At least once Granny brought over the tea, she also brought some rock cakes that had evidently just come out of the oven. Reparifarge! Regina said, and the transfigured dress robes morphed back into her original outfit. Emma hesitantly stuck her hand out next to Reginas. Oh, um, that makes more sense. By the time theyd finished their lap and moved to the center of the field to hover opposite the Gryffindors, her elated grin was replaced with a fierce one, ready to win her first game and bring home a Ravenclaw victory. I dont want you to tutor me., Regina let out a small sigh of relief until Lance continued, I was hoping you could make me a potion?, Of everything shed expected him to say, that wasnt it. When the wizards escaped from Azkaban and then freed their muggle counterparts from muggle jail, it put number of people at risk. Finally, Emma decided to come right out and say it. Sorry, she said. People might make you think that you have to agree with their side, but you dont. We can ask Blue and the fairies to cast a strong protector spell around Storybrooke after weve left So?. I spoke really fast, because hell, I was nervous, but I didnt have a chance to continue explaining because without any warning, Regina pressed her lips against mine, silencing me. Regina watched the red envelope shred itself to pieces and burn to ash. She ended up at the top of the Astronomy tower, grateful the wind was keeping away any amorous couples and sipping a Pepperup Potion shed brewed herself to keep her temperature up, even if it meant having to fan steam away from her ears every few minutes. While Regina waited for the lock to be designed and set up, she went to numerous apothecary shops, checking prices, evaluating ingredients quality, and inquiring about shipping availability. You arent just in the library though, youre in the restricted section. Emma fidgeted at that and Regina knew she was right, And for some reason I feel like you do not have a check-out slip signed by a professor to be here., Emma gave another dramatic eyeroll and started to walk past Regina, God, youre so judge-y, its-its just very rude of you to just assume that. Quietly, Regina slipped in, closing the door behind her. We met cause she was assigned as my tutor for potions this past year. Luckily, the driver wasnt really talkative, but we arrived at the hotel really fast. She didnt want to know that she could kill her own mother. She extended her hand and I grabbed it, grasping the barrier with the other. There are a couple things that are supposed tell you ahead of time, but some are really dodgy. The Twister. I dont know what me and Ms Sapphire did, but it wasnt thisit was way longer for one.. An indistinct shout came from inside the cabin until a stout older witch in a well-worn hat and dragon hide gloves opened the door. Were looking for Snow Whites personal spell journal. I dont mind an excuse for a breakif you dont mind, that is, He seemed anxious not to inconvenience her and Regina was rather touched, not used to people being so careful with her preferences. Madame Rosmerta leaves and one of them has to open it. The event passed by in a blur. Emma looked around with even greater interest. Using the encoding spell Mal taught her, Regina was able to disguise all of the information in her ledger so that everyones privacy could be kept. Mother? No, she didnt. I don't own the characters. She opened her bag from Splotch to jump in before she gestured, This way.. As always, none of the characters belong to me. She has considerable influence, I only come to you because Emma has personally vouched for you., We are glad you have told us, if its true, as such a person would need to be brought to justice, Guinevere said gravely. She was so tired and hungrythe snack cart on the Hogwarts Express seemed like ages ago. Lilys eyes widened and a big smile spread across her face, No way, youre a witch?, Emma grinned back. As if she had any idea of where to find that. And some wouldnt even care about the muggles., She created a special spell. She judged him to be about a year older than she was, but only an inch or taller. She was in a dull haze the rest of the time home, something which her mother evidently viewed with distain, but was too busy winding down Papis business and sorting out estate issues, she more or less left Regina alone. But who else could be sneaking around in here? She wanted to relax, but she had to balance pushing all the other sounds of the park out of her mind with keeping aware of her surroundings that she didnt get nailed in the head by a footballlike yesterday. She wanted to pretend she didnt care just so they could be friends again, but she knew she needed to hold firm. See that you do, dear. She still didnt know what she wanted to find or what she hoped to learn. Hey Preston, Whale said turning away from Regina completely, Do you know what the Runes homework was? He glanced back over his shoulder at her long enough to say, Come back to me when you need the demiguise hairand dont take too long.. Of course, Silvia replied, pulling her glasses up from the chain on her neck and placing them on her nose. Because youre right, of course you are., You wouldnt be who you are if theyd lived, if theyd raised you. Regina eyes filled briefly with surprise and then disgust as she glared at the fire. Hi, um, I was wonderingwheres Neal Cassidy? Its never good to read them for the first time when you go to make the potion., I do read them ahead of time, Emma protested, embarrassed Regina would think she wouldnt even bother to do that much. This meant even if all the returning players kept their positions, there was an open chaser spot, an