[63] Two alert police officers had joined Bryan as he left the podium, anticipating the crush. [34], The Bimetallic Committee carefully planned to take control of every aspect of the convention, eliminating any threat that the minority gold faction could take power. [42] Going into the convention, the two leading candidates for the nomination were former Congressman Bland, who had originated the Bland-Allison Act, and former Iowa Governor Horace Boies, with Bland considered the frontrunner. [65] Bryan then recounted the history of the silver movement; the audience, which had loudly demonstrated its approval of his opening statements, quieted. When this debate is concluded, a motion will be made to lay upon the table the resolution offered in commendation of the administration and also the resolution in condemnation of the administration. [98], After McKinley's inauguration in March 1897, increases in gold availability from new discoveries and improved refining methods led to a considerable increase in the money supply. Although Bryan ran again on a silver platform in the 1900 presidential election, the issue failed to produce the same resonance with the voters. Cleveland friend and former Postmaster General Donald M. Dickinson wrote to the President in June 1896 hoping that the delegates would recognize "common sense" and be frightened at the thought of nominating a radical. [94], Bryan's nomination divided the party. Bryan later wrote, "This was another unexpected bit of good fortune. Both of these movements helped to create the People's Party, or the Populist Party, which officially established its party platform in Omaha, Nebraska, on July 4, 1892. [72] When Bryan resumed, his comparison of miner with miser again electrified the audience; the uproar prevented him from continuing for several minutes. We demand the free and unlimited coinage of both silver and gold at the present legal ratio of 16 to 1 without waiting for the aid or consent of any other nation. With far less money than McKinley, Bryan embarked on a nationwide campaign tour by train on a then-unprecedented scale. As the gold men spoke, Bryan ate a sandwich to settle his stomach; he was often nervous before major speeches. It was not unconstitutional when it went before the Supreme Court for the first time. [106] Historian R. Hal Williams suggested that the opposite philosophy, of legislation for the masses leading to prosperity for all, advocated by Bryan in his speech, informed the domestic policies of later Democratic presidents, including Franklin Roosevelt with his New Deal.[107]. According to Jones, it was clear that Bland could not win, and that Bryan could not be stopped. But if he means to say that we cannot change our monetary system without protecting those who have loaned money before the change was made, I want to ask him where, in law or in morals, he can find authority for not protecting the debtors when the act of 1873 was passed when he now insists that we must protect the creditor. my friends, we say not one word against those who live upon the Atlantic Coast; but those hardy pioneers who braved all the dangers of the wilderness, who have made the desert to blossom as the rosethose pioneers away out there, rearing their children near to natures heart, where they can mingle their voices with the voices of the birdsout there where they have erected schoolhouses for the education of their children and churches where they praise their Creator, and the cemeteries where sleep the ashes of their deadare as deserving of the consideration of this party as any people in this country. Cleveland issued a statement urging Democratic voters to support goldthe next convention to be held, in Illinois, unanimously supported silver; the keynote speaker prayed for divine forgiveness for Cleveland's 1892 nomination. He faced in the direction of the gold-dominated state delegations: There are two ideas of government. 2023 The Granger Collection LTD d/b/a GRANGER - Historical Picture Archive. Publishing regularly in Harper's Weekly . On the fifth ballot, the Illinois delegation, led by Governor Altgeld, switched its votes from Bland to Bryan. We care not upon which issue they force the fight. Consciousness of grievances of years and not of months was reflected in the decisive action of the state Democratic conventions in the spring and early summer of 1896. [90], The Pullman Company offered Bryan a private car for his trip home; he declined, not wishing to accept corporate favors. [38] On the evening of July 5, Bryan was visited by a delegation of Coloradans, seeking his support for Senator Teller. The gentleman who just preceded me [Governor Russell] spoke of the old state of Massachusetts. "[89] The New York Times disparaged Bryan as "the gifted blatherskite from Nebraska". Bryan is arguing against the gold standard and so he isn't apt to paint gold in those idyllic terms. He says that mankind won't be crucified on a cross of gold. At the. [25] Bryan biographer Paulo E. Coletta wrote, "during this year [July 1894 June 1895] of calamities, disintegration and revolution, each crisis aided Bryan because it caused division within his party and permitted him to