FAT neutral builds not as much. Lindwurms/Schrats: Protect against dangerous attacksUnless you are doing some kite cheese, the best strategy with Wurms is to have a super tank stand in range of the head doing nothing but Indom/Shieldwall while everyone else safely attacks the Tail from 2 range. Barbarians), as Taunting them will be wasted if they have no AP left for their second action. Will not prevent enemies from using AoE skills but it does encourage them to put the Taunt user into the AoE arc Will prevent Warrior pushing and Unhold throwing Will prevent skills like Shieldwall, Riposte, and Rotation from being used Will not prevent the above skills unless those targets are engaged with the Taunt user. Overwhelm can help bros who want to attack with their AP but arent the best at killing. With common Nimble armor lines you are going to get 5 FAT and 5 INI from Brawny. CS/Executioner/Fearsome dont work here. Named armor efficiency firstSome named armor types are always a good fit, like the Wolf Helmet. However, efficient named armors can make it possible. Relentless is in a way the opposite of Dodge in this case. Generally, Duelists just feel more flexible with 4AP attacks instead of 6AP attacks. HH is good against Goblins and can increase the odds of one hit kills for many weapons. Nimble extraordinary HP damage reduction is tied to FAT penaltyNimble reduces the amount of HP damage received. If you dont want to put Executioner on all of your range units then try and pay attention to their Initiative stats. Berserk is great to get more attacks per turn. With a stack primed for a headshot and CS, you would have a 66-100% chance of a first hit injury on Warriors, depending on their armor loadout. As in, using Recover on 51 FAT returns 26 FAT Can be used after a 4 AP attack that procs Berserk Recovers on current FAT, not maximum FAT Lowering current FAT will raise current INI by an equal amount. Misconception Executioner is needed to capitalize on CSNo. Anti-Goblin: BlitzkriegGoblins main strategy is to pin you down with Nets/Roots and slowly chip you to death from range. With CS as well you can also injure Chosen and Warriors reliably. Characters with low FAT can still go heavy with single attack builds. Underdog shines on the edgeEdge bros however really enjoy having Underdog. Even so, this is a solid pick for any bro in the early game, particularly if they dont have very good MSK potential in the long run. You can try to manipulate the formation so that you can get more surrounds but you also run the risk of the enemy getting more surrounds on you by doing so. Lets say you had a 90+ Matk 30+ Mdef bro at 11 and his starting stats are 65 HP, 95 FAT, 40 Res and 100 Init, which direction would you go? They are not a package deal. Theres not a whole lot to say about Rally. <1% injury before shot 6 Mastery: 4.79 shots to kill on average. If you enjoyed the guide, consider leaving a star rating, thumbs up, or comment so it gets more visibility. 300/300/-58 armor is -18 Saves +1 Initiative for each point of Fatigue saved Updates as you change your armor around Will count (and reduce) the additional Fatigue cost of attachments if they push your body armor into the next threshold Will provide less value if combined with an armor using Light Padding Replacement (LPR), but they do stack. Misconception Berserk/Frenzy are auto-picks on every damage dealerNo. The heavy injuries arent necessarily better than light injuries either so the higher likelihood to deal heavy injuries isnt necessarily an upside. When pushing into enemy lines it is very nice not to have to worry about giving the enemy extra accuracy. Thats up to you. Usually it is better to shoot the closer Skirmishers instead but they have decent RDF and Anticipation as well. Rally is an important skill to have to safely fight these enemies, as otherwise you are at an enormous risk of having Fleeing brothers and no easy way to save them. Yeah he's actually an amazing tank, took steel brow just incase of flails and headshots, but don't really think its super necessary and he has 52 base mdef. Of course you can use Adrenaline beyond the early turns as well for clutch timing control. SKL and especially MDF are more meaningful than the other stats. Bags cancels this penalty, so shield experts that need the FAT and could use additional bag slots should consider picking it. The original frontliner can then continue in the back with a Polearm or use Recover so that he can Rotate back in with more AoE attacks. In this regard, Fearsome suffers in the same way as CS and Executioner. You can even skip Mastery entirely and just change your equipment around depending on matchup if you dont desire a specific Mastery effect or FAT benefit. A bro like this can act as a setup man and skip on perks like Berserk/Frenzy since he is focused on knocking enemies down the turn while dealing good damage so that your slower bros can more easily get the kills. Tremendous amount of work! Bros are usually distinguished as Nimble bros or Forge bros when discussing perks/builds. 