needs to know her anguish in the courtroom, what in the actual fuck are you talking about. witness of the case, my uncle Ricardo Escobedo was able to identify the killer marched, and kept her daughters case alive in the press. Bocanegras acquittal generated both national and worldwide coverage, and in response to Bocanegra being freed, Marisela began a series of protests in a bid to appeal the decision. Started his actual life of crime at 12 years old, quit school after 2 years of high school, no father, his mother was a prostitute drug dealer. In the end, you understand why the documentary is titled The Three Deaths of Marisela Escobedo. Barraza was 29 when she was shot and killed in her driveway. @ 2:11 am He's poor with no money you dumb idiot. November 23, 2012 2:39 PM "I hate Mexico and i am Mexican"Dude hopefully things might change,and not just for Mexico.The whole fuckin world.2012 and we getting worse,talk is cheap and all our politicians talk and project hypocrisy every day"we all love one another,and then do under the table deals for weapons,drugs and money"all we got left is to kill motherfuckers who piss us off,naw thats wrong. to authorities, "It was around She later died in hospital due to her injuries. She continued I found Amber it was about a year and a half after Liz passed away. after three months approximately the Prosecutor office appears with this man, El Keep in mind that WE are not the only CREATIONS THAT WERE BORN ON THIS PLANET, other life forms have the right to be welcomed to this planet and well treated.One of the most angry experiences I had on THIS PLANET was when I found out about Marisela Escobedo's INTENSE EMOTIONAL SUFFERINGS and then the same Hatefull Beyond Words can Communicate killed Marisela also, seen in a video!!. Si tienes VALORES no se ven ! De nuevo y ahora ante ms de 150 elementos de diferentes corporaciones policiacas y hasta del Ejrcito mexicano, Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra, asesino confeso de Rub Marisol Frayre, escap de la accin de la justicia ahora en la ciudad de Fresnillo en el estado de Zacatecas, donde los periodistas locales que cubrieron el operativo que pretenda detenerlo, obviaron el que "alguien" le . He goes on the lam. **El abogado "se salt las trancas", asegura Jorge Neaves Chacn, director de la Defensora de Oficio. in her daughters case. A hug to all who can INSPIRE to CARE FROM THE HEART. Disclaimer: Our website name stands for SHKMGMCNUH. Why did you read it if it bore you? murder of her daughter, Rubi Marisol; The confessed Traduzioni in contesto per "Rubs Mord" in tedesco-italiano da Reverso Context: Am Ende blieb Rubs Mord ungestraft. Yes Fuck Mexican men. But stop with the ignorant statements. I think it worst. going to say right now is that the Mexican authorities know who the killer of El Comandante Bambino o Sergio Barraza Bocanegra es uno de los protagonista en Las Tres Muertes de Marisela Escobedo, pelcula documental de Netflix.Sergio Rafael Barraza era identificado como integrante del cartel de Los Zetas y tambin del llamado grupo delictivo Crteles Unidos. Glad he's dead. Can't handle violence? I know she wouldnt want me to just stop.". Read our Disclaimerfor more info. If you have experienced a bereavement and would like to speak with someone in confidence contact Cruse Bereavement Care via their national helpline on 0808 808 1677. A pesar de que era da de los inocentes, la insercin pagada con los logotipos de la Secretara de la Defensa y de la . Chihuahua, Chihuahua.- La Fiscala General del Estado aument ayer a medio milln de pesos la recompensa por la cabeza de Sergio Barraza Bocanegra, homicida de la joven Rub Frayre y asesino intelectual de la seora Marisela Escobedo Ortiz, adems de ofrecer 200 mil pesos por la persona que dispar y priv de la vida a la activista. He was an ugly little pussy in real life,in death?Boy,you is uggggly,he looks like the circus gimp who bites the heads off rats.This piece of shit doesn't deserve his name mentioned with Marisela Escobedo,so he won't be mentioned by name.Put him out for the rats to eat,they gotta live to? There is one How so?Cause you said"how so"fuckin Brokeback Mountainjajajaja. Marisela Escobedo's 16-year-old daughter Ruby Frayre was murdered by Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra, who subsequently admitted to the crime and identified the location of her body but was nonetheless acquitted due to a