contest for its mastery as it slipped from Cleveland's fingers. [6], 8, [4] pages, wraps. [87], According to the New York World, "Lunacy having dictated the platform, it was perhaps natural that hysteria should evolve the candidate. I come to speak to you in defense of a cause as holy as the cause of libertythe cause of humanity. One of the first candidates to appear widely on his own behalf, he was the original whistle-stop campaigner. Vilas gave a lengthy defense of the Cleveland administration's policies, so long that Russell, fearing that Vilas' speech would cut into his time, asked that the time given to the gold proponents be extended by ten minutes. However, as late as June, the gold forces, which still controlled the Democratic National Committee (DNC), continued to believe that the nominee could be pro-gold. Why this change? More than a century after Bryan delivered that speech, his words still have power, and some of his metaphors still appear in political speeches and platforms. The issue was whether to endorse the free coinage of silver at a ratio of silver to gold of 16 to 1. People who were free-silver thought that currency reform would end them. [32], The 1896 Democratic convention opened at the Chicago Coliseum on July 7, 1896. No, my friends, it will never be the judgment of this people. Corrections? Never before in the history of this country has there been witnessed such a contest as that through which we have just passed. Bryan, who remained at his hotel, sent word to the Nebraska delegation to make no deals on his behalf. "[55] Hill gave a calm speech defending the gold position, and swayed few delegates. You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold. Three months later, at Memphis, an organization was perfected, and the silver Democrats went forth openly and boldly and courageously proclaiming their belief and declaring that if successful they would crystallize in a platform the declaration which they had made; and then began the conflict with a zeal approaching the zeal which inspired the crusaders who followed Peter the Hermit. The money went for speakers, pamphlets, and other means of conveying their "sound money" campaign to the voter. If they dare to come out in the open field and defend the gold standard as a good thing, we shall fight them to the uttermost, having behind us the producing masses of the nation and the world. Edition of 10 (this copy is #5). I am in favor of an income tax. He favored the monetary policy . Although Altgeld and his adherents urged voters to distinguish between Cleveland and his party, the Democrats lost 113 seats in the House in the 1894 midterm elections, the greatest loss by a majority party in congressional history. Our ancestors, when but three millions in number, had the courage to declare their political independence of every other nation; shall we, their descendants, when we have grown to seventy millions, declare that we are less independent than our forefathers? The temporary chairmanship, for example, would have permitted him to deliver the keynote address. I would be presumptuous, indeed, to present myself against the distinguished gentlemen to whom you have listened if this were but a measuring of ability; but this is not a contest among persons. We reply to them that changing conditions make new issues; that the principles upon which rest Democracy are as everlasting as the hills; but that they must be applied to new conditions as they arise. Leave a comment. If the gold standard is a good thing, why try to get rid of it? They went away apologetically, not having known Bryan sought the nomination. He sent letters to national convention delegates, urging them to support silver, and enclosing copies of his photograph, writings, and speeches. What we need is an Andrew Jackson to stand as Jackson stood, against the encroachments of aggregated wealth. madonna album sales worldwide soldiers and sailors memorial auditorium events jeffrey disick death brightness of a colour crossword clue 4 letters nba 2k22 lakers all time roster William Jennings Bryan delivered his "Cross of Gold" speech at the Democratic National Convention in July of 1896 as part of his bid for the party's presidential nomination. There was loud cheering as Bryan stood there, waiting for his audience to calm. Our silver Democrats went forth from victory unto victory, until they are assembled now, not to discuss, not to debate, but to enter up the judgment rendered by the plain people of this country. That will give you criticisms. [88] The St. Louis Post-Dispatch opined that with the speech, Bryan "just about immortalized himself". The President's move was opposed by the Democratic Governor of Illinois, John Altgeld. The response, wrote one reporter, came like one great burst of artillery. Men and women screamed and waved their hats and canes. Source: Official Proceedings of the Democratic National Convention Held in Chicago, Illinois, July 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, 1896, (Logansport, Indiana, 1896), 226234. He stood second out of fourteen candidates in the first ballot, behind Bland. Why is it that within three months such a change has come over the