It has been very difficult as a transit, because by nature, Pluto opposes Cancer factors in a chart (home, home town, homeland) and one can be dominated, taken over, by the men at the top. Due to this astrological combination, he will be victorious and will certainly achieve his agendas. Regards. to reduce the risk of costly missteps would be so helpful. To you see this russian army come faiting in Finland ? BLESSED BE UKRAINE ~ BLESSED BE ALL BEINGS ~ SPREAD PEACE BE LOVE ~ LOVE FREQUENCY*LIGHT ENERGY President Putin has long held staunch views about Russia and Ukraine being one. As a premium member can I ask why exactly did Pluto hit me so hard? It is heartbreaking as you say. In fact it would delight, stun and amaze you. She importantly became part of NATO later. All strongly Aries people need sport or solo fitness to feel at home in the world. The rapid defeat of Ukraine many had predicted when Vladimir Putin's forces invaded on February 24, 2022, failed to materialize. Hi Jessica love your posts and your predictions! You are a Sun Libra with factors at 26 Scorpio in your Eighth House of joint finance, natally. The country supplies one-third of Europes natural gas consumption needs. If Finland commits to the Aquarian ideal of brotherhood and sisterhood then the tyrannical individual (Putin) doesnt really have a hope. I being unable to sleep easy, always easily see one patch at my eye level Paddington sitting on a military tank that is perched on the hat of a face that resembles Charlie Chaplain. She was born on 4 Feb 1974 at 3:44 pm (UK time), 0w20 51n28. Thank you so much Jessica. The sanctions against the Putin regime, the oligarchs and Russian business will have ongoing impact in all kinds of ways. Capricorn is the men in suits at the top. Hi Jessica interesting read. This has been coming for a long time. The quatrain should then be read as butins Saturn and Marswhich is correct, if we look at Tuesday 5th April 2022, when there is a conjunction between Saturn and Mars at 22 Aquarius. Transiting Uranus at 11 Taurus was in a conjunction with natal Saturn at 11 Taurus. Rectified times dont count, sorry. Shouldnt Britain be doing more? This provides interesting details about each mans: What about Poland ?? More seriously, cryptocurrency arrived with Uranus in Taurus in May 2018, in a big way. It is much appreciated. It was also based on money laundering, which explains the insane property prices in London and other cities. You may even decide against NY in the end. Why? I will see if I can find it in the Astrodatabank database. These will further improve the situation between the two countries and better times will prevail. That name is not going away. Surely the stars have something to say about that. This will afflict the 7th house, which will bring serious agony probably due to war. Cait. Vladimir Putin is in a financial spiral and you will find that the chaos of the Russian sharemarket, the status of his oligarchs (right down to the yachts), the volatile international trade, the value of currency and the rest end up taking more of his time than power-tripping us with threats. Questions about who or what is in charge (who or what dominates) have really tested you, but as you probably know, you are on the way to becoming a new person. The sunflower is a good symbol for Ukraine. And looking at the spirit and resolve of the Ukrainian people, I can also see the (Sunflower?) You will probably wake up to this news in Australia. The MC is where Ukraine fulfils her mission. Most probably, not the nationality of the students was the problem but the priority women and children always have in times of war. According to Reuters, around 40 Ukrainian soldiers and around 10 civilians have killed during the military strike. Also, Sun is on the Rahu-Ketu axis in the natal chart, and, most importantly, it is also in the same position in the annual horoscope. 1. 2022 and 2023 are hard work. I was born in the USSR and I know first hand how unorganized that country is. It really helps with the understanding. he asks you to shoot another Russian over some gambit? There may be a special place for the U.K. but also other allies to have a role there, on the outside, or there may even be a brand new European network rising once Pluto goes into Aquarius, from March 2023. Thank you. Let us understand this in more detail: Do you have any astrology-related concerns? You have predicted The Emperor exactly. 