2H Hammer benefits more because of the AoE eating FAT and Stagger immediately updating the turn order. Nimble is much more vulnerable to this problem here than Forge. There have been minor edits/changes overall throughout the guide. Doesnt work with Relentless of course. A weaker recruit will have less consistency getting Reach stacks up and have less defense to stack it on. The BD nerfs to Adrenaline and Indom make Colossus more enticing on Forge units than in the past, as the Adrenaline cycle is dead and Indom costs 5AP now (up from 3) making liberal use of it more restrictive than in the past. Sometimes attacking on your first action is not what you want to do just given however the battlefield has developed. You can use Indom without also taking Recover just to have it as an occasional tool or if you get into trouble. Clarified how obstructed hit chance is rolled for in Bullseye mechanics and how it relates to the combat log. Having Adrenaline on a unit that can apply these debuffs can allow you to ensure you get this debuff onto the target of choice before they get to act, giving the rest of your team time to deal with them. Brawny giving you a larger and more workable FAT makes it easier to support these strong skills. What returns can be expected from increasing MDF for different starting values? That being said, it can be used and it can do very well and it can be a lot of fun. Added Duelist with Firelance Ignite mechanic. Lesser Dueling options like regular Axe/Cleaver/Sword/Flail/Spear will benefit more from CS as their lower innate Ignore% makes them less capable of injuries against armored targets as the former weapons. These and LW are all perks you could reasonably skip if you just stuck with the team. Version 1 20/04/11 Initial release 20/04/13 Revised B&B 20/04/19 Small edits or additions to Adrenaline, Recover, Student, Resilient, Gifted, Brawny, Taunt, Axe Mastery, Cleaver Mastery, Nimble, Fearsome, Killing Frenzy, Indomitable. For example, a Warhammer bro would be better with a Sword in a regular Unhold fight even if he has Hammer Mastery, so give him a sword for that fight. Early turn blitz Win the fight quicklyUse Adrenaline to go all in on the first few turns in an attempt to gain a decisive opening that aims to win the fight quickly. Nimble and Forge: Nimble and Battle Forged are the go-to mitigation perks so they will be referenced a lot when talking about other perks, as most bros will want one or the other. If you wish to get Nimble asap then Student can help you get there faster at the cost of a weaker early game. 2H Cleaver doesnt cost a perk (dont need Duelist), are better against low or unarmored targets, and can use Reach if you wanted. Therefore, CS, Executioner, and Fearsome all have more targets and the overall % of immune enemies has decreased. Reason 1 is that going Colossus and pumping hp early makes the early game easier. Berserk allows you to instantly attack again with your Frenzy buff, allowing you to get more mileage out of it. Direwolf attachment recommended. Nimble is better against high armor penetration strikes. While Crossbows/Throwing are great at dealing injuries to set up their own Executioner, they like it even better if a Warbow user or another bro can set up the injury first. Rotation can also work here. For the bros along the way, the main thing is to balance what can make them useful. You will find yourself against multiple enemies all the time and Underdog will be consistently useful. Gunners are an exception, being the only fragile unit Gilded will field and they are highly dangerous. Fighting AxeFighting Axe lands in an awkward position where it usually isnt as good as Mace/Hammer and it isnt really providing any niche benefit to try and stand out. Helping your weak shield bro deal his weak damage more consistently isnt very exciting. Legacy info and Blazing Deserts buffsFearsome was historically a weak perk, but received two changes in BD that addressed two of its biggest problems. My opinions are not law. 9L is better against dangerous enemiesStatistically speaking, 9L is actually pretty good, especially against the more dangerous enemies in the game that can kill even high leveled brothers in a few hits. 50% damage reduction makes you more than 2x durableLet me illustrate using a 300/300 Forge unit vs. a Chosen Mace. Polearm Mastery also grants a large degree of mobility, which can let your bro move a few tiles and punish someone who has lost his helmet. This occurs before things like Morale, Lone Wolf, Nightime, Injuries, etc., meaning those effects will modify the stack value up/down from the base 10% yield. A missed arrow that scatters into a nearby target is counted as a hit and will remove stacks even if the arrow hits an obstacle such as a rock or tree Hitting a shield is treated as a miss as you would expect and you gain a stack A buff bubble will appear in the left of the screen where you can see how many stacks you have. Moving twice with a two range weapon lets you reach enemies 4 tiles away, and often being unzoned in the back gives Polearms some of the best flexibility to move around and influence the battlefield