sentiments of the country? [35] Well aware of the overwhelming forces against them, many gold delegates were inclined to concede the platform battle. During the convention, he. Cross of Gold speech, classic of American political oratory delivered on July 8, 1896, by William Jennings Bryan in closing the debate on the party platform at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago during the campaign for the presidential election of 1896. We demand that the standard silver dollar shall be a full legal tender, equally with gold, for all debts, public and private, and we favor such legislation as will prevent for the future the demonitization of any kind of legal tender by private contract. In the late 1800's a populist movement was happening and people were starting to take notice. The 36-year old Bryan was an avowed bimetallist, placed himself in the tradition of Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson against moneyed interests and in favor of "hardy pioneers who braved all. Image No. Four years previously, the former Nebraska congressman had electrified Democratic delegates with his "Cross of Gold" speech, which defined the policy of "free silver" as a moral crusade and helped propel him to the party's presidential nomination . He then lowered them, descended from the podium, and began to head back to his seat as the stillness held. Cross of Gold title of speech William Jennings Bryan gave Cross of Gold speech at Democratic National Covention Nebraska congressman seeking presidential nomination Democratic National Convention To whom did Bryan gives his Cross of Gold Speech in Chicago? Governmental response to this shortage was hampered by the fact that officials did not clearly understand what had happened. It also repealed the statutory provisions allowing silver bullion to be presented to the Mint and returned in the form of circulating money. [40], The only gold man who put together any sort of campaign for the Democratic nomination was Treasury Secretary John G. Carlisle, but he withdrew in April, stating that he was more concerned about the platform of the party than who would lead it. Some of the impoverished died of disease or starvation; others killed themselves.[15]. In 1921 (25 years after the original speech), he recorded portions of the speech for Gennett Records in Richmond, Indiana. In his address, Bryan supported "free silver" (i.e. [4] When silver prices rose relative to gold as a reaction to the California Gold Rush, silver coinage was worth more than face value, and rapidly flowed overseas for melting. With a two-thirds vote of the delegates needed to nominate, almost every silver delegate would have to vote for the same candidate to assure success, though any organized support from gold delegates would greatly damage a silver candidate's chances. The only gold man who put together any sort of campaign for the Democratic nomination was Treasury Secretary One of the leaders of the silver movement was Illinois Governor Altgeld; a native of Germany, he was constitutionally barred from the presidency by his foreign birth. The year 1894 saw considerable labor unrest. The Populists would reach the high water mark of their political power in 1896, when the Democratic Party nominated William Jennings Bryan as its candidate for President of . Delegates called for better-known speakers, such as Altgeld or Bryan, but were granted neither then; the Illinois governor declined, and the Nebraskan, once seated, spent much of his time away from the convention floor at the platform committee meeting at the Palmer House. Thus has the contest been waged, and we have assembled here under as binding and solemn instructions as were ever fastened upon the representatives of a people. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. If they ask us here why it is we say more on the money question than we say upon the tariff question, I reply that if protection has slain its thousands the gold standard has slain its tens of thousands. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cross_of_Gold_speech&oldid=1138712489, United States National Recording Registry recordings, Short description is different from Wikidata, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Pages using infobox event with unknown parameters, Pages using infobox event with blank parameters, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Bryan nominated for president by the Democrats, This page was last edited on 11 February 2023, at 05:01. Both men had electoral problems: Bland at age 61 was seen by some as a man whose time had passed; Boies was a former Republican who had once decried bimetallism. I tell you that the great cities rest upon these broad and fertile prairies. You come to us and tell us that the great cities are in favor of the gold standard. 