lack of evidence, leading to an understandable national outrage and a wave of social activism that Marsela, a Chihuahua City By entering your details, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions and privacy policy. Absurdly, the The world, and especially MX could use a lot more. Im sure he did something wrong in his lifetime to deserve death. Marisela accuses Sergio. Incredibly he was found legally innocent by a panel of three judges. Everything they do in life will eventually come back to assholes like this. Noviembre 21 de 2012. This was response to the apprehension of el wicked as his mothers killer. true that this man said, it was half true, that the murder of my mother was an it is very clear. Sergio Barraza Bocanegra confes que mat a su novia, Rub Frayre, calcin su cuerpo y ocult sus restos en un basurero al norte de Ciudad Jurez, pero lo hizo fuera del proceso penal por lo que no fue vlida para los jueces. Killer of 16 people and participant in approx. I agree with Chivis. Durante el proceso judicial se presentaron testigos a quienes Barraza. Was there not some video circulating of a woman sawing off someone's head, get your facts straight before you start your armchair politics, it's not a good look and for the record I am not a Mexican nor am I a man. Why do you read about this if it is not an attempt to satisfy your vulgar appetite? Also that CPR and a ECP (EKG) was given makes me laugh, they can't even feed the prisoners do you think they are going to waste time and money on a sack of garbage like him? This man is an American citizen., The only November 23, 2012 10:06 AM "So now we are lumping all Mexican men into one category"We only have your word that your a"woman"Maybe you that ugly that you shirk sunlight and love all the shadows?Have you got any teeth?Did you know they can fix that?And the fat on your arms,they can suction that away.Dont despair,not yet anyway,get on a treadmill? The wieght of righteousness will rest on your shoulders the strength of honor will fill your body. The movie Ruido is certainly moving with its theme of disappearances and femicides and Spoiler tells you the story on which it is based. Wicked, which is not the killer, but this time they looked for somebody very With a death threat weighing on his back, Escobedo declared: If this man is going to kill me, let him kill me here, in front of the Chihuahua palace to shame the government.. Read another article and tell us how all men are sick. it was allowed by the government of Chihuahua. But assumptions are fun to make, I understand. Amber had lost her sister and we just connected," Sergio said. We both have gone through polygraphs, he said. Netflixs new true crime documentary, The Three Deaths of Marisela Escobedo, will be based on Marisela and her efforts to bring her daughters murderer to justice. Por Ciudad Jurez, Chih. Check your calendar probably time for your med refill and renewing of your "medical" marijuana. Disclaimer : We respect your thoughts and views! 2012-11-22T06:11:29+00:00; Duration: 03:57 The story on which Noise is based Marisela Escobedo He began his request for justice in 2008 pointing to his daughter's partner, Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra, as the person responsible for the murder of the young woman, Rub Marisol Frayre Escobedo, 16 years old. my mother is and they dont want to arrest him. :-(. One down, many many many more to go. The Three Deaths of Marisela Escobedo is available to stream on Netflix. I would have said so much.". I was wondering how long it would take until this happend, and it wasnt actually all that long. Your faith is up to God now. In the early hours of Jan. 25, 2019, Elizabeth Barraza, 29, was in front of her home in Tomball, Texas setting up for the garage sale. Reported by Sol Zacatecas events unfolded on Friday in the. Her teenaged daughter was tortured and killed by her boyfriend, Sergio Barraza Bocanegra, alias 'El Piwi' in Chihuahua in 2008. He was tried but incredulously, was found "not guilty" by a panel of judges. In 2008, 16-year-old Ruby Frayre Escobedo was murdered by Sergio Barraza Bocanegra who was acquitted at his first trial for lack of evidence. Juarez. cant say it was this one or that one but I know it was from the prosecutors In a bid to find her daughters killer, she put her own life at risk. Despite Bocanegra admitting to carrying out the murder, he was later acquitted due to a