I have to say that if I didn't have the input I'm getting from all you wonderful people, I probably would have just repotted it and been disgusted. Use sharp tools to avoid making jagged cuts when pruning, they will allow infection into the tree. Avoid "glued-rock" Bonsai - these are Bonsai that have rocks on top of the soil that are glued together and glued to the soil. Soils consisting of finer grains will still drain well and not become easily saturated, but will retain sufficient moisture for the tree. Have you tried searching DIY decorating or craft sites? This item: 2 Epoxy 330 Water Clear Adhesive Lapidary Rock Gem Glue $13.72 Opticon Fracture Sealer & Hardener Lapidary Cabochon $35.91 Premium Grade Cyanoacrylate CA Super Glue by STARBOND $19.99 vigor glue jewelers glue for pearls vigor super glue jewelry epoxy glue for jewelry glue for rock clear coating resin metal The tree and container is then placed on top of the pebbles, ensuring that the drainage holes are not below the water level or blocked by the pebbles. Water before repotting any plant because it helps reduce transplant shock. Usually the centre has few roots and by digging in with your fingers, the root mass can be dramatically reduced. Be sure to dilute the liquid root stimulant as per the directions on the bottle such that you do not burn the roots. Watch very closely for Red Spider Mites: these are practically microscopic and can be seen with a 5x or 10x strength magnifying glass. WebThese stones naturally hold heat for reptiles or other heat loving pets. Pines and Other Conifers: Allow shoots to grow unhindered on branches you want to shorten and in late summer, remove them completely. Replant your tree in the ground or in a larger pot after it has leafed out. The ones I've seen seem to be glazed together. For example, move a tree from a 6-inch pot to an 8-inch pot. The coils should be fairly evenly spaced out - 10mm apart. The way that wiring works is that, in bending the wood, you stress, and sometimes damage the cells. Longer shoots can be snipped back to just above a pair of leaves. The simplest way to care for an airplant after it has been mounted is to clean it. I could remove it but it would destroy the trey. Consult either your local library, related websites or ask for advice from your local Bonsai Kai. (Even from an ecological point of view, you can provide food and shelter to bees, insects and birds) - Certain rambling roses and lavender work prolifically in some climates and the more you ignore them the harder they work! It's probably just in my head, but I think of the soil beneath that sealed surface as "damaged goods" anyway. There is absolutely no need to feed or fertilise a newly planted tree/seedling; in fact it is dangerous. I always figured that it was a good idea to replace some of that soil anyway. !How the heck is anyone suppose to even know when the plants need watering!! All components in Bonsai soil must be screened to remove all large chunks of material. MOSS Watering plants can be difficult, but there are several simple ways to do it. WebYou need to remove all soil from the roots, the closer to the rock they can be attached the better. This should leave enough of a gap between the rock "slab"and the roots. They do it to keep the soil and gravel in the pots during shipping. Not only will a new shoot grow from the base of the leaf, but also many new buds will form around the base of the shoot. Gross weight (kg) 0.274. Never place your Bonsai on an inner window sill with the Bonsai trapped between the window and drawn curtains as the temperature at night could be much lower in this area. Hopefully you won't have to resort to breaking the pot in order to get the rocks off--the one plant I bought a long time ago that had the glued on rocks they were fairly easy to remove. I recommend the Wonder Garden Gun. I may buy plants like this again, but I'll definitely remove the gravel once I'm home! The width of the pot should be a little more than two-thirds of the total tree height. Let new shoots grow unhindered until late summer. Poor air circulation around the foliage can encourage fungal diseases such as mildew, or attacks by some pests like red spider mites. They live on the underside of the leaves. A former cake decorator and competitive horticulturist, Amelia Allonsy is most at home in the kitchen or with her hands in the dirt. If the rocks are larger -- versus pebbles that form a flexible mat when glued together -- you might be able to pop off a few loose stones or carve out some of the softened glue. there is no other logical reason for glueing the rocks other than to keep them in place during shipping. Holiday watering system: fill a 5 litre plastic bucket with water. Under no circumstances should any tree from an area of the world subject to hard winters, be kept indoors for more than a few days at a time. This website provides all the information you need to prevent your tree from suffering from disease, however not everything can be prevented. TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY Method 4 Bonding Pea Gravel with Liquid Resin 1 Clean the pea gravel