Executive branch The Mandalorian Wars, the Sith-Mandalorian alliance, Jango Fett’s contentious role in his people’s society, and even the Taung’s influence remains canon. As the Taung continued to fade after Mandalore the Ultimate, Cassus Fett and those like him carried their traditions on, evolving the Mandalorians into a cultural melting pot not unlike real-life Mongolian culture in the 12th century. Fett was one of the first humans to align himself with the Taung, viewing their cause as righteous and a perfect match for his thirst for challenge. At the end of the civil war, Kryze ruled Mandalore while the clans were exiled to Concordia. All Rights Reserved. Head of government In the original legends, the Taung — a species of tall, gray simians with scaly hides — were the progenitors of the Mandalorian tradition. Engine unit(s) Role(s) They were secretly led by Concordia's Governor, Pre Vizsla, and Duchess Satine's sister Bo-Katan Kryze.[source?]. Now is the perfect time for Favreau and company to bring this astonishing story to a whole new generation of Star Wars fans. Arasuum kote. Elijah’s your Guy Friday for all things strange and awesome in obscure gaming. Mandalorian Supply Drop PILOT BRIEFING STAR WARS™: SQUADRONS . Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing. He had given up on Mandalorians ruling Coruscant again, instead instituting his own Super Commando Codex so that Mandalorians have clear rules for how to earn enough to support themselves and their families. The Taung never forgot this, later allying with the Sith during Kevin J. Anderson and Dario Carrasco’s Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War, with the aim to avenge themselves and reclaim Coruscant or burn it to the ground. Canderous and many like him weren’t born into the Mandalorian ways, but recruited by the Ultimate’s right hand man, Cassus Fett. There’s a spread of smaller stories between this time period and the original Star Wars films, but what solidified The Mandalorian’s modern lore arose during the Clone Wars multimedia project. New Republic prison ship Usage Yet in that desperation, Mandalore found its future in its first Foundlings — the Neo-Crusaders. After years of Mandalorians being cut down and beaten back by Republican forces, their only hope to stop the Separatist Crisis is to enlist the aid of Fett’s clones and his most trusted allies. Well before Dave Filoni’s CGI series, a massive collaborative effort presented the Clone Wars in its entirety across comics, books, games, and more. The Mandalorian Wars, where Darth Revan and Darth Malak rose to power, were the last crucible for the Taung, with Mandalore the Ultimate, last Taung to lead Mandalorians, on a warpath to reclaim his people’s home. This ire towards the human-dominated future of Coruscant, which saw their natural world twisted into a jungle of metal and greed, endured for centuries onward. In Blackman’s Jango Fett: Open Seasons and Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, we see how far the Mandalorians have been scattered. Societal information Production information The New Mandalorians, (singular New Mandalorian) was the pacifist government of the Mandalorians that controlled the Mandalore system in the Outer Rim, who placed great importance on the virtues of pacifism, neutrality, and nonviolence, rather than military strength. Sundari, Mandalore[1] Equipped (16)[1] Not just the Sith, but Mandalore, finally has its revenge — yet even then, they are casually tossed aside. Galactic Republic[1]Council of Neutral Systems[1] This all changes for Jango Fett though, after Jaster’s death. At the same time, you have Mandalorians opposing the Republic, aligning with the Separatists, some in offense at the very idea of their own people, cloned or not, serving the Jedi and the Republic. The final bitter twist, as many know, is that with Order 66, the clones turn on their Jedi commanders at the order of Chancellor Palpatine. Mandalorian Guard[1] Military branch Prison ship[1] Historical information The nature of Mandalorian beskar steel, their spiritual and oral traditions, and even that they’re a society with equal rights, both in everyday life and marriage — no matter who you love or what you do. Fall in, pilots. General information Whether Empire or Republic, nothing much changes for the Mandalorians, with Jango Fett’s heir, Boba, vanishing as an errant son for decades while an imposter clone trooper takes his place. Official language The Neo-Crusaders would recruit and conscript all those able to fight, forging the planets they conquered to be as strong as the Mandalorians of old. At some point before the Invasion of Naboo, a civil war erupted for control of the Outer Rim world of Mandalore and was fought between competing ideals within Mandalorian society. It didn’t matter anymore who you were or what you believed, with even a team of four Jedi aligning with the Neo-Crusaders in John Jackson Miller’s excellent Knights of the Old Republic: War. The Mandalorian gave fans a hint of this in the episode “The Prisoner” when the extraction crew was attacked by former Rebel pilots flying X-wings. That’s the twisted irony of the Clone Army of the Republic. With what’s been hinted at with Mando’s coming fight with Moff Gideon and the Imperial Remnant, there’s a very good chance that the same redemption may come about again. Had they not fallen to Revan and Malak, Cassus Fett’s Neo-Crusaders might’ve birthed a Mandalorian Empire. At this point in history in the original timeline, the Mandalorians are on the cusp of finally turning a corner, rising to the call as begrudging allies in the war against the Empire, with a future where they can become guardian warriors, not conquerors. Through Traviss’ novels, we see a people, a society, rebuilding from the ashes in the shadow of their enemy. Ruling Council[3] For the first time since the Mandalorian Wars, a Fett is at the forefront of a new galactic war, ironically in service to the Republic. Affiliation Such as the warrior clans and insurgents who wished to see a return to their warrior past and the New Mandalorians government, led by Satine Kryze of House Kryze. Affiliation Satine Kryze[1] See the request on the listing or on this article's talk page.

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