open beater spot, and an open seeker spot. White marble walls, a tall window which showed they were in a tower in the Northwest. From when Regina was passing the time when she had originally entered the shop, she had gotten a good handle on the shops prices. Regina ended up going with a simple three compartment model that was on sale for a low basic price, which she was glad he didnt try to upsell her from, although he did make sure she was aware of the difference enhancements they offered. Come on, shes not that bad, Ruby said when her giggles subsided. Mary Margaret crossed her arms over her chest and stuck her chin out, I said Emmas Snow and David Whites daughter, so she isnt a mugglebornshes a pureblood. Shed been feeling so competent and mature this whole excursion, handling her own affairs. A few days later, she decided to sit at the counter and see if maybe she could actually talk to Neal. Now Regina was a little annoyed, she should be able to shatter a shield spell. After she received her trunk, pre-shrunk at her request, she turned off of Horizant Alley, through an archway and found herself at the first shop into Knockturn Alley. Maybe hes just the greediest. Regina wanted to help Emma calm down. Finally, it was time to pick up her trunk and its new locks, before heading home in time for dinner. I think figured out a good way I can helpbesides just sitting next you as you get things done for Archie and them. Regina put aside her parchment to give Emma her full attention and nodded for her to continue. No!, And every year on the anniversary of their marriagesince everyone thought itd be so nice to honor their memory on a happy day for them, its all dialed up to eleven and I have to hear it all. Hm? Lily cursed under her breath, Im sorry Emma, I have no idea why hes home.. He acted as he always had, but she could feel his attention, as could the others. But I suppose it couldnt hurt.. As she moved closer she saw it was the single largest owl shed ever scene, black with small white patchesit was a wonder shed managed to pick it out against the night sky at all. She spent as much time out of the house as possible wandering their property, except when she knew her mother was gone. More people appeared in a loose circle around them, a few meters from where the four students had cast their spell, all of them in a similar state of confusion. Your parents, while not wanting to hide themselves, understood their fear. We reached the small room and when I heard her closing the door, I turned on my heels toward her. I told him to be sneaky. He spoke soothingly to her as her heart very slowly stopped racing. As they passed the line, Emma noticed the tellers. The common room was white marble, brass fixtures, and blue couches. I simply brewed one that only lasted for a short time and had a few side effects I couldnt seem to be able to fix, Regina explained blandly. The spell will be complete when the light stops coming from your wand., Emma nodded, this was the most complicated spell shed ever participated in and one of the only shed ever done with someone else. On the train shed made friends with a girl named Mary Margaret who ended up being sorted into Hufflepuff with her. Now, just what do you think youre doing?, Then she got close enough to make out the yellow Hufflepuff badger on a black jumper and the matching blonde hair. I figured you left once we got here., No, Emma replied obviously. Her owl cooed a response and Regina smiled, Not like you, boy, youre a good listener. Her mind raced as she tried to figure out, what to do next and why shed said what she had. As I walked past the kitchen, lost in my own thoughts, I realized that the gingerbread cookies were almost done when I checked before going upstairs. I found myself staring at her and soon, she started fidgeting and turned to her other side. This is the Muggle Studies section, Regina announced. Do you want to come down to dinner with us? Regina could hang on for the ride, as long as she won. Even fire respected Reginas anger. You trust these guys?, It was still risky, there were other things that could go wrong beyond simply her mother having influence over them. Emma and McGonagall walked up to the door and Emma hesitantly opened it. I was really happy because I love swimming, but I realized I hadnt brought any swimwear. Sure enough, her mother was standing by Dumbledores desk, her back to them. How had Ruby put up with this for so long? All she remembered was Mary Margaret saying she didnt like it and that she preferred using the Floo network. Wait! Miss Swan?!. She often had to adjust a batch multiple times to achieve the perfect temperature. WE WILL DISCUSS YOUR PUNISHMENT WHEN YOU NEXT COME HOME!. Ill stretch my arms out under the water and you lie on it, okay? Gold surveyed her shrewdly, I see. He steepled his fingers together, thinking her request over. She wasnt sure how singed her hair could be when she got home without even this foster home noticing. Regina frowned, Diffindo! The cutting charm had even less of an obvious effect as it hit the shield and didnt push Emma at all. Like this! Henry said loudly as he was basically lying on the water without moving a muscle, but something told me that it was not as easy as it looked. As many times as Miss Mary needs, Dilly said, nodding her head and smiling at Mary Margaret. Could I arrange to have it donated?, Of course, Grundran said promptly. I moved closer and I reached out with one arm, accidentally touching her waist. She looked at the large burn covering her ankle with dismay. I groaned angrily and dropped a pillow at my chest of drawers. She needed to figure that out too. Well, that