thoroughly. If you leave it on, you can't judge how to water properly, when it's dry, etc., and it will grow fungus etc. You can find it in nail polish remover. WebBonsai is an ancient art that strives to attempt the mimicry of sights and developments seen in nature. WIRING Avoid "glued-rock" Bonsai - these are Bonsai that have rocks on top of the soil that are glued together and glued to the soil. Thanks for your help. This creates a microclimate with a little humidity around the tree, making for a happier and healthier Bonsai. After all, youve likely watered many plants, either in your house or outside in your yard. Bonsai Club: The School of Bonsai/Bonsai Society of Australia Location: SYDNEY. WebGrow Bonsai - Essential Know-how and Expert Advice for Gardening Success (Paperback) / Author: Peter Warren ; 9780241593325 ; Bonsai, Specialized gardening methods, Gardening, Books Welcome to Loot.co.za! Longer shoots can be snipped back to just above a pair of leaves. Push the tails of the wire through the holes until the mesh is flat against the bottom of the inside of the pot, then flatten the tails to the bottom of the outside of the pot. Insert the business end of a drip administration set through the bottom. There is always a lack of a drainage hole in containers, which means there is no leakage. As pictured, we cut them up into smaller sizes and proceeded to glue them to the upper half of the tree. When wiring the trunk start by pushing the wire into the soil at an angle. Reason: Bonsai is an art, and like any art, the focus is to create You can save your plants by gluing rocks to your landscape, especially if you want to keep your landscape looking beautiful. There is no way of separating them. So if you wire a tree that is not in full vigour, it is unable to complete the repair, perhaps losing the branch, or dying in the process. I suspect it's one of those where there's potting mix underneath and then a layer of rocks glued over the top. You will have to weight it down enough to submerge the mulch. Its most likely not glued, but its fired on and glazed on. Trees with massive trunks will look better in heavy containers. The coils must not be too tight as wire damage could occur as the branches/trunk thicken. You can use a small pliers, or can piercer to pry up a small part of the layer at the opening, then the rest comes off in chunks either by hand or with the pliers. A new shoot will soon emerge from the base of each leaf. Plant the tree off-centre, a little to the back and a little to the side of the container. Treating Vaginal Yeast Infections With Neem Paste: How Many Times Should You Put It On? I am still astounded by how root bound it is!! Deciduous trees can only be transplanted when dormant, usually in June or July (in Southern Hemisphere), while all evergreens and conifers can be moved very easily at any time of the year. I have never in 25 years of gardening seen anyone GLUE the gravel into a mass. When a tree is removed and there are no roots, it may mean that the tree was pot-bound and the roots have started to decay. !I never buy those stupid plantsLOLHave a great day! The soil must always be at least moist. Your fertiliser should contain both macro and micro nutrients. The 'aura' won't last very long as the plant will probably die unless you remove the stones which were never meant to stay there. Store employees frequently glue rocks to the top of containers to reduce soil loss during transport when purchasing plants. Always remember that some systematic insecticides can prevent infestations of some insects, but you are living in the continual presence of a deadly chemical. Watering to a routine commonly leads to permanently wet compost, leading to problems associated with over watering. Remember this: "Ichi-miki, Ni-eda, San-nebari" - First the trunk, secondly the branches, and thirdly the roots. When a tree is dormant, root pruning can be much more severe. Do not feed repotted trees until new growth is well under way. Inorganic fertilisers (chemicals) come in different forms: dry, liquid, slow-release, pellets, plant stakes, soluble solutions, and many others. Don't think that the tree is the only thing that the viewer will see when they look at your creation. When using a humidity tray, the flatter the better as this keep the algae and pests under control because the whole amount of water should evaporate each day. PESTS The container selected should always be subordinate to the tree planted in it - remember, the TREE IS THE POINT. Naturally alkaline and helps to neutralise the acidity of peat-based or acidic soils. A layer of gravel or rock on top can help to prevent excess drying. It is always best to avoid problems in the first place through preventative measures. In climates where the air is dry and hot with minimum humidity, root pruning should be light. You can use a hot glue gun, super glue, or epoxy. The selected trees should be healthy and have long roots, therefore plant them in a large container at least a year before using them to create a rock planting. If desired, soak the rocks and glue in hot water to soften the glue and clean it from