Costrinse quindi il parroco a non usare più la campanella, ma le morti rimasero costanti. Il destino più infelice che sia mai toccato a un genio incompreso è quello del medico ungherese Ignaz (o Ignác) Semmelweis, di cui oggi Google celebra le scoperte nell'anniversario dell'inizio del suo tirocinio come capo degli specializzandi della più grande clinica ostetrica di Vienna. Ma la cosa che più lo disorientava era la constatazione che nel Padiglione II dello stesso ospedale, gestito non da medici ma esclusivamente da ostetriche, la mortalità per febbre puerperale era dieci volte più bassa. This was, in essence, germ theory almost 20 years before it was popularized by the famous Louis Pasteur. And this is when Ignaz Semmelweis hit upon his historic idea: Perhaps something was being transmitted from the autopsied corpses to the women giving birth. By 1847, Semmelweis became head of the maternity ward, where he had his work cut out for him. His father, József Semmelweis, was an affluent businessman. Even in Semmelweis’ time, doctors — not to mention average citizens — weren’t regularly washing their hands as a way to prevent infection. In 1844, Semmelweis was awarded a doctorate in Medicine. È utile togliere le scarpe entrando in casa? Tornato in Ungheria applicò lo stesso metodo all'ospedale di San Rocco a Pest, ottenendo anche qui un abbassamento significativo dei nuovi casi di febbre puerperale. I lavori del 1879 di Louis Pasteur e del 1883 di Joseph Lister avrebbero dimostrato la grandezza delle intuizioni di Semmelweis. [7] Morì per setticemia contratta durante un intervento chirurgico.[8]. As a result, during 1848 the mortality of the first clinic was less than that of the second clinic. Fu proprio in Ungheria che nel 1861, scrisse il suo testo storico, Eziologia, concetto e profilassi della febbre puerperale. With no germ theory yet on paper to back up this new idea, the medical community pushed back against it. Semmelweis was harassed, rejected by or criticized in medical journals, and was gone from the hospital within a few short years. Ignaz Semmelweis, nato a Budapest nel 1818. Semmelweis would not accept that somehow the miasma that was so destructive in Ward No 1 did not get to the corridor of Ward No 2 that was close by and more crowded. Durante i trent'anni della sua direzione la mortalità delle partorienti si aggirava intorno all'1%. Semplicemente, aveva notato che se il professore o gli studenti che visitavano una partoriente provenivano da una sala operatoria dove avevano compiuto un'autopsia (senza alcuna protezione, lavaggio o disinfezione), o avevano prima visitato una donna infetta, trasmettevano alla malcapitata paziente una malattia mortale. Joseph Lister had been convinced of the importance of scrupulous cleanliness and the usefulness of deodorants in the operating room; and when, through Pasteur's research, he realized that the formation of pus was due to bacteria, he proceeded to develop his antiseptic surgical method. The mortality rate in Ward No 1 dropped dramatically and by 1849, just 2 years after the death of his colleague Kolletschka, death from ‘miasma’ had all but disappeared.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'historylearningsite_co_uk-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_3',117,'0','0'])); Semmelweis provided his evidence to the medical elite of Vienna. Last modified : 2011-06-27 The miasma theory of disease was the standard one, and chlorine would remove any ill vapors. Questi dati avrebbero potuto suscitare se non entusiasmo almeno interesse o curiosità, invece gli attirarono gelosia, invidia e risentimenti vari. In 1855 he became professor of theoretical and practical midwifery at the University of Pest. Semmelweis thus forced all of the doctors and students on his staff to sanitize their hands with chlorine and lime before entering the maternity ward, and the death rate of childbed fever was reduced to 1.2 percent within a year — almost exactly equal to that of the ward run by the midwives. Ignaz Semmelweis – Youth and Education. Could there actually be a connection, Semmelweis wondered, between the doctors and medical students (who often went straight from cadaver dissection to the maternity ward) and the horrific deaths of these women? l'autopsia praticata sul cadavere evidenziava lesioni simili a quelle che si riscontravano sulle donne morte per febbre puerperale; Kolletschka solo qualche giorno prima si era ferito nel corso di una autopsia praticata sul cadavere di una di queste mamme. His views were not part of the general medical beliefs of the time and he was immediately attacked by most senior medical figures – three did support him but none of them had a background in obstetrics. He learnt that Maternity Ward No 1 had a poor reputation outside the hospital as the one in which you, as a young mother, had the greatest chance of death when compared to Maternity Ward No 2. Wikimedia CommonsIgnaz Semmelweis as an adolescent. Though few may know his name today, Hungarian doctor Ignaz Semmelweis changed the world in the 1840s with one simple idea that we all now take for granted: hand-washing. [5] Dal 1969 l'università di Budapest, che all'epoca della sua morte si chiamava Reale Università ungherese di Scienza, è stata rinominata Università Semmelweis in suo onore. Wikimedia CommonsIgnaz Semmelweis in 1863 in what’s believed to be one of his last-known photos. When confronted with Semmelweis's explanations, conscientious obstetricians pleaded "not guilty." But after a year of study, he switched to medicine. Others believed it was caused by noxious particles in the air, and others still just thought it had to do with the natural constitution of the mothers — some women would get the fever, and others simply wouldn’t, and there wasn’t much any doctor could do about it. Ignaz Semmelweis was born in 1818 in the Tabán sub-district of Buda, Hungary, in 1818 as the 5th child of the specialty and colonial goods wholesaler Josef Semmelweis (1778-1846) and Theresa née … Nell'anno 1846, su circa 4 000 puerpere ricoverate presso il Padiglione I, ne erano morte 459 (pari all'11%) per febbre puerperale. He found that in 1846, 451 women had died in Maternity Ward No 1 after giving birth but in the nearby Maternity Ward No 2 only 90 women had died. Ignaz Semmelweis died in 1865. In 1846, he began work in that field at the Vienna General Hospital, where he would soon change the world. The son of a wealthy grocer, he decided not to join the family business and instead took up law.
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