wherever they are needed. At this stage of the game, very heavy armor sets arent available or at best in limited supply. High base headshot chance: HH compliments itHaving a higher base headshot chance via background, weapon, or famed weapon works well with HH (usually). I explained this above. Duelists: No special interaction with InitiativeFor maybe thematic reasons, some people seem to think that Duelists are supposed to be fast and dodgy. Interested finding utility with the medium armors in the 180 to 280 Fatigue range. Anti-Geist/Priest/WarlordThese enemies all have AoE skills that reduce your teams morale. doesnt help HH much as by definition you must have hit something to have gained a HH stack, meaning you wont have any FA stacks to support the next strike. I will continue to update the guide as we and the community get more experience with BD. The nice part about these Duelist options is that they deal consistently good damage without having to resort to special attacks or Orc penalties to do so. 300/300 vs. 300/320: Is +20 armor worth 4 FAT?Coat of Plates cost 4 more FAT (3 with Brawny) for 20 more durability than Coat of Scales which is not a good trade but gives additional protection, mostly against multiple weak attacks. However, this is a very luck-based strategy, and as the loading screen likes to tell us if your plan relies on luck then maybe it isnt a good enough plan. The Hexe will always start covered and unless you have a wicked famed xbow you need a headshot for a one-hit kill. FW can let you get away. Students will never be two levels above a non-student assuming equal XP gains Therefore, Students will spend much of their leveling functionally one perk behind a non-student Becomes disabled at level 11 (including the XP bonus), and refunds its perk point Allows you to skip a tier of perks if your level 11 bro wants a bottom heavy perk lineup For Indebted backgrounds in the Manhunters origin, Student will refund at level 7 for Indebted bros, as they are capped at level 7. The heavier your armor and helmet, the more you benefit. The third way is to have high base MDF. Relentless starts with nothing and gains some value over time. You should be solidly in control or outright winning by the time your Dodge value is waning. In this case youve put a new guy in danger instead and spent a lot of AP/FAT doing so. 25 FAT cost is expensive and sometimes you may find yourself in danger without enough FAT to use Rotation to bail out. Both of those things favor use of Backstabber since it is easier to get surround bonuses and you have more unskilled bros who will appreciate accuracy boons. I do not recommend playing Ironman when you are first practicing with LW. Your weak armor and lack of defensive/durability skills makes avoiding attacks extremely important. Pre-battle formationYou can set-up LW from the start of the fight by putting all of your units on one side and the LW on the other. If the [brothers] must be soldiers, they will be good soldiers.. Some weapons/builds benefit more than others. Unlike Overwhelm Warbow, these debuffs will actually persist past the turn as well, and arent contingent on you outspeeding the enemy. Problems aside, Reach is still a good to great perk to be considering for 2Handers, just be aware of the pros and cons when you are making your decision. You can do this with other weapons as well but the AP synergy isnt as good. The difference in power between a level 6 character without Nimble and a level 7 (when it can first be picked) character is huge. Myself and other players have beaten every fight in the game without using Indom. Students only combat value is faster levels which means you get stat gains a little bit sooner. That's either dodge QH (budget build, performs better with low mdef, has higher chance of critical failure) or Forged Fatigue neutral (scales better with mdef, more expensive). Lowers the threshold to inflict injuries by 33%. Crossbows/Aimed Shot wont benefit as much due to their higher innate accuracy and lower rate of fire. Those tests seemed to suggest that Brow was worth about 15hp which is 3 level ups (Colossus assumed) of hp. Please do check out their other channels. The combat log only shows the normal shot and will look as if no obstruction was present A missed shot that scatters into an unintended target has a -15% flat accuracy penalty and deals 25% less damage if it hits The Handgonne ignores conventional cover mechanics and gains no benefit from Bullseye. Anti-Barbarian: Adrenaline the Adrenaline usersBeat Barbarians at their own game by using your own Adrenaline to try and outspeed their Adrenaline. It is worth noting that one factor in enemy composition scaling is the strength of your party and your bros levels do factor into that. Student can also help you rush to higher tier perks which can be more powerful than lower tier perks. Taunt can do well if you bring a tank. This makes sense because range units cannot attack when they get zoned, and they also tend to be fragile (low hp and defense) meaning that if they cant run away they are at risk of death. Dodge supportYou certainly do not need Resilient to make use of Dodge, but there are a number of status effects (Stagger/Daze/Poison/Flies/Distracted/Shellshocked/Withered) that will reduce your Initiative and kill your Dodge value. Barbarians: They have a lot of RESReavers have 80 RES and Chosen have 90. For example, by the end of a 20+ zombie fight you are probably pretty Fatigued, but do you really need Recover to mop of what is left? An early Taunt user is going to want a Heater Shield purchase and defensive perk support. 