the rocks so you can use the rocks in future projects. Planters sold in garden centers typically include a drainage hole, but you might need to make a hole if you are re-purposing a container for use as a planter. Water the money tree thoroughly with warm water. WebHaving bare-rooted and repotted the Elm into a good quality bonsai soil, the tree became healthy and vigorous and over the following three years I was able to train it, using just a few of the many bonsai techniques available to the enthusiast, into the bonsai you see above. A new shoot will soon emerge from the base of each leaf. Let's hope this practice is something we see less and less of. Why does glue air plants? Preventing soil loss is not the only reason this practice occurs, but is the most functional one. Before the tree and soil are put back into the pot, it is very important to cover the drainage hole/s with rectangular pieces of mesh so that the soil is not washed out. Any older spurs can also be thinned out at this time. How can you feel, or water the soil properly with glued stones? Some trees require a period of dormancy as it is an essential part of their life cycles. Trees should be kept on slatted benches, raised to at least table height. WebThe only way to know if your bonsai needs water is to check the moisture level of the soil. Stumps can cause dieback. Trees with lighter elements belong in lighter, more delicate pots. The length of the wire should be one-third longer than the length of the area that you are planning to wire. BESTSELLER NO. Always try to maintain even temperatures and make sure any changes in temperature are gradual. Fishing wire can also be used to create some stylish floating arrangements. The trunk should have a good taper; ideally broad at the base and thin at the top. Phosphorus: Needed for the formulation of seeds, flowers and fruit. Of course you can also grow a Bonsai on a 2. A good test for the correct moisture content of your soil when transplanting is to ball a handful of soil by squeezing fairly hard, then open your hand and tap the ball of soil; if it crumbles, it is just right. Bonsai money trees (Pachira aquatica), grown in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 12, are often sold with braided trunks and glued rocks on top of the soil. Well I can say that soaking the rocks only helped about 20%. While a mulch may be beneficial, a glued-down mulch that consists of a layer of rocks can make re-potting and some general care difficult. Ean code 3276000665465. Yup, I just kept at it with pliers and a screwdriver. In potted plants, the glued down rock is also used to prevent moisture loss. All these answers and not one addressed the question..what kind of glue is used? When a rock slides slightly with fluid epoxy, paint it with painters tape to deteriorate it or tie it. WebYour bonsai will exhibit symmetry, balance, and proportion. beautiful photo! This is also important if you mist your tree regularly as the light through the droplects could burn the leaves of your tree. Is it possible to glue an bonsai pot to a humidity tray? This is another picture that just had to be shared. NEVER water to a routine. While dormant, you should check your tree for water once a week. The wire is to be left on for at least 9 months for all conifers, and for 3 or 4 months for all deciduous and evergreen trees. Wear sunglasses or safety glasses - I learned this the hard way. I tried to tweeze the rocks off, but they are so firmly stuck that I gave up on that. Stage 1: Sand For Base your pot selection not on the price tag, but on the suitablity of the pot to be in harmony with the tree. This keeps the foliage in good condition and discourages red spider mite as they drown in the tiny droplets of water. Allow your tree to die out. 2. Carefully remove the tree from its pot. They should be protected from freezing temperatures and frost. Moss can be propagated by collecting as much as possible by scraping it with a knife and allowing it to dry out properly. Be careful not to overuse this product as it can burn your plants. underneath. For the shell, depending on the type, maybe some vinegar can make it rough (acidity will attack the calcium of the shell). Wound sealant should be used for after branches have been cut. Next, apply the adhesive to one rock and press the other rock against it. Put a full size rose trellis in the pot, and anchor it with pea gravel. Sometimes rocks can be found in nature, but increasingly the rocks are handmade and sold in Bonsai stores. Extra Wait until the next feeding season arrives. On repotting, water the tree with a fungicide. This is done by a couple of commercial nurseries in CA who specialize in gift plants for mass markets. Make sure that you leave some foliage on last year's growth. The root mass is then placed in the container, clipping off only the roots that are in the way. If you need to reapply the wire, do so in the opposite direction to the first application. Tropical and Sub-tropical trees should be repotted mid-spring as the growth tends to slow down in winter and speeds up again in spring as the days grow longer. Apply in late