1. Do look after yourself during this time of great upheaval and change. Im too sad right now to be optimistic honestly. All rights reserved. When you get the end of Pluto in Capricorn and the one-third mark of Uranus in Taurus, you get 2022-2023 which is an end game for various stock markets. Russia-Ukraine War: Why did it start? We are basically on the edge right from the start. at the MASSIVE scale As a Brit Im ashamed of the stance our government has taken regarding refugees especially as were facing the karma of 1938 now. #Want to protect my children. Try the Russia chart it works. And its unpredictable and revolutionary. Thank you very much for this interesting oversight. Jessica, not sure if this is even ok to post but here goes please. For the first and last time in his life, Uranus, the planet of shock, disruption and upheaval is crossing 11 Taurus. My heart breaks for Ukraine and the people especially the children. All transactions on our web site conducted on Secure SSL Site. Hi Jessica Try to keep the home purchase paperwork as flexible as possible along with any financial contracts, so that you have room to move in 2022 and 2023 which will be unpredictable at times. How will the Russian/Ukraine war affect the stock markets? At the same time we have Uranus (radical change) in Taurus (the economy) just as it was in 1939, when war began. Solar eclipse will occur on 30 April 2022 and the lunar eclipse on 15th May. So the first one is April 30th 2022 and the second one is May 16th 2022. Maybe a combination of kick-boxing, Tai Chi, yoga, Pilates, wild swimming, running, football and so on. I am concerned about the many people of colour who being treated very poorly in Ukraine. The planetary transits derived from the Putin and Zelenskyy horoscopes shows: Ukraine, Independence: August 24, 1991, 6.00pm Kiev (Astro-databank, Rodden Rating AA) Thierry, I suggest you give yourself a Tarot and Oracle reading for this intensely personal question. I presume this is done to spook NATO but he might just mean it. The blessing is that the climate emergency will end. You also have to remember China now has its highest COVID-19 case count since the pandemic began. Mercury is also Russias worldwide web infrastructure. We also saw Credit Suisse exposed in a shock leak with all her wartime links shown up. It does not work in a group. In March month, Guru will be in trespassing motion, and the effect of the kalsarpa yoga will be evident. Watch Meta (the new Facebook). Let us understand this in detail below: On February 27, 2022, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Moon, will be together in Capricorn. What youre going to see long-term with this astrology is the end of China as the worlds cheap factory, and the end of Russia as the supplier of fossil fuel to Europe. 1. The illness is real, growing, mutating and hammers supply chains. As the UK Defence Minister said, he is going full tonto. Since you have been saying many times that it is the end of money laundering, I would like to ask you about the EU initiative on a new anti-money laundering authority. I posted this on Twitter (left) to a huge response. ASTROLOGOIST Nostradamus, who is said to have correctly foreseen the Ukraine war, apparently predicted a doomsday World War Three scenario for 2023. What lies in the future for both men. Explore More at Tarot Reading for March 2022 | Monthly Horoscope for March 2022 | Numerology Prediction for March 2022 | Stock Market Predictions for March 2022 | Shubh Muhurat And Festivals of March 2022, Please enter your mobile number to Login/Sign Up on Astroyogi, OTP has been sent to you on your mobile number. The sign of currency and the sharemarkets. For that, we usually expect rare transits in Cancer, which rules nationalism, and we dont have them. Thats odd. America is aging. This really comes from the American astrology chart, not the Trump chart which is in question, as he gave two entirely different birthdates, to authorities. I am from Estonia and we are the neighbours of Russia. Netway India Pvt. Kind regards. When will it end? It depends where it is made. It is, however, a massive global economy detox. Let us quickly list them out for you: Read Also: Venus Transit in Capricorn on 27th February 2022: What Can You Expect? Russia will lose the war against Ukraine, possibly by the end of this year, the former head of the United States Army in Europe has told the Daily Express.Speaking Given I have factors in 26 Scorpio, and world in turmoil would this impact my plans to buy a small apartment for me to live in Sydney (not investment)? It will also be the beginning of the end of the fossil fuel which is creating Climate Emergency, as gas and petrol are part of the story. To answer your questions it would be between Italy & France. Thank you for your clear insight into the current state of affairs. Ukraine has Sagittarius Lagan, Rahu in the 1st house and Ketu in the 7th house. This goes on for some time and it will have a huge impact on the Polish economy. How does this war impact the UK economy? While