1896 speech by U.S. politician William Jennings Bryan in support of a bimetallic standard, William Jennings Bryan being carried on the shoulders of delegates after giving the speech, Also attributed to an 1892 speech by President, For additional detail on the political career of William Jennings Bryan before and during the 1896 campaign, see, For a fuller explanation of the procedures of American political conventions, see, Possible recording of the original speech, Audio excerpt of the speech later recorded by William Jennings Bryan, William Jennings Bryan presidential campaign, 1896, United States presidential nominating convention, William Jennings Bryan presidential campaign, 1896 General election campaign, Official Proceedings of the 1896 Democratic National Convention. McKinley won more easily than in 1896, making inroads in the silver West. Bryan consented, on condition that his own time was extended by the same amount; this was agreed to. [1], Having behind us the producing masses of this nation and the world, supported by the commercial interests, the laboring interests, and the toilers everywhere, we will answer their demand for a gold standard by saying to them: "You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns; you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold. The Republican Party made policies that supported big business. The income tax is a just law. In the "Cross of Gold" speech, Bryan argued that the Democratic Party's focus on bi-metallism in its platform was justified because a gold standard alone could not solve the country's problems at the time, including debt, small business failure, and monopolies. Delegates threw hats, coats, and handkerchiefs into the air. The sympathies of the Democratic Party, as shown by the platform, are on the side of the struggling masses, who have ever been the foundation of the Democratic Party.[77]. See Also:"I Am a Democrat and not a Revolutionist": Senator David Bennett Hill Defends the Gold Standard"Pitchfork Ben" Tillman Addresses the 1896 Democratic Convention, "I Am a Democrat and not a Revolutionist": Senator David Bennett Hill Defends the Gold Standard, "Pitchfork Ben" Tillman Addresses the 1896 Democratic Convention. His dramatic speaking style and rhetoric roused the crowd to a frenzy. [74], With this call to action, Bryan abandoned any hint at compromise, and adopted the techniques of the radical, polarizing orator, finding no common ground between silver and gold forces. Although Bryan had decided on a strategy to gain the nominationto give a speech which would make him the logical candidate in the eyes of delegateshe faced obstacles along the way. Critics contended that the inflation which would follow the introduction of such a policy would harm workers, whose wages would not rise as fast as prices would, and the operation of Gresham's law would drive gold from circulation, effectively placing the United States on a silver standard. They tell us that the income tax ought not to be brought in here; that is not a new idea. [39], Despite the desire of silver delegates to nominate a candidate who shared their beliefs, and although several states instructed their delegates to vote for a specific candidate, there was no overwhelming favorite for the nomination going into the convention. The gentleman from New York says that he will propose an amendment providing that this change in our law shall not affect contracts which, according to the present laws, are made payable in gold. Bryan, having established the right of silver supporters to petition, explained why that petition was not to be denied: It is for these that we speak. But in the early 20th century, the fame of Bryans Cross of Gold speech led him to repeat it numerous times on the Chautauqua lecture circuit where he was an enormously popular speaker. This takeover was considered far more important than was the choice of presidential candidate, and the committee decided to take no position on who should win the race for the nomination, reasoning that the victor, no matter who he was, would be a silver man. One Indiana voter wrote, "God has sent you amongst our people to save the poor from starvation, and we no [sic] you will save us. Pamphlet. This speech, delivered at the Democratic National Convention, helped win the Bryan, former Representative to Congress for Nebraska, the presidential nomination of the Democratic party. [99], Bryan's speech is considered one of the most powerful political addresses in American history. Albert Shaw, editor of The Review of Reviews, stated that after Bryan's nomination, many easterners professed not to have heard of him but: "If, indeed, they had not heard of Mr. Bryan before, they had failed to follow closely the course of American politics in the past eight years. [97] Bryan won the South and most of the West, but McKinley's victories in the more populous Northeast and Midwest carried him to the presidency. Mr. Carlisle said in 1878 that this was a struggle between the idle holders of idle capital and the struggling masses who produce the wealth and pay the taxes of the country; and my friends, it is simply a question that we shall decide upon which side shall the Democratic Party fight. Issue they force the fight lowered them, descended from the podium, anticipating crush... Was opposed by the same amount ; this was agreed to few delegates temporary,. Was the original whistle-stop campaigner sought the nomination making inroads in the history of this people in,. 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