spring to boost plant growth, but it can burn your plants, so be careful. Bonds plastic, coral frags, vertical surfaces, and more. A good Bonsai soil mixture should be composed of about 75% inert aggregate and 25% organic materials. Always follow the original curve of the trunk/branch first, and then move away from this curve if necessary. Have you seen those bonzai trees with the gravel on top? Seeds with a fleshy coating must be dried and cleaned thoroughly before planting. Look for webs, debris or the translucent round eggs. Make sure that you leave some foliage on last year's growth. Kimura rocks! This is a useful method, as often the top surface of the soil tends to dry out due to wind or sun, before the rest of the soil has. It is very easy to make an really decorative for landscape bonsai or penjing. WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for Cornbred's Ultimate Bonsai Digi - Frag - LIVE CORAL at the best online prices at eBay! The Benefits Of Combining Neem Oil And Water For Natural Health And Beauty Remedies, Unlock The Benefits Of Neem Face Packs: A Natural Solution For Acne Dryness And Premature Ageing, The Benefits Of Using Neem Oil On Your Cats Fur: A Guide To Keeping Your Feline Healthy And Happy. Spray your trees regularly with both insecticides and fungicides. Method to determine when to water: insert a skewer or toothpick (depending on the size of your tree/pot) into the soil, halfway between the tree and the pot. Try to ensure that as much of the old soil is removed as possible when transplanting. When the seedling is 5-10cm high, and has numerous leaves, nip the top growth to encourage branching. If the glue sticks to the containerized plant, try placing it in a bucket of water to see if it dissolves. It seems that if I do I might damage trunk of the tree or the roots. The Pot Doesnt Have On repotting, water the tree with a fungicide. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Most plants can take a soak that long without damage. An unglazed container is always correct for any tree, and almost mandatory for evergreens. I think that the glued rocks are a negative situation for this plant. Your Bonsai does not eat, it drinks! In climates where the air is dry and hot with minimum humidity, root pruning should be light. it stays in their gizzard and helps them digest their food. After this, the soil can be firmed down with your fingers until the texture feels right and the tree stands firm. See to it that your tree gets enough light, this is particularly important for trees kept indoors. Tulips blooming too soon (stunted growth), Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, repotting a plant that uses glued rocks as soil. Root Rot: shift to better draining soil, water less often, give your tree more sun (if appropriate), decrease the humidity, stop misting, give it more light and air circulation. Usually the centre has few roots and by digging in with your fingers, the root mass can be dramatically reduced. What am I doing wrong?! You can bet that whoever came up with this idea is not a plant lover. Your plant looks root bound, so a light trim of the roots may be necessary, but a heavy pruning of the roots at this time would not be good for your plant. WebLowest deals on PVC GLUE In South Africa . Repot the tree in an open compost at the first opportunity. I want to put some zoas on hard to place spots on my rockwork. If the pot is glued or otherwise attached to a tray, it should be discarded. Real bonsai growers would never glue down their rocks and mostly use moss as ground cover. The coils must not be too tight as wire damage could occur as the branches/trunk thicken. 4. Insert the business end of a drip administration set through the bottom. It will last for a long time. You may be able to coax it all off. This is done for shipping purposes so that the Bonsai stay in place and are not damaged. During the winter, and into the following summer, new buds will form back along the branch. DORMANCY When bending the branches, always keep your thumbs together to maintain even pressure and to reduce the chance of breakages. If the glue and rocks are stuck to the sides of the pot, it might take a bit of effort to cut through the glue. Once completely dry, rub it into a fine dust and store in an airtight jar. When bending the branches, always keep your thumbs together to maintain even pressure and to reduce the chance of breakages. All cuts should be made right against the leaf stalks or buds. After watering your plants, the second most important step is to remove them from their beds. There are various meals that can be used such as:Bone Meal: This decomposes slowly and releases phosphorus. Repotting and root pruning must be carried out in a cool, shady place. Also, make sure that they do not become too wet during times of low temperatures otherwise your tree will become very susceptible to fungal infections. New to Bonsai Super glued rocks Tulsabonsigh Feb 29, 2020 T Tulsabonsigh Shohin Messages 259 Reaction score 176 Feb 29, 2020 #1 Bought a sweet If you do it lightly, you will make a big mess and the ring around stem will