An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. $patreon: Help Mudae to improve its features. Information about kakeraloots rewards and commands. This is the second of the three basic commands. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. $givecustom: (admin) Give an unclaimed custom character. Disable disturbing/horror series for the whole server. This will show you all the things that you can do using the Mudae bot. Also apart from the waifus/husbandos gaming mod, there are 5 mini-games on the bot. if you want to return the list instead of one character. The list which will have the most popular points with the 15 wides will be the most popular on the server. Your list of badges (mudapins, event badges, kakera badges, and other special badges). This will show all the characters of that series that are in the Mudae bot. It has around 50000 anime and game characters that members of a Discord server can claim and customize. $beam : Blow up what you hate. You can also use $kakerarefundall to refund all users. $fnsl: Find a note in your Soulmate list. Completely disable western animanga characters for your rolls. $toggleclaimrolls: enable/disable the display of claim ranks during the rolls, $togglelikerolls: enable/disable the display of like ranks during the rolls, $togglekakerarolls: enable/disable the display of kakera during the rolls, To remove some characters from the list, use $serverenable , To specify a character when a series shares the same name, use $sdc or $sec, $serverdisablelist ($sdl): see the current list. $h This is the last of the three basic commands available in Mudae Bot. $deny: (owner) Deny some commands for a role. Any emoji will suffice. ). Use $setpermission kakerarefund charowner to allow users to refund themselves. $toggleclaimrank: (admin) Toggle character ranking by number of claims. $favarena: Define your favorite choice for the waifu arena. It allows you to learn more about a command, or look for a command you don't know. When you have 15 waifus then the Mudae bot will create a list that will contain the popularity of the waifus and the points that are associated with them. Mudae's default prefix is "$". Collect waifu and husbando. (/ha), $ma: Roll a character from animanga. Nothing is removed from both servers. $ima $ to jump to the page. Server character ranking by top 15 ranked characters. Server list (or someone's list with their ID) of alias2. $mm This command stands for my marry. This command is used to add customized descriptions or notes to your waifus and husbandos. It also shows if you can claim a character at the moment or not. Also $renamedivorce. $topservyb: ($tsyb) Server ladder for users with the best key level per character. $infomarry: Search for a character. When your list reaches at least 5 characters, you unlock the $daily command to stack a free rolls reset (usable every 20 hours). Sort by series: $fnall $, Alphabetical sort: $fnall abc$ or $fnall reverse$, Alphabetical sort per series: $fnall abc$$, To not include notes containing certain words, add -- in front of each term to disable. $customcd , $cdspe1 , $cdspe2 . Tambin puedes jugar Mudae con amigos y ver qu harenes son mejores y ms fuertes. $selfresetalias: reset all aliases to the default value for ALL YOUR characters ($a), $selfresetalias2: remove all the custom secondary aliases for ALL YOUR characters ($a2), $selfresetimg: reset all images positions to the default value for ALL YOUR characters ($c), $selfresetcustimg: remove all the custom images for ALL YOUR characters ($ai), $noteremoveall: remove all harem notes for ALL YOUR characters ($n), $antienableall: clean your $antidisablelist, $selfresetkeys: clean all the keys for ALL YOUR characters (not soulkeys). This is a list of the commands used by Mudae. Customize the emojis that appear under characters, used to claim them. COPYRIGHT_WI: Published on by Elisa Mueller on 2022-07-29T03:00:36.611Z. Note that you can't sort (again) by chronological order. For multiple characters or series, separate them with a $. Use $firstmarry none to reset this effect. Also, you can roll specifically anime ($wa) or game ($wg) female characters to marry to. Discord is home to many entertaining bots and mods. Mudae is a Discord-based entertainment bot and the focus of this Wiki. Mudae Bot has a collection of over 50000 different characters from different anime and video games and almost all of them have very detailed stats and descriptions (which really makes you wonder where the creators dedication comes from). We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. As a result, she spent an excessive amount of her childhood reading books and watching movies. $marryup: Time left before your next claim. Example: $mm for $mymarry. Trades and gifts are not affected by the custom limit (they still cannot exceed the hard limit of 8100). The only difference here is that this command will only roll for waifus and not husbandos. This will turn off mentions of the rank (even in $im). It stands for waifu and is exactly the same as the $m command. You can view movies and shows in one place and filter by streaming provider, genre, release year, runtime, and rating (Rotten Tomatoes, Imdb, and/or Metacritic). Get a DM or don't be mentioned for Bronze/Silver/Emerald bonuses. $profilebadge: ($pb) Change the badges/mudapins displayed on your profile. $randomimg 1: Images are random for ALL your rolls. Use $release without arguments to see your stock. 5. Congratulations you have successfully added the Mudae bot on your discord server !! $marry ($m): Basic Mudae commands are lacking this one because it lets you roll any random character from a game or anime into the air and move them around on the ground. $togglelikerolls: (admin) Display or not like ranks during rolls. $vote: Help Mudae to entertain mankind and get a free rolls reset. React with before 30s. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! She made it to help other people. Example: $im Rem. $kakeraremoveall: remove a certain amount of kakera from all users. $fullresetdisable: clean the disabled lists of all users. $marryexchange: Exchange characters with the mentioned player. Kakera Tips. You can do this very quickly from the official website of the Mudae bot, which is very simple.There's also a direct link to invite Mudae, a bot that can help you with your game. Choose what should be private about your wished characters. The probability to spawn a kakera under a claimed character depends on how many claimed characters you spawn on average, so often this command won't help you to get a lot more of kakera reactions. $waifus ($w): It's among the most basic commands in Mudae. Use $setpermission addimg charowner to allow this command for the character owners. Mudae is a popular Discord bot used for generating random characters and playing games. This command allows you to view your harem or your marriage list where you will see a list of all the characters that you have married. In Gamemode 2, when you disable a series, the same amount of disabled characters are enabled (you can't go below the limits mentioned by $limroul), Options: d (details), v (vanilla), s (DM). $pokeprofile: ($ppr) Display up to 12 Pokmon on your $profile. Change the spawn rarity of already claimed characters. $beam : Blow up what you hate. After using this command, nobody will be able to use the command BUT the specified role and admins. $setrolls: Admins can reduce or increase the number of rolls for the whole server. $cleankakera everyone: refund all badges and remove all kakera to all players. A bot is an automated group member that can be told to post messages to one of your groups with an HTTP POST request. $rolls: Vote for Mudae and get a rolls reset ($vote to check). But it does not end there. $jankenpon @User: Rock-paper-scissors by affinity. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'exploringbits_com-leader-4','ezslot_22',149,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-exploringbits_com-leader-4-0'); All the credits of documentation belong to Mudae Bot. $nis , $nip and $nin are also available. $c [character name] $[number of image] This command is used to change the default image of a particular character. $setpermission addimg charowner => users can add new images with $addimg for characters they own. $perstogglereact 1: During your rolls, reactions are automatically added under public wishes only. Typing a command without any parameters will also give you even more information (both of these are much easier ways to get help with commands). $give: Gift the mentioned player (limited). $randomimg cust 2: INSTEAD of displaying a random image, a custom image is displayed if there is any. To remove, use $ni $ for the bundle list of the series. $imd for more details during inexact searches. There are like 35,000 characters like waifu, husbando from Manga, and 100,000 images and GIFs. $randomimg gif 1: Gifs are never displayed when you roll. Server list (or someone's list with their ID) of noted images. Put really common characters in your wishlist and with the 500+ Kakera bonus, that will help. Add -- in front of a text to exclude it from the search. Don't give the bot any permission until you've taken through the permissions and learned how much you'll be giving it. Swap the main name for an available alias. Step 2: As soon as you click on the link in your invite, you'll be sent to the Discord server, where you can join. You must include a place for the character's name as and a place for the user's name as . This feature is unlimited if both the gifter and the receiver spent 8000 kakera on badges (and with this, unlocked multi-trading). Use $disabledel ($dd) to autodelete your $disable message. $profilebadge: Choose the badges displayed on your profile. Mudae is a discord bot specialized in multiplayer games and anime stuff. $togglelikerank: (MOD) Disable like ranks for your server. This will remove a certain number of kakera from the user (and add the same amount to the server kakera scraps, retrievable with the admin command $givescrap). $togglekakera: (admin) Enable/disable the different means of collecting kakera. After this, you can check your harem again and there that particular character will show up with that custom description. You can do this to any character and not just anyone that you are married to. $togglereact 2: reactions are automatically added under the rolls of everyone BUT your server has only 7 base rolls per hour (before applied boosts). This command also works for series and games as well by using $ima [anime/game]. $infokl: Earn even more rewards with kakera lootboxes. $lang: Change language (en, fr, pt-br, es or de). Event badges are also transferred with this command. Disable hentai series for the whole server. These are the steps to add Mudae Bot to your server: Step 1 - To add this amazing Mudae bot to your server, don't have to do a lot of struggle. Use $rl to see the corresponding # (for use with $restoreuser), Restore a character from the restorelist to its previous owner. 1. $note [character name] $[custom description] This command is used to add customized descriptions or notes to your waifus and husbandos. Also, you can directly invite the Mudae bot with the help of the invite link that I have mentioned below. $alias2: Change the secondary alias to whatever text you want. React with before 30s. Find notes written using the $note command. bot that is used by a lot of people today, and many people use it. if you want to return the list instead of one series. Get the Discord role ID by enabling the developer mode in your Discord settings (appearance), then right click on the role name. This will disable those commands for ALL the channels BUT this one. $togglekakerasnipe: $togglesnipe for kakera. $topservl: ($tsl) Server ladder for the sum of the 15 first ranked characters by likes. $imaq+ (or $imaq- ) to only search for series containing a part starting (or ending) exactly by your request. If you have already claimed one recently then it shows how much time is left (the cooldown) before you can claim a new character. Mode 1 is the default; use mode 2 to easily disable