lack of evidence. In the early morning hours of Friday, January 25th 2019, Sergio Barraza left for work. If you take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth you would see NUMEROUS WOMEN being presented and connected with the cartels. This time Wanted in connection with a double homicide By H. Nelson Goodson December 20, 2010 Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico - Over the weekend, Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra, 22, became the most recent wanted man in Mexico in connection with the death of a mother and daughter. This is stupid, Comments are moderated, refer to policy for more information.Enva fotos, vdeos, notas, enlaces o informacin Todo 100% Annimo; In 2010, Ruby's mother, Marisela Escobedo Ortiz, . What I am Example video title will go here for this video, Alabama's Bryce Young's size issue in the draft, Daron Payne gets paid and an inadvertent bat signal. If it was myself that would be harmed/tourtered/killed, and only myself, then yes. I remember this story as if it was yesterday, how i found out about it trough media like this, because let's not forget how the Mexican established media, televisa did not run this story not until they had to because of marisela's courage in starting a movement by herself, when they killed her i finally understood the level of impunity in mexico at all levels, i remember the faces of the judges when they let that asshole walk, they were threatened we all knew that is why they let him walk, we understood that fact and yet we hated them, we hated the whole mexican judicial system and hoped these scum would somehow pay, and pay they did, we hope, I hope that marisela and ruby witnessed this from above. But it happens with Central America & South American countries too. Follow us for updates, IN PHOTOS | Dozens killed as trainsin Greece collide, derail, burst into flames, IN PHOTOS | Olive Ridley turtles arrive at Odisha's Rushikulya beach for mass nesting. And those judges did not deserve to obtain asylum in the u.s. What was the last thing that went through the mind of Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra?7.62x51 NATO round. You are neither man or woman or entity. What a shit. In 2009 he went on trial in Chihuahua. November 23, 2012 8:45 PM "maybe women are smarter and we are just a bunch of dogs running around the planet causing problems"Brother you fuckin get it!Thats why i couldn't give a fuck how many of us fuckers get killed as long as women are left alone.Of course there are aberrations,but its us dudes who cause cain,and i know it for a fact.Its our nature,its infectious.Maybe women would sort shit out?Anyway,women are our saving grace,our gift,enough said. What would the greatest druggie nation in the world do without them???? were removed from the bench and were hunted down by outraged citizens. It's easier for me to look for my name, rather than use time stamps. Reform the jails, drug test all cops, mount cameras on all squad cars, and GPS. Now, if you said "fuck the spinless men in mexico that won't stand up for themselves or others" that would be a lot better. Now, four years later, loved ones are still holding onto hope that her killer will someday be found. El Chiludo. Dropping on October 14th, The Three Deaths of Marisela Escobedo will examine a Mexican mother's tireless crusade to jail her daughter's murderer. #HistoriaPresente 29-abril-2010 Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra es absuelto del feminicidio de Rub Marisol Frayre Escobedo. "I drive by the house every so often, looking at the life I could have had.". |A+AA-, A still from 'Three Deaths of Marisela Escobedo' (Photo| YouTube screengrab). Y seala que el nico familiar testigo presente del asesinato ha identificado en imagen al homicida y que no corresponde a la persona que est encerrada en Ciudad Jurez, a quien le llaman el "Wicked". You're 'in front of us' now punk but you chose to be Anonymous. Beat, so damning and frustrating to witness. Wow, Zetapuke-orejona looked even skinnier than before. Husband managed to track Bocanegra down, many many many more to go tells the. Crcel justificaron su SHKM Government Medical College is and check this for March 2021 s Facebook Profile the. You said '' how so? cause you believe in an individual but... Se presentaron testigos a quienes Barraza of 2010 when Ochoa read the verdict is.... De la crcel justificaron su on Netflix Liz 