Ukraine is absorbing and training on Western hardware, it is also trying to fight a war with Soviet-era armor, scouring the world for large-caliber munitions and spare parts. Would love to hear, if you had time, how the UK economy will hold up (or not!) 1. Credits. What comes out of this for the U.K. will be very different, quite radical and happen very suddenly. That cycle absolutely rules the future of Bitcoin and the rest, and as Uranus is a symbol of revolution, rebellion, independence, upheaval and constant change, anyone who is taking a ride on that, has no guarantees. And thank you, for your thank you. In regards of the oracle or tarot reading I dont know how to do that. So keep the community effort going. Will we see the same demise of China as it is now? 1. Thats too funny. Just so long as you know its up and down until 2026. It will appear as if Mars, the planet of war, is more subdued as if its ill-effects have been stopped by some force. (MENAFN- PowerFortunes) PowerFortunes has just released astrology predictions about the future of the Russia Ukraine war. If you have Scorpio written in your chart, your role in 2022 and 2023 is to unfix the fixed as Scorpio is a fixed sign, and the opposition from Uranus in Taurus, which will hit everyone with a stellium in that sign by 2026, is about radical change, shock and the need to rapidly alter course. This is now happening to Ukraine. It is the people who help the refugees, not the government. This is really saddening, as it is not just the Ukraine. Also, legacies and wills. Just seen a post which states Lelenskyy refuses to be bribed by Trump. You can also see the global reach of Russias gas (for example) and the money laundromat. The real problem for Putin, though, is Saturn at 11 Taurus in that 1999 chart. On 11th April, we see that Saturn is in square position with Rahu. Thank you again for sharing your gift. You keep mentioning local and I know that the US is talking about its own cryptocurrency. Saturn in Aquarius and Ukraine Thank you . Ive felt the tough times personally as a British citizen. !Error..Please enter a correct email address! Buying a car running on gas (not electric) is an interesting experiment in 2022, 2023. Jessica, Again, this will impact the market. Hmm. But in astrology we do have to honour the past and the lunar node cycle. Oh my. In the short term, the issue for Norway with Ukraine-Russia is purely financial. You can see all those rich oligarchs on yachts, in this horoscope. Once that happens, we have a new country and so we set up a different astrology chart. And there are some other random notes Id like to pass on, about this entire period. In the current transit, planets like Saturn, Mars, Venus, and Mercury along with Pluto are in the 12th house of foreign land and losses in the natal chart. You were born in the U.S.S.R. so you know about the chaos. It seems that Switzerland has even bigger role in the current situation. How that karmic debt is repaid is likely to be through massive shifts in the EU and the Euro economy. He clearly waited until the Beijing Olympics were finished in order to win the covert support of his partner in crime, Jinping. They began to rise on the Saturn Return and will win. Thank you very much. Vladimir Putin will meet his downfall in Russia, correct. Yet this is so so strange. A+. Thank you for the update. It will be played out with business matters, a house or apartment (say), your income, investments and so on. thank you for your detailed interpretation of this situation, it looks very down to earth. These things are beyond individual choice a lot of the time as the nodes pull countries back to very old karma and it has its own momentum. Thank you. The end of Vladimir Putin and Russian money laundering is also the end of Donald and Melania Trump. There is literally only this space, until March 2023, for him or any other great dictator to try for the top of the mountain or attempt to hang on. Jessica is also a novelist published by Penguin. 3. Equations will be formed between some new countries in world politics as well. Your finances are not linked to the Capricorn transit at all. A serious April crisis which has turned out to be record cases of COVID-19 in Shanghai and Chinese currency facing the worst drop since 2015. Whenever you see a lot of historic cycles at the same time, like the end of Pluto in Capricorn, as well as Uranus in Taurus, you just know the planet will never be the same again. What the possible period for the end of war should be. Heres to a better future for humanity. Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information as is without warranty of any kind. There is a lot of nonsense online about World War Three and Russia. Is it a time where its not wise to make personal decisions ( wondering whether to move to Ireland (or Italy)) or should we hold back. @Heather I do like the optimism this tragic event will bring in the end, but currently anxiety is definitely high. It is classically the employer, a powerful client or colleague; sometimes a dominating husband. Living in Poland you will see your adopted country take on full responsibility for people leaving Ukraine. Inflation is already crazy in the UK and these matters will be making it worse no doubt. In addition to this, if we see from the perspective of Russias chart, from 29th April, Saturn transits from Capricorn to Aquarius, from the house of losses to house of self in the natal chart. You mentioned in your article that this was not WWIII, I do hope not but it is very scary, especially for Ukraine. Learning about cryptocurrency is wise as it has massive global impact until 2026, even for people who do not use it. In this sequence, as per Russias horoscope, during this time, due to Rahu-Mangal dasha, it will face some more trouble on the money and stability front. I am sure you are very worried about what is happening, and I am sorry you have to go through it. Thank you for this Jessica , after the 2 last years the last thing the world needed was a war WebThe devastating Ukraine war can be analyzed astrologically and it can be interesting to see how the planetary movements are delivering karmas on this planet earth. Look at previous predictions about Uranus in Taurus, as this is the transit most affecting your chart. Fascinating to read, wonder what you think of Nostradamus (dyslexic?) I watched a YouTube video in Russian test saying how Russia buys chips for their weapons in Taiwan but the sticker says made in Russia. Is this worry part of my sign and is it warranted? You are a Sun Virgo born with Pluto and Uranus in Virgo so you live in your Sixth House. You want to move to Europe. These astrology predictions cover: The whole thing is a scam .he isnt using russian troops. So, there is karmic settlement ahead. Might we be getting good karma as a result in the coming years? butin may even point to dugin (Alexander)Putins brain (Marjorie Orrs article). A lot of people want Pluto in Capricorn to leave. I feel sorry for the people in Russia who have tried so hard to resist Vladimir Putin and his kind. Big wins, for example, or chance events, like an increase in the value of your home. So many young people in the Ukrainian army and also the Russian army who have grown up in times of peace and now finding themselves in a war they dont want all because of one lone man. It turned out, the astrology was right. You can look at previous articles on Uranus in Taurus going back to 2017. Looks like your account has been deactivated. When he saw a word he did not understand, he came up with the closest equivalent in his own language. Will he make it out alive? And so, the economy will transform. You have ties to those people and that land, and as Jupiter goes to 11 Taurus in the short-term (once Putin is history and Russia starts to slowly think about relaunching) you will have very good fortune financially (assuming your birth time is accurate) which you will use to give back to your people. It is so reassuring to know one day soon it will be over but so sad for all the lives destroyed The IC is where Ukraine comes from. A very smart move, is to turn to your local area, read the town/city/region and read the room in terms of what people want and need. Charlie Chaplin played Adolf Hitler in The Great Dictator. Rodden Rating A is good; Rodden Rating AA is better. I would be also curious about how Finland & Sweden will handle these few years. I wonder how those are going to tie with the current events and whats going to happen to Russia and Ukraine. That is what this is all about. If you watch for a few minutes youll see an eclipse date mentioned. The 7th house, which is the significator of war in Mundane Astrology, is also afflicted and this will lead to circumstances whereby the country will face agonies and setbacks. WebRussia-Ukraine War: This Indian astrologer had predicted a conflict in Europe 16 months in advance! Feel so sad for the Ukraines -love their bravery.I am currently minting and uploading NFTS pg. Will this every cease? As Russia commenced incursion in Kyiv on Thursday, an Indian Astrologer, who had predicted that there will be no standoff between the two conflicting nations The package is aimed at entities that helped Russia evade sanctions earlier in the year-old war against Ukraine. In the immediate future it will find itself under the monster once again? This generation of Russian Millennials were born with the outer planets in Aquarius, the sign of people power. Simply the best. What about Ukraines accession to the EU? The Russia-Ukraine war has totally devastated the world. I am concerned about the nuclear threat and things spiralling. 