6% chance of hitting heavy injury threshold in 2. DiscussionThrowing Mastery is a ludicrous damage boost for Throwing, which when combined with Duelist, which also works with Throwing, allows for very high damage. Most of the time Rally isnt going to do anything, but it is an insurance policy against disaster that you are going to want regardless. Damage dealing builds will enjoy having it if you have the space. While Relentless does support Dodge slightly, that isnt a very compelling reason to select it by itself, even with increasing returns from defense. Enemies also get to enjoy these changes with the noteworthy one being Fearsome. If your healer gets hit with this it is probably a reset.. Most humans will need you to invest into INI to reliably start out-speeding (100+ after gear is recommended), and Barbs can cheese past you with Adrenaline. See the BD section for details on what has changed in the guide since the BD launch. CS Shamshir does have some advantages. Use FW if you like it, but you shouldnt feel like it is forced. Perks is a gameplay mechanic associated with the level up system of player's mercenaries. September 9, 2021. You dont have to build your whole team around it. Chosen mace has 60% Ignore armor and 115% Armor modifier. Backstabber is usually only worth +5 and sometimes +10 or better. For Example, dealing 10% of HP on an enemy and getting a Cut Artery then cuts his HP down to 65% of maximum, meaning the injury itself dealt 25% of the targets HP pool. It isnt worth pointing out every instance of this, just assume minor edits throughout. Although this treads over Rotations niche to some degree, having some Rotations on the team is still a good idea. Thats a lot of stats, but at what cost?In terms of raw value, LW is nuts, and is better the more talented your bro already is. The only reason Forge might care about Brow is to help offer some passive (non Indom dependent) protection against high Ignore% attackers like Chosen Mace/Hammer, and Heavy Crossbows. Melee bros can also capitalize on injuries distributed earlier on by your range units. For example, if you have an interesting choke point funnel or hill that you can make use of but there arent very many useful tiles for you to stand on behind it, then you can use Rotation to sub fighters in and out. Executioner can sometimes save you a shot against enemy range units or against Orc Young/Berserkers/etc. CS is not an all or nothing perk. Theres nothing wrong with having it on just some guys as some builds benefit more than others. More likely you will just have to commit the bulk of his rolls to HP, leaving him with low fatigue. Injuries can also disable or at least severely handicap a character for several days. Anti-Mortar: Escape the target zoneAs Mortars give you a clear visual indicator of where they are going to land, you want to get away if possible. Heavily armored enemies can also neuter HHs effectiveness. Adrenaline can be seen as a utility or control tool, opening up your list of options in battle. DiscussionDestroy armor gets a lot stronger with Mastery, and lowers the expensive cost making it much more worth using. Even Hedge Knights can enjoy having Gifted, especially for stacking more MDF. Also helps against other higher armored humans, Orcs, and Nimble opponents such as Conscripts/Assassins. Unlike the early game however, the Arena can feature some highly dangerous enemies. Goblins are not immune to injuries, but due to their very small hp pool and weak armor they are already injured by almost any weapon or outright killed making CS of poor value against them, Overseers excepted. Shield bros: Fearsome gives them support utilityShield bros deal low enough damage that they can appreciate Fearsomes low damage morale check effect. Overwhelm: You must outspeed your opponent to get valueOverwhelm needs to go fast in order to work at all and Relentless can help you maintain that speed. If needed, additional stacks can also be carried and dropped by allies. Armor Ignoring DamageIn order to make use of CS, we want to injure enemies before having to fully destroy their armor, so understanding this part of the damage formula is helpful. It also helps when daggering down enemies. Doing this does prevent the Bannerman from moving that turn however. There are some weaknesses to be aware ofThere are a few things to keep in mind on Berserk however. If they activate Berserk then they can attack twice and still move one tile. It is a global damage increase (and quite a large one) after you get a kill, which means if you can consistently be getting kills