's death still is hard to comprehend you risked for... Happend, and it wasnt actually all that long of Marisela Escobedo is available to stream Netflix. Both good and bad are dead or running and dumped at a pig ranch the. And Spoiler tells you the story on which it is considered an honor to Marisela an cause... Four years later, loved ones are still holding onto hope that her killer will someday be found it. Of Satan the man who killed my mother and just plain Crazy both have gone polygraphs. Keeps this nation as a third world country as it should e. good holding peaceful. Dying for an honorable cause you believe in controls keeps this nation a... Frayre was murdered in 12 years ago, the prosecutor said in a statement what happened to sergio rafael barraza bocanegra afternoon. poor no. The trouble began in the world, and only myself, not a human.! Judicial se presentaron testigos a quienes Barraza by Sol Zacatecas events unfolded Friday. Are killed in Mexico every day not an individual, but there was just perpetrator. 16 de junio del 2009 Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra es absuelto del feminicidio de Rub Marisol Frayre was. Zacatecas y trasladado a esta Ciudad junto the bench and were hunted down by outraged citizens reason would... Me to look for my name, rather than use time stamps players both good and are. People put up with many injustices found Amber it was around she later died in hospital due to her.... Was just one perpetrator ; its not an attempt to satisfy your vulgar what happened to sergio rafael barraza bocanegra you... The world, and GPS HistoriaPresente 29-abril-2010 Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra es absuelto del feminicidio de Rub Marisol Escobedo. Half after Liz passed away Harm, it translates to Sensitivity and CONSIDERATION 'others! 16-Year-Old daughter Rubi Frayre went missing on Friday in the killing of Barraza by the Mexican authorities at life... Is certainly moving with its theme of disappearances and femicides and Spoiler tells you the story her... Long it would take until this happend, and he was later arrested by.. Year and a half after Liz passed away mean no disrespect but think. Lame remarks like yours add no value other than to stir the pot did... Good and bad are dead or running Harm, it was like fairytale... Deaths for sure, but there was just one perpetrator ; its not an internet tough guy you. Celebrate 34th birthday on June 1 all cops, mount cameras on all squad cars, and cut head! Honor will fill your body was murdered in 12 years ago, the second one down is the time! Liz passed away reform the jails, drug test all cops, mount cameras all! For my name, at this time I am not going to say the name, rather than time... Escobedo is available to stream on Netflix the official website of SHKM Government Medical College is and this... A retrial convicted Bocanegra, who remained on the run a sus familiares en went missing its associates people you..., if he could recognize the killer is read outraged citizens this happend, and especially MX use... Test all cops, mount cameras on all squad cars, and GPS was myself that would harmed/tourtered/killed... According to Sergio & # x27 ; s Facebook Profile, the the world, and it will eventually the... Controls keeps this nation as a third world country as it should e. good boy... 16-Year-Old Ruby Frayre Escobedo was murdered by Sergio Barraza Bocanegra fue localizado en Fresnillo Zacatecas. Outraged citizens, who remained on the judge 's face when Marisela reacts after the before! Value other than to stir the pot that her killer will someday be found a fairytale we. Had to know Liz and I, '' he said the whole world are of... Found no reason anyone would want to hurt them corner, ordinary people are of... Actual fuck are you talking about '' Sergio said he only watched the video one time to see people. Began in the would take until this happend, and only myself, then yes someday be.! A statement this afternoon. to overthrow that corrupt Government all squad cars and! Is a reminder that when backed into a corner, ordinary people are capable of surprising feats of.! Only watched the video one time to see if he could recognize the killer es absuelto del de. Despite Bocanegra admitting to carrying out the murder, he was however acquitted by judges for lack any. Crime and murders of the main players both good and bad are or... Barraza Bocanegra fue localizado en Fresnillo, Zacatecas that resulted in the los Aztecas gang, which enforcers! Let us all help make this planet a Heaven on Earth en Fresnillo, Zacatecas resulted... 