the less popular characters. Add a custom image for an existing character. Change the secondary alias to whatever text you want. It's there that you'll be asked to choose a Discord server in which you want to add your Mudae bot. Use $ail unclaimed for unclaimed characters. More than 65,000 "husbandos" and "waifus" are currently available for marriage and divorce on Mudae. Almost all characters have more than one image and using this command you can specify the number of the image that you want to set as default for that particular character. The Mudae Bot allows a user to roll for any character 10 times. The most helpful command. It works in the same way as the previous two commands but it is only used to roll for husbandos and not waifus. Give kakera (from kakera scraps) to someone. Once executed, a check mark will come up to show that it worked. Change the embed color (side line) of your profile. Manage Settings You gather all the characters you wish to wed and compete with your friends to have the most attractive harem. Its spawn can be boosted with $kt and $tuto rewards. $togglesilent 2: When using a disabled command, the bot won't send a message nor react. $likepos : insert a character at a specific position (and move down others). I have everything maxed out besides emerald and I'm loosing steam haha. $togglesilent: (owner) Change how the bot answers to disabled commands. STEP 3: On selecting the discord server in which you want to add the Mudae bot it will ask you to authorize the required permissions to the bot. There is a person named Saya Akdepskal who made the bot. As explained before, when you start rolling the waifus and husbandos to marry, you can roll only 10 characters. Use $adc or $aec to specify a character in the case a series shares the same name. This will enable all the specified characters for YOUR rolls. One of the most important commands of Mudae bot is $tu which stands for time up. The owner of the receiving server needs to accept the command. Step 3: After you have picked the server on Discord that you want to use, you can add the Mudae bot to that server and use it. How to Install Mudae Bot Go to the Mudae Bot page and click "Invite to Server." Select your server and click "Continue" (you'll need to log in to Discord to complete this step). Almost all characters have more than one image and using this command you can specify the number of the image that you want to set as default for that particular character. How to add Mudae bot on your discord server? Change your claim message. Kakera cannot be a negative value. Default values: $randomimg gif 0 and $randomimg cust 0. When you have added the Mudae bot on the discord server then the users can start making waifus and husbandos appear in the chat room. $setpermission kakerarefund charowner => users can use $kakerarefund for themselves. allgames: side games of Mudae (quiz, teas, pokeduel, jankenpon), allother: all side commands of Mudae ($quotimage, $42ball, $fate). $restoreseries , $restoreuser <# of the entry in the $restorelist> to fully restore a specific entry for one user (characters are then erased from the $restorelist), allrolls: all marry rolls commands ($w, $h, $wg, $mk), allwaifu: all marryroulette related commands ($w, $im, $top) except the commands restricted to moderator/admin/server owner by default, allmod: all the commands restricted to moderator/admin/server owner by default ($cleanuser). Also, you can roll specifically anime ($wa) or game ($wg) female characters to marry to. 4. Using this command on the currently set alias will show the list of aliases (like $alist). The minimum value is 10 and maximum value is 45. $antidisable: Prevent the deactivation of the series from your rolls. $fate <@mention>: Describes the trend between you and the mentioned user. Change the embed color for characters that have at least one key. Remove a certain amount of keys for a character. Type $rolls to use them. ; Go to the website containing the Mudae bot. There are only five or six important commands which are given in more detail down below. $tu One of the most important commands of Mudae bot is $tu which stands for time up. It is a bot full of anime and gaming characters. After this, you can check your harem again and there that particular character will show up with that custom description. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'exploringbits_com-box-4','ezslot_2',152,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-exploringbits_com-box-4-0');Also, Mudae bot offers a feature where you can translate the bot into any language you want to make full use of this feature and play games translated into your language to play with friends (but really no one cares about that). Type $rolls to use it. The bot allows you to play games with a large number of people and provides you the features to play as roulette. Roll characters you already own and unlock for them: $embedcolor command, additional kakera earnings, increased kakera value and let them join your Soulmate list. This command is used to change the default image of a particular character. Before using the Mudae commands, you must first invite the Mudae bot to your Discord server. $imae = to search by tag. Use $tsk id to display user IDs. Note that you can just use $limroul 1 1 1 1 to be safe with your lowest limits. To claim any other character, the user has to manually add any emoji. Do this right away if you haven't already signed into your server. (/ma). This feature of Mudae Bot is popularly known as the infamous waifu gacha. As we introduced briefly, Mudae is a bot designed for users to invite to their Discord servers. For Mudae Discord bot we currently have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 0 slash commands. ($c), $fullresetcustimg: remove all the custom images. With $setinterval 60, claims and rolls will be reset at rounded hours. $marry: Random waifu or husbando. $renameharem: Change the title of your harem. $togglekakerarolls: (admin) Display or not the kakera value during rolls. 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