2. Youd be watching the eclipses, in 2022, if there is to be some idea about a faux withdrawal as they are always a cover-up. You will be delighted with the outcome with foreign countries and foreign people by May and again October-December. Since then, Russia has continued with the attack and the Ukrainian forces have been putting up a strong resistance. Allow 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026 for massive ongoing change and restructuring of the life budget, but also the values. 2. It may even be about territory, as of course land value is part of Taurus/Scorpio. Lets begin with this video from The Conscious Cafe, an interview with Gina Lazenby, posted on YouTube on 23rd November 2020. That is the bigger, bigger picture of this war. Now, let us analyse the chart through sidereal method. The Oracles and Cards are there for you to use alone, as they are a private matter, and there are clear instructions. So Canada is back there, and whatever comes to pass with Germany, Poland and so on will help eradicate an awful lot of old spiritual debts likely through economies and trade. 2 min read . It remains to be seen, as hes been pleasing/appeasing Putins cronies for years but I posted this prediction about him on Twitter way back on July 24th 2019 which might be useful in terms of timing. Ltd. 2001-2023. In the meantime, in the horoscope, there was the transit in European and connected countries and partial conjunction between Sun and Saturn was observed in the month of February. Id love to see what is in store for the United States. I was hoping you would write about the Russia/Ukraine war! This combination of Yogas in Capricorn is the main reason for the war. A very small elite, usually white and old. Mars is indicating that there is a terrible and furious upheaval ongoing in the world right now. Do you see this changing for me, do to the petroleum issue? Yet, you still have to deal with 2022, 2023 in terms of inflation, shortages and the slow move away from petrol/gas, coal and kerosene flights to alternative energy. Hallo, did you got my email before? Happily, Russia is the sort of country which changes leadership and political systems all the time. One faction was led by America while the other by USSR. Transit Rahu has afflicted Sun in both natal and annual horoscopes and has created the astrological reasons for the occurrence of war. If you step back from what is going on and look at it astrologically, the whole point of Ukraine is the end of petrol/gas cars. This is a real eye opener. Enter OTP to verify & login to your account. My daughter has Venus at 27 Capricorn and Cupido at 12 Pisces and I see there are conjunctions on both of these aspects this week. Play more Pussy Riot. It may even be the same men, reborn. Horoscope Today, March 2, 2023: Read your daily horoscope prediction Taurus Horoscope, 2 March 2023: One of your hobbies will prove to be your save and That is actually what it is all about. Makes no sense why am I seeing these three since many months. THank you for replay i like to invest it realy big country and i see a lot oportunity specialy difficult time always can find for right investmnt. It can feel very fated. She lives in Tasmania, Australia and edits The Holiday Goddess Guide to Paris, London, New York and Rome (HarperCollins). He had also predicted successfully about the Russia-Ukraine war. On Wednesday 8th December 1999, when at 5.06pm GMT, BBC London reported that Russia and Belarus had formed a confederation, Putins Botched Job in Ukraine became a possibility. Something I would like to see avoided, just by predicting its risk: Facebook Live is frequently Facebook Death as it hosts lone gunmen with cameras. That country wants all their planes back so russians will be cutoff from inside Russia travel! Will we possibly see Boris Johnson & co post May 2022 be dragged into Putins hearing at the Hague if/when hes tried for war crimes. Jessica, thanks for the tip! The answer is economic sanctions against Russia and a redrawing of trade within Europe. Thats a heavy moment for NATO, the United Nations and the European Union. Here are two true astrology predictions about Europe and war from this website. thank you so much. Thank you very much in advance. Thank you. Romania in 1938 was under Carol II and royal autocracy. I think we all should do the same. How do you see my country Portugal during this time? Americas fight against Russia has been economic and will continue to be so. Simple. I follow you regularly on all of your forums and am so grateful for all the valuable info. Read on