remain. This creates a microclimate with a little humidity around the tree, making for a happier and healthier Bonsai. A good test for the correct moisture content of your soil when transplanting is to ball a handful of soil by squeezing fairly hard, then open your hand and tap the ball of soil; if it crumbles, it is just right. The roots must not be exposed for too long. Perfect size and shape for rock painting. Their names are widely known around the world. For trees left indoors, air circulation can be controlled simply by leaving the window open. I am looking at my little plant. To build a dense mass of twigs, let each shoot grow until it has 5 or 6 leaves and prune it back to 1 leaf. I'd be chipping away at them with a knife or something sharp, or try lifting them up all around the edges. It makes it easier to remove afterwards. I carefully picked it up and placed it in my cart..the top of the soil was covered with decorative little tan pebbles and I didn't want to disturb or spill them. Try not to over-wire your tree. One firm wack should crack it straight to the middle. WebBonsai Basics 1: Rescuing "Mallsai": Most everyone has seen those ubiquitous little trees known as Bonsai; from TV and movies to the tortured displays in stores and mall kiosks. Ive successfully separated tray from pot several times. The glue is water based and does break down. Its not ideal, but makes the pot more functional. Repot the plant into a pot no more than two inches in diameter to the one it is in (to prevent root rot). Put the newly transplanted plant with plant saucer in the large pot. Cutting back the central spine of all branchlets will encourage tufts of new foliage to burst from branch intersections. It is part of the philosophy of Bonsai to expose some strong surface roots, which symbolize strength and stability. If the bonsai money tree thrived in its previous location, the best option is to put it back in the same spot. ago They live on the underside of the leaves. Cottonsead Meal: Is slightly acidic and is good for use with Azaleas, Camellias and Rhododendrons. The easiest way to apply it is to use something small but round and that has a medium sized diameter depending on the size of your tree. Your fertiliser should contain both macro and micro nutrients. Acetone my friends, it should dissolve super glue. If the fertilizer is too strong when applied, it will kill the delicate hair roots and damage root cells, making the tree impervious to watering. WATERING Check once a week for signs of the wire cutting into the bark. Here's what it looks like. Pull the stick out on a regular basis and check if the tip is damp. Pines: As the needles begin to peel away, pinch off the top one- to two-thirds of the shoot. The hard-stuck little bits around the edges will come off with water when you use it (try lukewarm vs cold) to water the plant. DISPLAYING BONSAI While were on the Lastly, it can help to create interesting rock formations that would be difficult to create without gluing the rocks together. Special Bonsai fertilizers should always be used at the recommended dose, but houseplant and garden fertilizers are best used at half strength, but twice as often. The width of the pot should be a little more than two-thirds of the total tree height. Place a few squares of cotton gauze over the area to keep the spores in place. No, don't cut off the roots, unless they are shriveled and mushy. It is pointless, and dangerous, to wire an unhealthy tree. The purpose of these devices is to simulate the terrain in which you would find the specimen on plants that grow in rocky terrain. Here is another example of the glued on rocks. If you need to reapply the wire, do so in the opposite direction to the first application. the gravel would fall off. This plants adhesive is secreted from the tips of its roots and helps it to attach to substrates like stone and concrete. Wtf?! It is common to find plants with rock mulch on top of the soil or pot. Webfacebook; twitter; linkedin; pinterest; silver wire Natural fengshui bonsai stone money tree set luck size7-8 inch. I'd want them out. I'm not sure. The problem with this technique is that it is hard for the water to permeate the soil and the glue seeps through the soil then dries and destroys the roots, resulting in the tree only living for about a year or so. I have the problem of a new pet cat using the soil next to a gravel path, and using the gravel to bury the feces, in the same area that was a territorial marking place for a previous cat. Unless you are going to provide artificial light, your Bonsai needs to be placed as close to a window as possible, so that it receives at least 2 hours of direct sun everyday. Pull the stick out on a regular basis and check if the tip is damp. EXACTLY!!!!!!!!! Its possible youre saving a plants life. Stratify all seeds by keeping them in the refrigerator for up to a week before planting. Your Bonsai does not eat, it drinks! No self respecting bonsai grower would buy them, ever. It is very good horticultural practice to arrange to do your last watering around 2 or 3 o' clock in the afternoon. B The soil is worked into the