then you are consistently doing extra damage without really any strings attached except for getting it online in the first place and keeping it going. Investing in Dagger Mastery (and even QH if you werent already using it for something else) is usually not worth the cost of a perk for a bit of extra damage when you arent getting a Berserk proc. Miasma: extra choking timeMiasma will sap your HP each turn so having more is obviously better. Duelists are another of your primary damage dealers and really enjoy Berserk. Does not affect damage from mental attacks or status effects. You can also use the extra defense to be aggressive and double grip a 1Hander or go for an early 2Hander (I dont recommend this if you are a new player and still learning). You're making the choice based on the brother's mdef and your gold/forged armor reserves. Misconception HP is unnecessary for heavy armored characters with ForgeNo. Crossbow/Bow + Polearm wants QH. It is still useful later on as well since Goblins all have high Ranged Defense (RDF) and Anticipation. Nimble also really enjoys taking less Bleeding/Miasma damage. That would bring our Mind gain to 3.25 levels. However, archers could not wear heavy armor due to the vision penalties. 4AP attacks also have Berserk/Recover synergy if you use both of those. With high defense, each stack gained is more valuable. Schrats also deal a large amount of Ignore% damage and they have CS, so without Indom there is a very high chance you will be getting a lot of injuries here. A -12 Fearsome penalty would bring us up to 39% and 25% which in absolute terms may seem small but in relativistic terms is a 44% increased success rate against Warriors and a 92% increased success rate against Chosen. They also suffer -3 Resolve on all morale checks for each adjacent enemy. The downside is that you wont be able to Overwhelm all threats each turn, so you still need good MDF. + Dropping enemy morale is good+ Allows for additional morale checks and increases their success chances+ A Fleeing enemy is essentially a dead enemy Benefits slightly from RES investment, but does not require it Enemies already suffer some degree of morale issues without this perk Some enemies immune, Normally, a morale check is procd when you deal 15+ HP damage Fearsome allows a morale check when you deal 1-14 HP damage Will display a Fearsome icon when enemies are damaged, if they arent unbreakable Applies a penalty to the targets RES equal to 20% of your RES in damage based morale check calculations, presumably this rounds up in favor of the Fearsome user by rounding down targets RES Ex. Pathfinder + Mastery can allow you to swing for 12 and move for 2-3 most of the time, allowing this build to become FAT neutral on most terrain types and still move + attack even when capped on FAT. 18 ALEX CHILTON The troubled sage of The Box Tops and Big Star died in 2010. Non-Fleeing brothers face a distance penalty of 10 per tile, which can make it somewhat unreliable trying to raise Wavering brothers 3 or 4 tiles away. Fast Adaptation isnt super strong. FencersDuelist is an auto-pick for any Fencing build. Recover can help 2H builds but it is by no means a necessity. + Provides highly valuable MDF+ Very strong if you gain multiple stacks per turn+ Still ok if you only get one stack Value is conditional and inconsistent Does nothing when you miss, which compounds a bad outcome Not as good on weaker recruits, AoE attacks can gain several stacks at once Swapping weapons will lose all current stacks Stacks last until the start of your next turn Caps at 5 stacks, which is +25 MDF Provides no value on misses Works on all 2Handers, including things like Spetum Spearwall, Polearms, and Warbrand Hitting your own bros or allies will grant you stacks. Second, Fearsome grants a malus to the targets RES score equal to 20% of your RES score. Hitpoint damage taken is reduced by up to 60%, but lowered exponentially by the total penalty to Maximum Fatigue from body and head armor above 15. Battle Brothers: In-Depth Guide On Perks (2020 - Blazing Deserts Updates) Caves of Qud. Sunken Library: Phylactery busterThe Library encourages spreading a few team members out to go bust the Phylacteries. Making them a tank with Taunt can make sense. DEF stacking: LW multiplies lastLW can achieve crazy defense scores because it boosts after Shield Expert, shields, Dodge, Reach, etc. You can do it to your enemies as well. Brow helps more than usual against these enemies. Again, there are many ways to be successful in Battle Brothers. The extra 17 HP provided by Colossus does a lot to reduce the odds of injury and death here (less so if AFP is assumed). Shamshir will want the help on Gash. You can run this kind of build without Shield Expert, but if you want to lean into the defensive ability of the build then it can help. See in comments. 20/07/31 Added Riposte use case in Shield ExpertVersion 2 20/08/13 Blazing Deserts launch (see Blazing Deserts section for changelog) 20/08/15 Added BD overview subsection under Blazing Deserts main section. 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