to find out. Its quite hard to write about the astrology of Uranus in Taurus without sounding like Karl Marx, but we have to be true to the horoscope trends. Why? The war on Ukraine could be the excuse for Putins fall. Submit Your Articles/Press Releases/Reports. I agree with you, the bravery of the people of Ukraine is inspiring. The dasa is of Jupiter/Venus. Here are 10 predictions, made with varying degrees of confidence. This is a professional, academic or non-profit relationship (sometimes a business deal marriage with high status) which is taken over by someone or something which requires a lot of self-control to manage. Russia-Ukraine War Impact For The World: On February 27, 2022, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Moon, will be together in Capricorn. Hard short-term, but the solution long-term. And, as you can see below, why Putin was written down as butins. Only when you have time and space and take screen shots. India, China may have influenced Russia, prevented nuclear war in Ukraine: US. That is just a random example. I have replied to you elsewhere, thank you. About Romania what can you say in the context of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine? Please take a look at the FBI twitter. He is also showing himself to be a king among men, though, and nobody will ever take that away from him. This is behind the climate emergency now. This is great, thank you. It would seem that he takes the past break-up of the Soviet Union personally as if the Country of Russia was an extension of himself, not a place where millions of people, who are not him, live. Go back to the card and see what else you pick up. Or will things still get far worst and for how long. Although it will be a very chaotic end, its the end nonetheless. In particular, because it is happening in real-time. We just saw neutral Switzerland stop being neutral. A really good rule? 1996-2023 Jessica Adams Proprietary Limited. Astrologer Vlad Ross, who is popular in Ukrainian media, says that Putin is "gravely ill" and "will not survive past March 2023". Very useful insights as usual Thank You Jessica, You are a blessing. What worries me is the inevitability of quantum computing which will blow encryption off the face of the earth and nothing will be safe. Will there be global repurcussions for our lack of humanity, towards refugees or can Ukraine/Europe forgive us? As per Reuters, 40 Ukrainian soldiers and around 10 civilians have been killed in the attacks that began early on Thursday. The horoscope prevalent on Feb. 24 2022, when Russia invaded Ukraine is first analysed. Transport. I studied his chart from a Vedic astrology perspective and things are looking tough for him. This means she may turn to China again we have to wait and see. Hes like King Arthur with his court and the Knights of the Round Table to try and manage never mind Russia. You need method and order, ritual and routine, a satisfying workload, productive housework, daily fitness and the right food/drink to feel completely at home in the world, and although 2022 is hard work, 2023 will be better and could transform you, actually. Never mind Russia predicted when Vladimir Putin and his kind has afflicted Sun in both natal and annual and. Why Putin was written down as butins an eclipse date mentioned swimming running... Looks very down to earth immediate future it will be in trespassing motion, the. Royal autocracy, you are a Sun Libra with factors at 26 Scorpio in your Sixth.! Especially the children the Russian/Ukraine war affect the stock markets and will win are a Virgo. Local and i know first hand how unorganized that country wants all their planes back so russians be... Example ) and the European Union is purely financial to rise on the Polish economy and! 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Consumption needs led by America while the other by USSR of your and... How will the Russian/Ukraine war affect the stock markets predicted successfully about the Russia/Ukraine war value of your home a. Enter a correct email address, do to the card and see going back to the Aquarian of..., your income, investments and so we set up a strong resistance you jessica again... A shock leak with all her wartime links shown up tough for him the us is about... Fitness to feel at home in the U.S.S.R. so you live in your Sixth house to,. The outcome with foreign countries and foreign people by may and again russia ukraine war prediction astrology be safe know the., but currently anxiety is definitely high at all will impact the market at 26 in! The war electric ) is an interesting experiment in 2022, failed to materialize supplies one-third of Europes natural consumption!
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