EOS Enclosed Operating Space. Leadsman One who heaves the lead (q.v.). It is an immediate indication of risk to youif an object has no bearing drift and range is decreasing, for example, you will collide unless one or another (or both) platforms maneuver (see CBDR). weapons systems, navigation communication, engineering systems, firefighting, etc. Subjects. Generally used for large-diameter lines. "I think I'll have a gonk before we hit the beach.". (no polite form). REUNION 2010. The rest of the pipe consists of a "keel", a flat piece of metal beneath the gun that holds the call together, and the "shackle", a keyring that connects a long silver or brass chain that sits around the collar, when in ceremonial uniform. British navy seizes Iran missiles, parts likely Yemen bound . Used to wait out a squall or storm. After the initial award, subsequent patrols are represented as stars on the banner. HS Helicopter anti-submarine warfare squadron. Jarhead GRUNT, or Marine. Bracket In shipboard gunnery, a bracket results when one salvo lands to the left of the target and the next lands to the right. "Anchors aweigh" The anchor has left the bottom. "Kate Smith". Jostens makes it easy to mark this moment with beautiful, high-quality graduation announcements you can send to family and friends. According to legend, some ships have had such spaces which do not show up on the official blueprints at all. Many of the employees are former military personnel or military retirees. to perform scutwork such as busing tables, washing dishes, etc. (2) In radio parlance, cans are a set of headphones. A set of FAA-defined criteria for inflight visibility. Radioing is also used to refer to work that is logged before it is performed. Birds Free - Permission has been granted to fire missiles. Gig Line On a sailors uniform, a line formed by the buttoned shirt, a crease on the belt buckle, and the trousers fly. Lose the load To lose electrical power. Dip - To lower a sonar transducer into the water from a hovering helicopter. We want to do business with people and organizations with ground-breaking ideas, pioneering scientific research, novel technology . (obsolete, from 'Jack Tar') (2) The Union Jack, a small flag flown from the jackstaff on the bow of USN ships inport; has a blue field and 50 white stars. Can be used to refer to extreme rolls, even if less than 90 degrees. Hotel Services Power, water, and steam used for cooking, heating, laundry, or other non-engineering or non-propulsion purposes. Banjo, Butty (1) (RN) A sandwich. See also BROWN WATER. 130-rpm fish - A form of sea life (type unknown) which makes a sound very similar to a propeller turning at 130 rpm. (On her) Beam Ends Strictly speaking, when a ship has gone through 90 degrees of roll, where her decks are vertical. (2) Diver, especially a "hard hat" diver (i.e. (2) Anyone E-6 or below wearing the dungaree uniform, similar to the traditional term "Bluejacket," due to the Navy blue jacket issued with the dungaree uniform. Balls to the wall Maximum speed, or maximum effort. Navy MWR provides excellent customer service, convenient program availability, modern facilities and amenities, a safe program environment, and low or competitive pricing. Do not leave a station selector button depressed when the "busy" lamp is lighted. Those E1s that got promoted to E2s are now ready to climb to E3s. Historically the boatswain's call was used to pass commands to the crew when the voice could not be heard over the sounds of the sea. Halfway Party A party celebrating the midpoint of a submarine cruise. It is sometimes accompanied by other auditive features such as ruffles and flourishes, voice commands and announcements, or even a gun salute. Also refers to sailing any ship from point A to point B for no particular reason. Only applies to non-nuke subs. AGL (Aviation) Above Ground Level. A term for on-the-job training. Unless you think the army is better, in which case good riddance! A type of KNUCKLE-DRAGGER. Haul: The most basic of calls. These coamings are a foot or so off the deck. Refers to Russian 'trawlers' (or, more recently, purpose-built ships) stationed off NATO ports and following major fleet units. Hangar Queen (Aviation) An aircraft that never seems to be in flyable condition, it often sits in a corner and provides spare parts for serviceable aircraft instead. Flinders Bar Bar with spherical correcting magnets. Cold Iron A condition of the ships engineering plant where everything is shut down, including not only propulsion systems but also including electrical power generation and hotel services. Junior in authority to the COB. A method of defining an altitude with respect to local ground elevations. Acockbill Out of alignment or awry. Note: this term is also used for literally dozens of other objects in the naval service. Only possible on modern carriers with an ANGLED DECK (q.v.). "Set Condition Zebra" is the command to close all water-tight doors, hatches, and fittings throughout the ship. Maximum watertight integrity. The term originated during the era of wooden ships, when Chiefs were given charge of the milk goats on board. Deep Six (1) Originally, the call of the leadsman signifying that the water is more than 6 fathoms deep, but less than seven. Gator Freighter Amphibious warfare cargo ship. 875 N. Randolph Street, Suite 1425. Gig (1) Small boat carried aboard ship, e.g. AUX - Pronounced ox. (1) Verbal shorthand for 'auxiliary', as when referring to a machinery space, 'Aux One'. Used for general announcements, and to transmit general alarm system signals. Fake Down To lay out a line to permit free running while maintaining seamanlike appearance. Cold Enough to Freeze The Balls Off A Brass Monkey This term has nothing to do with testicles or primates, and a good deal of debate remains to this day regarding the origin of the phrase. USFK. Bloodhound Radio codeword for Mark 46 ASW torpedo. Bag - (1) Get, or collect. Cluster Fuck An evolution remarkable for its significant lack of excellence. Op Test Announcement. Centrifugal acceleration threw the masses outward, so "balls out" refers to maximum possible engine speed. Established on July 1, 1957, USFK supports both the CFC and UNC and participates annually in joint and combined operations with CFC to train and maintain readiness for personnel and . At right angles to the ships centerline. They may be bitter from their four years of service and will disregard the rules. Illuminate, illumination - (1) The targeting of an object with radar, especially for weapons guidance purposes. (2) Traditional aviation term used to refer to an aircraft carrier. Originally, deck hatches did not have hinged, attached covers. Put the social media down for one day and Google some fun stuff. They wear red flight deck jerseys. Generally the result of a significantly non-excellent approach or a too-close waveoff, visually it looks like what happens to the running cartoon dog when he reaches the end of the chain. Franklin R. Parker Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower & Reserve Affairs) Franklin R. Parker was sworn in as the 19th Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower and Reserve . General Call: Piped before an announcement. A Marine Expeditionary Unit is how the Marine Corps and the Navy can liberate any country in the world at a moments notice. Create. Coffee Mess An area, usually in a duty or working area, where coffee is made and served. Blowdown - A generic engineering term which can be used as noun or verb. The player opens and closes the hand over the hole to change the pitch. Killick - (RN, RCN) Leading rate. Conformal Array A sonar array whose transducers are attached at various locations about the hull, rather than being concentrated on one location. Black Cat Merchant - (RN) Someone who is always exaggerating. (2) A heading indicator on a compass of Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI). $1999 with code. Knot A measure of speed, equating to one nautical mile per hour. See also WATCH. FIFI "Fuck ItFly It." Field traps are particularly rough on the hook point, as it is common practice to touch down well prior to the gear and roll into it. (4) A fiber-type scrubbing or scouring pad. 5,531 talking about this. Do not let your personal bias get in the way of protecting the rest of your troops. . Heave to In a sailing ship, to come into the wind and essentially stop, with minimum sail area exposed. An early term since supplanted by NBC. Also seen as 'splash', 'float check', 'float test'. Hummer - (1) E-2 Hawkeye, so-called for the sound of its turboprop engines. Backing (1) Operating astern propulsion machinery. Call 1-844-DONCEAP (1-844-366-2327) / TTY: 1-888-262-7848 . LIBERTY CALL, LIBERTY CALL. Max Conserve - Signal to aircraft to use power levels appropriate for maximum endurance. Can also refer to any member of the aviation community, officer or enlisted. Improves the BOARDING RATE but costs at the GREENIE BOARD. Butter Bar Ensign/Second Lieutenant (O-1 paygrade), so called for the gold bar collar device. --Special note: Since days of yore the military in general, and sailors in particular, have often had a rather pithy (dare I say tasteless'?) Doing unto them before they can do unto you. Train hard. Binnacle A pedestal which supports a compass. Aircraft damage can result. Angle of Attack The angle measured between the relative wind and the chord line of an airfoil. Literally, a species of fish. In NATO, the system is the Vulcan Phalanx. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like ANNOUNCING A RETIRED NAVY CAPTAIN ABOARD, REVEILLE, COLORS and more. (2) In the Rules of the Nautical Road, a ship which must maneuver to avoid another ship is called the "give way vessel." This announcement may be used to fill additional vacancies within 60 days of issuance of selection certificate. (2) Make fast. ', LoPac - LOw Pressure Air Compressor. Control stations are located on the bridge, quarterdeck, and central station. Aka "Mushroom" or "Toadstool" (i.e. Can be induced by magnitude or duration of the G load, the rate at which G's are applied, or a combination of these factors. Heave Around The order to haul in on a line, wire, or anchor chain, whether with power (windlass or capstan) or by hand. Field Day - To scrub or otherwise clean a ship's spaces. Check Valve Used to describe a person, it refers to one who does for himself, but not others. Essentially, the angle between the air movement (*not* the horizon!) FUBIJAR Fuck You Buddy, Im Just A Reservist. Theyre going to party. One of a number of standard combinations of flight profile and headings used to depart an airfield. Gulch (RN/RCN/RAN) A collection of PITs. Vessel LIBERTY PASSION is a Vehicles Carrier, Registered in USA. (2) (obsolete) A wooden cask or barrel. Division Officer for MP Division, the group that operates and maintains the ship's main engines. USN usage, 'Jack o' the Dust.' Differs from 'PAINT' (q.v.) Aurora's contract, which DARPA awarded Jan. 27, was for $5.7 million and could grow to more than $25 million if all options are exercised. Marine Shower Changing clothes without bathing, usually just applying deodorant. Mail Buoy Watch - A practical joke pulled on inexperienced crewmembers and midshipmen which revolves around convincing the victim that mail is delivered to a ship at sea via a buoy. Acey-Deucey Club A club for E-5 and E-6 enlisteds (Second- and First-Class Petty Officers). Ashcan A depth charge which is cylindrical in shape. Enjoyed much more by the Shellbacks than by the 'Wogs. Hooky - (RN) Leading rate. Hanging Garden Berths suspended from the overhead in a torpedo room in diesel-electric and older nuke subs. Cake and Arse (RNZN) Derogatory term for an officers cocktail party. Usually 1600 to 1800 and 1800 to 2000. Also seen as DACM. --Terms in ALL-CAPS have a separate listing. Calve The process whereby icebergs form, as chunks of ice fall from a glacier into the sea. Brow The proper term for what is often called the gangway, the temporary bridge connecting the ships quarterdeck to the pier. The money you spend using MWR programs and services is reinvested into the overall program. Buddy Fucker Someone who will not stand up for, or defend, a friend or shipmate, or someone who screws over a shipmate. Crab, crabfat - (RN) A member of the Royal Air Force. CAMS - Central Atmosphere Monitoring System. Never got more than a month, maybe two months of shore time and only one port call an underway if we got any at all. kept in the dark and fed bullshit) due to the poor outward visibility of the after 2 seats in the Prowler. A boatswain's call in ceremonial use by a sailor of the US Navy. Gray Funnel Line - (RN) The Royal Navy surface fleet. 90-Day Wonder Derisive term for a graduate of OCS. The Office of Naval Research (ONR) is constantly looking for innovative scientific and technological solutions that can address current and future Navy and Marine Corps requirements. 37 reviews of Liberty Call Us Embroidery & Cleaners "The NEX screwed my collar devices up. Usually followed by an order giving a course to steer. Midwatch - A watch stood from midnight (2400) until 4 a.m. (0400). I&I Intercourse and Intoxication. Loss of the bubble. (3) A modified droptank (may be purpose-built or a field modification) used to haul small cargo, especially in tactical aircraft, or used to haul dangerous or toxic cargo outside of the aircraft. Jack - (1) (UK) General nickname for Royal Navy sailors. Heaving Deck - Call from the LSO to a pilot on approach to the carrier that the vertical movement of the deck due to the action of wind and wave is sufficient to be a factor in the approach. Occupied by various Carrier Battlegroups and Amphibious Groups. The Navy hits port after being months at sea. Light Water - See AFFF. Its not intentional it mainly has to do with when they went to boot camp and their MOS school that will affect when a unit receives new pups. A specially-qualified pilot who observes landing approaches aboard a carrier. Abbreviated AOA. (2) The expendable portion of the XBT (q.v. Blue on Blue - A friendly-fire kill. Broke Dick Non-functional. May be operated by a civilian contractor or by ships personnel. The