what it seems like and its all we got, Emma said, shrugging. How strong the effects were varied by account and it was pretty rarenot to mention only dwarves could mine and handle it in its raw form competently. Trunks, bewitched to be larger on the inside than they appear to be from the outside and which allow you to carry at least double what you can fit in an ordinary trunk., Yes, Mr she looked at his name tag, Leston. I have heard thats the best way to study, Tiana said, coming into the room to join her fellow Slytherin Abby on that couch. Emma gave a jerky little wave and disappeared from sight. We spent almost the whole day browsing and making notes and eventually, we agreed on setting off on the twenty-eighth. Still, both were brought to the small kitchen table set up off the living room. But Regina Emma thought that Regina just might Not the way I do. A mismatched wand wont work correctlyor at least it wont work well. Its definitely not something we have a problem with at my school. The Do Over Chapter 1, an once upon a time fanfic | FanFiction The Do Over By: LittleSwanLover What if you were given a complete do over in life? Slowly, slowly, Emma began to lose some of her tight tension and relax. The entire construction was polished to a shine, not even a fingerprint marred the glossy wood, no bristle was out of place. The brunette turned to Emma with a grin. Regina and Emma were still sitting pressed against each other in a carriage when the door slid open with a bang. Too many. Home; Summary Resume. She hated that people would just come up to her and start talking to her now. Who was she with?, Thats the best part, you know Mal Drake? Emma drew her wand and got the most serious look Regina had ever seen on Emmas face before. Last, she hastily pulled on her wand holster. As Emma finished her sentence, I looked at Henry and we had identical furrowed brows, having no idea what the conclusion would be. She tried on a frown to cover up for it and crossed her arms over her chest, This is Emma Swan. Emma did her best to copy her. Hi, Eleanor!, he greeted her. Both girls jumped, but rather than springing apart, pushed closer together, hands tightening with wands at the ready. She had no memories of her biological family. What an imbecile.. Yes. Regina didnt know what else to say beyond that. She turned to look at McGonagall who was smiling at her. It would never happen, but maybe she could try out that dream here at Hogwarts, before she had to live in the real world where her Mother would dictate what she should do, even if not how she would go about her life. Regina could see the distaste she felt for it and she never, not once, said anything about her own time here, beyond her pride in her house. And she was the one who didnt want them. She tilted her head ever so slightly in Emmas direction. Shed almost think she confused the noise with the wind when she heard it again. Get off! she flung it off and it flew to land on a curtain. The blasting curse made a loud bang when it hit where shed been standing only a few seconds ago. Kathryn and her would hang out outside of things like that. Although, just going by these first few days of knowing her, Emma didnt really think Mary Margaret ever got angry. Regina soon realized it was a large dog with thick fur. Her supplies had not been intended for much more than favors for friends and her own experiments. Which they seem to find mysterious and interesting, rather than scary. Right, Emma nodded along. Reluctantly she closed the photo album, handing it back to Ruby. Perfect. Then, without her consent her eyes dimmed a little and she looked out the window. My brain was clouded by alcohol and we really needed to stop. Even if theyd died, I could have, have grown up with Ruby here! Im aware. A nurse hung fluids from the IV now in place in Regina's tiny arm. Emma tried to focus on what McGonagall was saying. We looked at each other and I crossed my arms. Im not sure. Good night, Miss Swan, Regina said decisively as she went up to her dorm room. She stifled a whoop as she dodged and rolled, nearly missing a thick branch and then had to dive to avoid Emma herself heading wildly in the other direction. Cora looked a little surprised at the blunt words that had come out of her mouth and looked to see what Reginas reaction would be fore all she knew the girl suspected. She remembered August saying that he helped make the spell that hid her. She gripped the school broom tightly in her hand, wishing she had her fathers broom with her instead of this borrowed one. The mattress lowered and raised when she left and I found myself sort of relieved. After I finished my glass of water, I went back to Emma who is currently dancing near the bar counter and just winked at me. Neither Hufflepuffs had much of a response as they panted to keep up with the other girls pace. Well, youre staying anyway, so I turned back to Henry. Her hands griped the branch in a manner that belied her calm. I know apparition can be a bit hard to handle the first time., Yeah, Emma lied, her voice weak. About a half an hour later Neal was resetting the cards for what felt like the hundredth time. Look, I dont know what Sapphire had you two do, but I was there for the first spell and it wasnt the same thing. Papi taught me. I rubbed my hands up and down her back to warm her up a little. Regina rolled her eyes at the old superstition of how pieces of hair or nail clippings could be used to cast Dark magic, but Tina suddenly turned to Regina, her finger raised, Oh! Regina stood there just holding it for a few more seconds before she began to mount it. 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