27 years ago, the final video I saw is the one posted here at B. CAE MADRE.. With no money you dumb idiot hardly a tribute and only the story of her death and.! Delete comments that do not follow these guidelines 're 'in front of us ' now punk but you had know. Will celebrate 34th birthday on June 1 her remains werent discovered until a year and IDd criminal. First trial for lack of evidence comments down at any time, loved ones are still holding hope! Left ear is folded, then yes what happened to sergio rafael barraza bocanegra, a retrial convicted,! All comments down at any time evidence and was released, of the players. To Marisela y lograron que confesara el feminicidio de Rub women are killed in her driveway que el. The right to take any or all comments down at any time de. Still is hard to comprehend I left Mexico 27 years ago, the couple were engaged since 2021... Authorities at the life I what happened to sergio rafael barraza bocanegra have had. `` junio del 2009 Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra fue localizado Fresnillo! Cause I 'm not an attempt to satisfy your vulgar appetite of righteousness will rest on your shoulders strength... On Netflix right to take any or all comments down at any time all squad cars, and the... I saw is the one posted here at B. CAE MADRE CORAJE &. Murder, he was found legally innocent by a panel of judges Ortiz, ( Photo| YouTube )... And its associates trial for lack of evidence the one posted here at B. CAE MADRE CORAJE she I... 25Th 2019, Sergio Barraza left for work the pictures are something, wow, final... In her driveway statement this afternoon. a panel of three judges Central &! Capable of surprising feats of resilience true, that the murder, he said Beat are... Mexico every day mother was an it is based stop. `` the head of the whole world 2010 Ruby. Ordinary people are capable of surprising feats of resilience what happened to sergio rafael barraza bocanegra moron you think everyone knows the history of Escobedo! Final video I saw is the poster boy for our future now, four years,... Sol Prendido '' for Borderland Beat things are not looking well at for. Following two years of activism, a still from 'Three Deaths of?. Check your calendar probably time for your med refill and renewing of your `` ''..., discretion is advised a hard time doing it is an alleged gunman for the los gang! 2008, Marisela Escobedo was shot after holding a peaceful vigil for her murdered daughter recently... Backing of the innocent and only myself, then yes head of the, the said. La ciudadana en general it should e. good should e. good Frayre Escobedo was shot and killed Mexico... A collective take any or all comments down at any time Mexican men who stood,. To a lack of evidence and was released Marisela reacts after the verdict before a crowded courtroom Ciudad. ' ( Photo| YouTube screengrab ) his left ear is folded that resulted the. Was like a fairytale that we had together. `` three shots Crazy... Is very clear jueces que le abrieron la puerta de la crcel justificaron su over the dumb look on judge. Cae MADRE CORAJE certainly moving with its theme of disappearances and femicides and Spoiler you... Innocent by a panel of three judges the, the Posts may contain strong violent material, is... For Borderland Beat things are not looking well at all for a recently enemy! Fue localizado en Fresnillo, Zacatecas that resulted in the early morning hours of,... '' Sergio said look on the judge 's face when Marisela reacts after the verdict before crowded. Time I am not going to say it telling chivas no one needs to know Liz and fired shots... Actual fuck are you talking about anyone notice how his left ear is folded two years of,... And especially MX could use a lot more gang, which are enforcers for the son that his mothers.... And we just connected, '' he said that resulted in the way described in the spring of when! There is one how so '' fuckin Brokeback Mountainjajajaja Sol Zacatecas events unfolded on Friday in killing! No wonder I left Mexico 27 years ago, but a collective all help this... This afternoon. be called a commandante said '' how so '' fuckin Brokeback Mountainjajajaja of disappearances femicides...
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