altitude that really matters for safety of flight. A boatswain's call, pipe or bosun's whistle is a pipe or a non-diaphragm type whistle used on naval ships by a boatswain . Can also indicate a radio frequency that is over-used: "The tactical frequency was clobbered.". "Church Call," and tolls once at the end of the bugle call. Focsle The phonetic spelling for forecastle, the forward-most part of the ship. To be avoided in tactical situations, as they make for easy visual detection. In common usage today, synonymous with the luminous yellow display of the FRESNEL LENS system which replaced it. Contact Coordinator - (submarine) Senior Enlisted/Junior Officer that mans the submarine periscope during surface operations in order to help track and assess surface contacts. Heave Out And Trice Up Originally, a call for sailors to get out of their hammocks, roll them up, and trice (tie) them to the ships rail. The etiquette of the wardroom, which is usually fairly formal, is also relaxed in the dirty shirt wardroom. "Having a totally essence time--the weather is here, wish you were beautiful.". $7999 with code. Joe Shit the Ragman - The generic US Navy dirtbag or screwup. When we stopped in Dubai, I went skiing indoors at the U.A.E. More recently, brown footwear is optional, but seldom seen due to tradition. Irish Pennant - (1) (RN) Loose mop strings left in the flat. Incorporates hearing protection and impact protection. Ex dividend Reference is made to the announcement on 28 February . (2) Pancakes. If after a period of time the items are not claimed, they are sold with the funds going to the Rec Fund. Log in. Boresight - (1) A rough method of aligning guns to a sighting system. Lubbers Line The vertical mark on a compass bowl to mark the ships heading. In-flight Arrestment - Occurs during an arrested landing if the hook engages the CROSSDECK PENDANT while the main landing gear are not on deck. One Liberty Center. Dick the dog (1) Screwing around; being unproductive. Aka 'Pencil-whipping,' especially when intentionally falsifying logs or records, filling in the blanks just before an inspection. Managing Editor CBDR Constant Bearing, Decreasing Range. Camel Station - Rendezvous point for ships in the Indian Ocean. Final Diameter The diameter of a circle inscribed by a turning ship once it has stabilized in its turn. FOD - Foreign Object Damage. See FLOOR. Air Start (1) The process by which a flamed-out jet aircraft engine may be restarted in flight. Evap - Distilling unit, aka 'the still'. AFFF - Aqueous Film Forming Foam. The root of the debate is whether such an event is possible at all, though the phrase appears to be more a traditional exaggeration than an engineering possibility. Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. Usually fatal, and if not, then causing serious injury due to the barnacles and other hard objects encrusting the hull. Balls to the wall Full speed, or maximum effort. Call The Ball US Navy Aircraft Carrier Operations Gung Ho Vids 2M subscribers Subscribe 1.3K 160K views 5 years ago Flight Operations aboard the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS George H.W.. Direct Fire Gunnery and fire control where the fall of shot can be directly observed by the firing unit. CIVLANT (CIVPAC) - Facetious description of ones next duty station when he or she is leaving the service; CIV = CIVilian, LANT = atLANTic coat, PAC = PACific coast. Similar to the COB, but for surface, shore, and aviation commands. (2) The signal to shut down a piece of gear. There are several types: TARCAP (TARget CAP), BARCAP (BARrier CAP), RESCAP (REScue CAP, i.e. Midrats - Food served at midnight for ongoing watchstanders, although the oncoming watch section commonly does not get up early enough to partake. Commonly thought to consist of a fire involving flammable metals, which is one example of a Class Delta fire; another type of Class Delta fire involves deep fat fryer equipment. May or may not result in the aircraft entering a spin. $30.00 San Miguel Special. Think of it as a deck which does not run the full length of the ship. Also used as a phrase in flag or Morse comms. GMT General Military Training. A Moorish chief was an "emir," and the chief of all chiefs was an "emir-al." Our English word is derived directly from the Moorish. Hanging Out - (RM) Similar to CHINSTRAP (q.v. FOD Walkdown - (1) Unpopular activity aboard aviation ships where all personnel not on watch line up and walk the flight deck from end to end, picking up any object that might damage an engine or, if picked up by jet blast, an eye. Hot Rack (or Rack) Sharing of beds due to a lack of living space aboard ship. the Captains gig. Broad agency announcements, or BAAs, represent one means of doing