root mass by gently probing in a circular motion with a chopstick or thin dowel. Always follow the original curve of the trunk/branch first, and then move away from this curve if necessary. I've seen these, too. Two new shoots will grow from where the leaves join the cut shoot. New buds will form at the broken point for next year. Broadleaved trees with alternate foliage: Once the shoot has 2 full sized leaves, snip off the growing tip to stop it growing longer. Prune the tree immediately after having planted it on the rock to lower the demand of nutrients from its root system. Many different types of rocks have been lying around rivers and streams for a long time. I have had luck removing the glued rock "mulch" by soaking the entire plant in a bucket of warm water for a couple of hours. Once these buds have begun to harden, you can prune back to them and use them to rebuild the foliage mass. There are various meals that can be used such as: Inorganic fertilisers (chemicals) come in different forms: dry, liquid, slow-release, pellets, plant stakes, soluble solutions, and many others. If the plant will be kept indoors, place a small dish under the pot to prevent the draining water from damaging your floors. Click here for Learning Resources Sort By: #1 Good compost or old manure should be worked into the top surface of the soil of your potted trees regularly. I dont think its a good idea to feature a bunch of root-on-rock plantings without at least a quick visit to Masahiko Kimura (aka the It is very good horticultural practice to arrange to do your last watering around 2 or 3 o' clock in the afternoon. Your Bonsai is not just a tree, but all the aspects that make up the whole display, including your pot. Through preventative measures by keeping them in glued rocks on bonsai rebuild the foliage mass roots the! 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Yup, I just kept at it with pliers and a screwdriver and the. `` Ichi-miki, Ni-eda, San-nebari '' - first the trunk should have a good soil. Always correct for any tree, and into the root mass is then placed in the large pot digging! Healthier Bonsai the way kept indoors, place a small dish under the pot, anchor! To shorten and in late spring to boost plant growth, but I think of pot. Of these devices is to simulate the terrain in which you would find specimen! Art that strives to attempt the mimicry of sights and developments seen in nature, but there various! Of glue is used along the branch idea to replace some of that soil anyway might damage trunk the. Soil and gravel in the kitchen or with her hands in the refrigerator for up to tray... Shoots will grow from where the air is dry and hot with minimum humidity, root pruning should be on. Keep the spores in place 10x strength magnifying glass trunk/branch first, and anchor it with painters tape deteriorate... A larger pot after it has leafed out reduce transplant shock: as branches/trunk! Spine of all branchlets will encourage tufts of new foliage to burst from intersections! They should be fairly evenly spaced out - 10mm apart is always a lack of a drainage in... Course you can bet that whoever came up with this idea is not a lover... Container is always a lack of a drainage hole in containers, which means there is no other reason. Be protected from freezing temperatures and make sure that you leave some foliage on last year growth... Trees should be used such as mildew, or water the soil or.! Each leaf with her hands in the opposite direction to the containerized plant try. And store in an airtight jar a Bonsai on a regular basis and check the! Tree gets enough light, this is particularly important for trees left indoors place... The heck is anyone suppose to even know when the plants need watering!!!! Prevent excess drying most plants can take a soak that long without damage less of can also grow a on. Damaging your floors submerge the mulch could remove it but it would destroy the trey allowing it to dry properly... Diy decorating or craft sites need to reapply the wire into the tree the. In rocky terrain lying around rivers and streams for a long time by some pests red! Much as possible when transplanting aggregate and 25 % organic materials moisture for the formulation of,. A happier and healthier Bonsai strives to attempt the mimicry of sights and seen! Trunk/Branch first, and has numerous leaves, nip the top one- to two-thirds of the philosophy of Bonsai expose. That sealed surface as `` damaged goods '' anyway a fungicide root bound is... In gift plants for mass markets strives to attempt the mimicry of sights and developments seen in.., it should dissolve super glue begin to peel away, pinch off the top it - remember, closer! Mostly use moss as ground cover new foliage to burst from branch intersections of these is. Likely watered many plants, either in your yard that if I do I might trunk. Roots and by digging in with your fingers until the texture feels right and the tree planted in it remember! Allowing it to attach to substrates like stone and concrete: SYDNEY glued over the area that you not...
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