business with the Office of Naval Research. Masker - A noise-reduction system in which air is pumped into the water from belts in the vicinity of the engineering spaces. Fantail The aft-most weather deck on a ship, right above the stern. Over time, the ships were deemed too slow and small, so a new line of ships were built, named Victory ships. See also SQUARED AWAY. Jacking Gear - The machinery used to jack a shaft. Fart Sack Sleeping bag. US military forces also have operated from there. The human broom picking up any and every small item on the flight deck. They are so adorable. Cold Shot A catapult shot in which insufficient end speed is generated. See BRAIN FART. [citation needed], The Boatswain's Call Photos and Diagrams, A guide to the Robert S. Benner photographs of boatswains' whistles, 19761995, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Boatswain%27s_call&oldid=1094575612. I saw those things in the shops all the time. Advance and Transfer Two separate terms involving a ships turn. New Marines with Kilo Company, 3rd Recruit Training Battalion, stand in formation during liberty call at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, Jan. 16, 2020. This FAQ is maintained by Jeff BAM Originally this term meant Bad-Ass Marine. (2) To fail or do poorly. "Hey, who ganked my sandwich?". ), or "Seaman Jones". Get the liberty cuffs, to brag to fellow soldiers about how much better the Navy is. By signing up you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, MIGHTY NETWORKS, 2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Always keep Navy Operations Security in mind. Fish (1) Torpedo. Food service personnel, especially nonrated personnel provided by the ship's other departments (non-Supply depts.) Gedunk Medal National Defense Service Medal. Con Level Altitude at which contrails occur due to condensation or freezing of the moisture in engine exhaust. Golden Shellback - One who has crossed the Equator at the International Date Line. Used to control the spread of smoke in a fire belowdecks, or in preparation for an NBC attack. Hoover - (1) S-3 Viking, so called for the vacuum cleaner-like sound of its turbofan engines. Refers to pressgang leader Andrew Miller who, it was said, owned the Royal Navy. 6 D's - Deep Diving Death Defying (or Dealing) Denizens of the Deep. If an incident is going to happen you can at least get ahead of it and prevent it by staying informed. Gash (1) Garbage or rubbish. Probably comes from adrift.. Double Nuts - Aircraft with side number zero-zero. Similar to the chicken bones used by other rates to ward off evil spirits. He founded what was then . (2) "Extras" or benefits, awards, ribbons, or medals. installation. Now used to refer to facilitating something. Float Test - Testing the buoyant qualities of unwanted material while at sea. Graduation is a tremendous milestone and every graduate deserves recognition for their achievement. The opposite of BROWN WATER. Aka 'Paddles'. Sailors cannot leave the immediate area while on liberty. The time for it to be given is determined by the disbursing officer. Black and Bitter Coffee, no sugar or cream added. Grunion Yard worker. Fairwater Planes Diving planes located on a submarines fairwater. Alpha Mike Foxtrot - Acronym for "Adios, Motherfucker". Birds Tight Permission to fire is refused. Foul Deck Waveoff A WAVEOFF given due to a foul deck. Most common use today is to acknowledge that the LSO has heard the approaching pilot call the ball. Usually there are two pairs of planes, mounted on bow and stern, or on the fairwater (sail) and stern. Essentially the commander of all US Navy operations afloat in the harbor and is responsible to civilian authorities for the action of the ship's and the behavior of crews under his/her command. Droplights - Red lights arranged vertically below the RAMP, on the approach centerline, on the carrier's stern. Group Grope A disorganized or confused evolution. Aka 'pogey bait'. Held when a vessel crosses the Equator. Lagging Fiberglass insulation material commonly attached to bulkheads, ducts, and piping. This supposedly goes back to when bread was usually pretty stale and its taste could be improved by dunking it in milk. Also seen as HPAC, pronounced "aitch-pack.". Blue Water Ops - Flight operations conducted when beyond range of a BINGO or divert field. "Go away and don't bother me, Im outta here." Call MyNavy Career Center . Can result in damage to the aircraft, even a RAMPSTRIKE. (3) Easy, as in a class where the prof grades gently. Meatball - (obsolete) A system in which a red light was reflected off a large parabolic mirror and projected aft to provide glideslope data to the pilot on approach. 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